뉴질랜드 현충일 Anzac Day 이번주 목요일 대부분의 상점들이 오후 1시까지 문을 닫습니다.
필수 생필품을 판매하는 가게 또는 사전에 허가를 받은 상점 외에는 오전시간 동안 영업을 하지않는 가게들이 있을 수 있으니 혹시나 장보신 분들은 현충일 전날에 봐놓으시면 좋을 것 같습니다^^
좋은 하루 되세요~^^
Most shops will be shut on ANZAC Day (Thursday 25 April, 2024) until 1pm, although there will be some exceptions.
Head of Labour Inspectorate Simon Humphries says there is sometimes confusion over exactly which types of shops are allowed to open on ANZAC Day.
“We have three circumstances where shops can open on restricted trading days like ANZAC Day. Shops are allowed to open if they’re classed as an essential shop or business permitted to trade, if they have an area exemption, and finally where councils might put local policies in place within their area,” he says.
“Those businesses permitted to trade include places such as a dairy, petrol station, pharmacy, restaurant or cafe, hairdressers, and barbers.
“Farmers and crafts markets are also included in this category. These places have certain conditions they need to meet, but they can be open.”
Some shops can also open on ANZAC Day because they have an area exemption.
These are generally given in tourist areas such as Taupō or Queenstown.
To find out more about trading hours on ANZAC Day see: Get ready for Easter and Anzac Day » Employment New Zealand
출처 : https://www.sunlive.co.nz/news/341699-are-shops-open-on-anzac-day-.html