The title is "Alexander Graham Bell, the Great Inventor." Alexander Graham Bell was born in Scotland in 1847. At 12 years old, he invented a machine that cleaned wheat. The is This helped farmers. Alexander studied speech and sound. He started to experiment with electricity and sound. On March 10, 1876, Alexander sent the first message ever by telephone. Today**,** we almost daily uses use the telephone. The story is good.
Score: B
- 문장을 완성해서 써주세요! ('This helped farmers'처럼 써요)
- 시제를 맞춰주세요! ('studied'처럼 과거형으로 써요)
- 주어와 동사를 맞춰주세요! ('we use'처럼 써요)
- 알렉산더가 보낸 첫 전화 메시지는 무엇이었나요? (내용을 써보세요)
- 그가 만든 다른 발명품도 있었나요? (자세히 설명해보면 좋겠어요)