(Fwd by M. Sato)
A mushroom-cloud explosion on an uninhibited Okinawan island
I’ ve just come to know this news, which some of you might already know.
Will you please check the video? It looks like a nuclear explosion but smaller.
The news caster in the video says:
A big exlopsion sound were heard and a big mushroom cloud was seen off Kumejima, Okinawa
on 10:30, May 21st.
The US forces in Okinawa announced the following day
that it had a military exercise on Torishima ( uninhibited island rather far from Kumeshima),
but without any further information.
No radiation was detected by Kumejima people, as of 22nd.
The health information on Guam villagers is sure to help Fukushima victims a little,
who live under the similar disinformation on their ailing health. I spread it. Thank you.
That explosion on an Okinawa island on 21st may probably be a developmental experiment of
a new nuclear weapon experiment without using plutonium and uranium.
Or it could be a failure of the developmental ICF technique.
( an mushroom-like explosion on Torishima, Okinawa on May 21)
Last year K. asked in this mailing list about the possibility of such research being ( having been ) done in Fukushima Daiichi. I said No at first, but later, I thought there might be, for when I made a key-word research, I hit quite a few websites relating to some lazer experiment.
( Such experiment cannot be done elsewhere but in a nuclear power plant.
So in that case, such experiment must have been being done in 5 and/or 6 reactor building there. )
I then searched and found out a book in Japanese, on the internet, concerning ITER and nuclear proliferation.
That book seems to be one consorted with translated articles on that theme, and its editor is Satomi Ohba,
a former Global Network member who is dead. She left us Japanese such useful knowledge.
(*ITER is an international program of developing nuclear fusion technique, which has been being done in France.)
Satome’s book tells us that tritium is usable both for nuclear fusion and nuclear weapon.
Nuclear fushion,
when used along with the technique of ICF ( Inertial Confinement Fusion),which is also underway,
makes possible small-size nuclear physics researches, which is possibly difficult to detect.
When development is achieved of the ICF technicue, and also that of high energy lazer instrument which can be exploded by applying lazer to a pellet comprising deuterium and tritium,
then there will be the fourth generation nuclear weapon without using plutonium and uranium.
So, from these all, there is a high likelihood that such an experiment was done on the island.
Sorry about my poor translation on technical words.
(Satomi Ohba’s book on Amazon)
アマゾン 『核拡散と原発:希望の種子を広げるために』大庭里美 南方新社