오늘도 쟤시켜 알바를 볼 수 있기를 기도하면서...
오타, 오역은 신속한 신고 부탁드립니다.
Song: Upgrade you
Artist: Beyonce
Album: B' day
Year: 2006
NBA Announces Early Entry Candidates
오늘 NBA는 2007년 신인 드래프트를 위해서 83명의 선수들(58명: 미국 학교 출신의 선수들, 25명: 외국인 선수들)의 이름을 얼리 엔트리 명단에 올렸습니다. 드래프트에 계속 참가하고 얼리 엔트리 참가를 위해서 선수들은 4월 29일까지 NBA에 개인적으로 편지를 보내야 했습니다.
얼리 엔트리를 지원한 선수들은 다음주 월요일까지 본인이 원한다면 드래프트 지원을 철회할 수 있습니다. NBA 드래프트는 올해 6월 28일, 뉴욕 메디슨 스퀘어 가든에서 열립니다. 벌써부터 흥분되는군요. 듀란! 우워우워!
![]() RealGM - 05/03 - 1:46 PM EST (AP Photo) ![]() Players wishing to renounce their remaining intercollegiate eligibility and enter the 2007 NBA Draft were required to submit a letter to the NBA to be received no later than Sunday, April 29. Players who have applied for early entry have the right to withdraw their names from consideration for the Draft by notifying the NBA of their decision in writing no later than 5 p.m. ET on Monday, June 18. Following is the list of players from U.S. colleges and institutions who have applied for early entry into the 2007 NBA Draft, which will be held Thursday, June 28, at The Theater at Madison Square Garden in New York City: EARLY ENTRY CANDIDATES FOR 2007 NBA DRAFT Arron Afflalo, UCLA, 6-5, Junior Shagari Alleyne, Manhattan, 7-3, Junior Corey Brewer, Florida, 6-9, Junior Dwight Brewington, Liberty, 6-5, Junior Roy Bright, Delaware State, 6-6, Junior Aaron Bruce, Baylor, 6-3, Junior Jaycee Carroll, Utah State, 6-2, Junior Wilson Chandler, DePaul, 6-8, Sophomore Dan Coleman, Minnesota, 6-9, Junior Mike Conley Jr., Ohio State, 6-1, Freshman Daequan Cook, Ohio State, 6-5, Freshman P.J. Couisnard, Wichita State, 6-4, Junior Javaris Crittenton, Georgia Tech, 6-5, Freshman Sasa Cuic, Oregon State, 6-10, Junior JamesOn Curry, Oklahoma State, 6-3, Junior Chris Daniels, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi, 7-0, Junior Glen Davis, LSU, 6-9, Junior Kevin Durant, Texas, 6-9, Freshman Drew Gibson, Wofford, 6-2, Junior Jeff Green, Georgetown, 6-9, Junior Taurean Green, Florida, 6-0, Junior DeVon Hardin, California, 6-11, Junior Spencer Hawes, Washington, 7-0, Freshman Roy Hibbert, Georgetown, 7-2, Junior Al Horford, Florida, 6-10, Junior Leon Jacob, Texas A&M International, 6-1, Junior Dominic James, Marquette, 5-11, Sophomore Robert Earl Johnson, Clinton JC (SC), 6-7, Freshman Joseph Jones, Texas A&M, 6-9, Junior Marcel Jones, Oregon State, 6-8, Junior Marcelus Kemp, Nevada, 6-5, Junior Kellen Lee, Los Angeles City College, 6-11, Sophomore James Mays, Clemson, 6-9, Junior Bo McCalebb, New Orleans, 6-0, Junior Dominic McGuire, Fresno State, 6-8, Junior Josh McRoberts, Duke, 6-10, Sophomore Tack Minor, LSU, 6-0, Junior Joakim Noah, Florida, 6-11, Junior Greg Oden, Ohio State 7-0, Freshman Kendaris Pelton, Southern Mississippi, 6-6, Junior Bruce Price, Tennessee State, 6-3, Junior Gabe Pruitt, Southern California, 6-4, Junior Shaun Pruitt, Illinois, 6-10, Junior Charles Rhodes, Mississippi State, 6-8, Junior Maureece Rice, George Washington, 6-1, Junior Brandon Rush, Kansas, 6-6, Sophomore Ramon Sessions, Nevada, 6-3, Junior Sean Singletary, Virginia, 6-0, Junior Jason Smith, Colorado State, 7-0, Junior Rodney Stuckey, Eastern Washington, 6-5, Sophomore Spencer Tollackson, Minnesota, 6-9, Junior Isaac Wells, Arkansas State, 6-8, Junior Terrance Whiters, Arkansas Tech, 5-11, Junior Marcus Williams, Arizona, 6-7, Sophomore Sean Williams, Boston College, 6-10, Junior Brandan Wright, North Carolina 6-9, Freshman Julian Wright, Kansas, 6-8, Sophomore