Newton (뉴턴)
It was winter.
영국에서 아기가 태어났어요.
A baby was born in England.
그 아기가 바로 아이작 뉴턴이었어요.
That baby was Isaac Newton.
뉴턴의 아빠는 돌아가셨어요.
Newton’s dad died.
그래서 뉴턴의 엄마는 다른 아저씨와 결혼을 하게 되었어요.
So his mom married another man.
뉴턴의 엄마가 집을 떠났어요.
She left home.
뉴턴은 너무 슬펐어요.
Newton was very sad.
뉴턴은 항상 혼자였어요.
Newton was always alone.
뉴턴은 물건 만드는 것을 좋아했어요.
He liked to make things.
뉴턴이 돌과 막대기를 가지고 왔어요.
He got a stone and stick.
뉴턴이 해시계를 만들었어요!
He made a sun clock!
뉴턴이 학교에 들어갔어요.
Newton went to school.
뉴턴은 공부가 싫었어요.
He didn’t like studying.
뉴턴은 물건 만드는 게 훨씬 더 좋았어요.
He liked to make things more.
모두들 뉴턴을 놀려댔어요.
Everyone made fun of him.
뉴턴이 중학교에 들어갔어요.
Newton went to middle school.
뉴턴은 과학을 정말 좋아했어요.
He liked science a lot.
뉴턴이 풍차를 만들었어요.
He made a windmill.
뉴턴의 풍차는 바람 없이도 돌아갔어요!
His windmill spun without wind!
어느 날, 뉴턴의 엄마가 돌아오셨어요.
One day, Newton’s mom came back.
엄마는 가난했어요.
She was poor.
뉴턴은 학교를 그만 두고 일을 했어요.
Newton quit school and worked.
하지만 뉴턴은 과학 공부는 멈추지 않았어요.
But he didn’t stop studying science.
뉴턴이 케임브리지 대학에 들어갔어요.
He went to Cambridge University.
뉴턴은 수학을 좋아했어요.
He liked math.
뉴턴은 행성과 별에 관해 공부하는 것도 좋아했어요.
He also liked studying planets and stars.
그건 어려운 공부였어요.
His studies were hard.
하지만 뉴턴은 잘했어요.
But Newton was good at them.
나라에 전염병이 퍼졌어요.
A disease spread in the country.
많은 사람들이 죽었어요.
Many people died.
뉴턴은 집으로 돌아갔어요.
Newton came back home.
뉴턴이 사과나무 아래에 앉아 있었어요.
Newton was sitting under an apple tree.
사과 한 개가 떨어졌어요.
An apple dropped.
“왜 사과들은 땅으로 떨어질까?”
“Why do apples drop to the ground?”
뉴턴은 궁금했어요.
he wondered.
뉴턴은 생각하고 또 생각했어요.
He thought and thought.
“왜 물건들은 아래로만 떨어지지?”
“Why do things fall down?”
뉴턴은 알고 싶었어요.
He wanted to find out.
어느 날, 뉴턴이 답을 찾았어요!
One day, he found the answer!
지구에는 힘이 있었어요.
There was a power in Earth.
지구에 물체를 잡아당기는 힘이 있었던 거예요!
Earth pulled things!
그런데 왜 달은 떨어지지 않는 걸까요?
But why did the moon never fall down?
달에도 똑같은 힘이 있었어요.
The moon had the same power.
달도 물체를 잡아당기는 힘이 있었어요.
The moon pulled things, too.
그 힘이 별들과 달, 지구를 빙글빙글 돌게 만들었어요.
This power made the stars, the moon, and Earth go in circles.
뉴턴이 학교로 돌아갔어요.
Newton went back to school.
뉴턴은 프리즘을 보았어요.
He looked at a prism.
“왜 무지개가 있는 거지?”
“Why is there a rainbow?”
뉴턴은 프리즘에 일곱 가지 색깔이 있다는 것을 알게 되었어요.
He found that there were seven colors in the prism.
일곱 가지 색깔이 합쳐지면 흰색이 되는 거였어요.
It was white when the seven colors were together.
그래서 우리 눈에는 빛이 하얗게 보이는 거였어요.
That was why we see light as white.
뉴턴은 빛에 관해 연구했어요.
He studied about light.
뉴턴은 새로운 망원경을 만들었어요.
He made a new telescope.
이 망원경은 하늘을 연구하기에 훨씬 쉬웠어요.
It made it easier to study the sky.
뉴턴은 책을 썼어요.
Newton wrote a book.
그 책은 우주의 힘에 관한 책이었어요.
It was about the power of the universe.
모두들 뉴턴을 칭찬했어요.
Everyone praised him.
뉴턴은 하늘나라로 떠났지만 우리는 영원히 뉴턴을 기억할 거예요!
He’s gone, but we will remember him forever!
It was winter.
A baby was born in England.
That baby was Isaac Newton.
Newton’s dad died.
So his mom married another man.
She left home.
Newton was very sad.
Newton was always alone.
He liked to make things.
He got a stone and stick.
He made a sun clock!
Newton went to school.
He didn’t like studying.
He liked to make things more.
Everyone made fun of him.
Newton went to middle school.
He liked science a lot.
He made a windmill.
His windmill spun without wind!
One day, Newton’s mom came back.
She was poor.
Newton quit school and worked.
But he didn’t stop studying science.
He went to Cambridge University.
He liked math.
He also liked studying planets and stars.
His studies were hard.
But Newton was good at them.
A disease spread in the country.
Many people died.
Newton came back home.
Newton was sitting under an apple tree.
An apple dropped.
“Why do apples drop to the ground?”
he wondered.
He thought and thought.
“Why do things fall down?”
He wanted to find out.
One day, he found the answer!
There was a power in Earth.
Earth pulled things!
But why did the moon never fall down?
The moon had the same power.
The moon pulled things, too.
This power made the stars, the moon, and Earth go in circles.
Newton went back to school.
He looked at a prism.
“Why is there a rainbow?”
He found that there were seven colors in the prism.
It was white when the seven colors were together.
That was why we see light as white.
He studied about light.
He made a new telescope.
It made it easier to study the sky.
Newton wrote a book.
It was about the power of the universe.
Everyone praised him.
He’s gone, but we will remember him forever!
비밀글 해당 댓글은 작성자와 운영자만 볼 수 있습니다.19.09.13 15:03