Nick Young, Southern California, 6-6, Junior Thaddeus Young, Georgia Tech, 6-8, Freshman The following is the list of international players who have applied for early entry into the 2007 NBA Draft: Ralfi Silva Ansaloni, Praia Club (Brazil), 7-0, 1987 Stanko Barac, Siroki (Bosnia), 7-2, 1986 Rodrigue Beaubois, Cholet (France), 6-0, 1988 Marco Belinelli, Climamio Bologna (Italy), 6-5, 1986 Hakan Demirel, Fenerbahce Ulker (Turkey), 6-4, 1986 Romain Duport, Le Havre (France), 7-0, 1986 Kyrylo Fesenko, Cherkasy (Ukraine), 7-0, 1986 Vladimir Golubovic, Vojvodina (Serbia), 7-0, 1986 Rafael Hettsheimeier, Akasvayu Vic (Spain), 6-10, 1986 Deyan Ivanov, Drac Inca (Spain), 6-9, 1986 Kaloyan Ivanov, Vive Menorca (Spain), 6-9, 1986 Maxym Ivshyn, Azovmash (Ukraine), 6-10, 1986 Petteri Koponen, Honka (Finland), 6-4, 1988 Ivan Maras, Buducnost (Montenegro),6-9, 1986 Manuchar Markoishvili, Olimpija (Slovenia), 6-5, 1986 Douglas Angelo Nunes, Uberlandia (Brazil), 6-7, 1987 Caner Oner, Alpella (Turkey), 6-7, 1987 Miroslav Raduljica, FMP (Serbia), 7-0, 1988 Nikita Shabalkin, Samara (Russia), 6-9, 1986 Vladimir Stimac, Valmiera (Latvia), 6-9, 1987 Gabriel Szalay, Norrkoping (Sweden), 7-1, 1986 Ante Tomic, KK Zagreb (Croatia), 7-2, 1987 Caio Torres, Estudiantes (Spain), 6-11, 1987 Yi Jianlian, Guandong Southern Tigers (China), 6-11, 1987 Artem Zabelin, Avtodor (Russia) 7-0, 1988 [READ] | |
Kobe Has Stern Words After Loss
코비 브라이언트가 선즈와의 마지막 경기후 기자회견에서 팀에 대한 실망감을 전혀 감추지 않았습니다. 3년 동안 열심히 했는데, 처음과 비교해서 달라진게 없다는게 요지입니다. 코비는, "팀은 뭔가 조취를 취해야한다, 지금 당장"라며 팀의 변화가 필요함을 호소했습니다.
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Arizona Republic - 05/03 - 6:01 AM EST
![]() "Do something and do it now," Kobe Bryant said of the importance of the off-season. "I don't know what to do, but it is extremely frustrating. We are going on three years of still being on ground zero." [READ] | |
Report: Artest Sentenced To 20 Days In Jail
새크라멘토 킹스의 론 아테스트가 20일동안 감옥구금, 100일 봉사활동, Anger Management(동명의 아담샌들러 영화가 있습니다. 대충 어떤 프로그램인지 짐작이 가시죠?), fathering course(좋은 부모가 되는것을 배우는 교육인가요?), 3년의 근신(어느때나 수색이 가능한)를 해야한답니다. 화려하네요.
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FoxSports - 05/03 - 6:33 PM EST
![]() Artest, however, is unlikely to spend any more time in jail, the newspaper reported. Ten days of the sentence were stayed by the judge and Artest can apply to serve the other 10 days in a work release or similar program. Artest was credited with one day of jail time for the time spent incarcerated following his arrest. [READ] | |
J-Rich Fined $35,000 For 'Inappropriate Interaction With Fan'
제이 리츠가 5차전에 댈러스 팬과 경기도중 팬과 우연히 충돌한것에 대해서 3만5천불을 벌금으로 냈습니다. 리차드슨은 아무일도 없었는데 억울하다는 반응입니다.
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Dallas Morning News - 05/03 - 6:26 PM EST
![]() The incident, which occurred with 21.9 seconds left in Game 5 at American Airlines Center, came about when Richardson tried a 3-pointer, then fell into the courtside seats near the corner of the court. "Nothing happened," Richardson said after the Warriors' morning practice at Oracle Arena. "That's what happens every game. I think they're trying to make it more. They're trying to get any advantage they can and we'd probably be doing the same thing if it was one of their top guys. "So they're just trying to get any advantage they can. Nothing really happened." [READ] | |
Grunfeld Says Arenas Could Get Extension This Summer
와싱턴 위자드의 운영자 얼니 그런펠드가 길버트 애리나스와 계약 연장을 할 수 있음을 밝혔습니다. 뭐 아쉬운건 구단이죠.
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RealGM - 05/03 - 5:42 PM EST
![]() "Gilbert is very committed to this city and this organization. He likes it here and we all have had great success, and we are heading in the right direction. We would love to have Gilbert end his career here and put his number up in the rafters. He is very popular in this town, the fans love him and we all love him. He has a strong competitive nature and a desire to win. He does have the right to opt out next summer and get another long term contract, or he can get an extension this summer." [READ] | |
올랜도 코치 브라이언 힐의 감독자리가 불안합니다.
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Orlando Sentinel - 05/03 - 2:12 PM EST
![]() "People ask me if Brian Hill will be back as our coach. All I can say is that I have no answer for that right now," Magic President Bob Vander Weide told the Sentinel on Wednesday. [READ] | |
Pitino Signs Three-Year Extension With Louisville
루이스빌 대학의 코치 릭 피티노가 3년 계약 연장을 했습니다. 새로운 계약으로 파이티노의 연봉은 1.65mil 에서 2.25mil로 껑충 뛰었습니다. 대학 코치들도 돈을 참 많이 받네요.
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AP - 05/03 - 2:06 PM EST
![]() The new deal increases Pitino's annual salary from $1.65 million to $2.25 million a year beginning next season and will pay Pitino $2.5 million a year if he stays until the end of the contract. The contract also boosted a loyalty bonus due Pitino on July 1 from $1 million to $1.75 million. [READ] | |
NCAA To Move Back 3-Point Line In 2008
NCAA에 3점슛 라인이 도입된지 20년이 지났습니다. NCAA는 3점슛 라인은 1피트 늘릴 예정이라고 합니다. 종전 라인 거리는 19피트 9인치였고, 새로 도입될 라인 거리는 20피트 9인치입니다. 2008년 11월전까지는 이 제도가 도입되지 않을것입니다.
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AP - 05/03 - 1:50 PM EST
![]() The change would not take place until November 2008. [READ] | |
Is Mitchell Indiana's Top Choice?
샘 미첼이 인디애나의 가장 강력한 코치 후보로 거론되고 있다고 합니다. 인디애나는 샘 미첼과 면담을 하기 위해서 랩터스의 허락을 구해야 합니다.
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Indianapolis Star - 05/03 - 11:23 AM EST
![]() The Pacers are one of five teams with a coaching vacancy and likely will face competition for Mitchell, who could re-sign with the Raptors. The Pacers must get permission from the Raptors to talk to Mitchell because he is under contract until June 30. [READ] | |
Deng Wins 2006-07 Sportsmanship Award
기량이 만개한 시카고의 루올뎅이 조 듀마스 스포츠맨쉽어워드를 수상했습니다. 전 피스톤즈 가드 죠 듀마스가 이 상의 첫회 수상자였습니다. 죠 존슨, 섀인 베티에, 엘튼 브랜드, 앤써니 파커, 데릭 피셔가 후보로 거론되었습니다.
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RealGM - 05/03 - 11:11 AM EST
![]() Originally presented following the 1995-96 season, the Sportsmanship Award honors a player who exemplifies the ideals of sportsmanship on the court -- ethical behavior, fair play and integrity. The trophy is named for former Detroit Pistons guard and Hall of Famer Joe Dumars, the award’s first recipient. Deng, also a Central Division nominee for the 2005-06 season, was one of six divisional winners, including Atlanta’s Joe Johnson (Southeast), Houston’s Shane Battier (Southwest), the Los Angeles Clippers ’ Elton Brand (Pacific), Toronto’s Anthony Parker (Atlantic) and Utah’s Derek Fisher (Northwest). Brand won the award in 2005-06. [READ] | |
Raptor Coach Mitchell Hints At A `Surprise'
가드 호세 갈데론과 T.J. 포드가 부상을 당한 상태에서 토론토 랩터스는 새로운 라인업으로 넷츠와의 경기에 대비해야 합니다. 샘 미첼은 어떤방식으로 나올지 밝히고 싶지않다고 합니다. 주위를 놀라게 할 수도 있다고 하네요. 과연...
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Toronto Star - 05/03 - 5:59 AM EST
![]() "We'll come up with something, it might even surprise you a little bit," he said after his team – such that it is – worked out at the Air Canada Centre yesterday. "We might even know what we're doing a little bit." Neither Jose Calderon nor T.J. Ford did anything of substance yesterday. Calderon spent the day getting treatment for what he called a "mild" right ankle sprain, while Ford, knocked out of Tuesday's 98-96 win with a painful "stringer," made a brief appearance walking, as one observer said, "like he was balancing a book on his head." [READ] | |
Barbosa's Elbow Still Bothering Him
시즌 말미에 오른쪽 팔꿈치를 다친 발보사는 멍든 부위가 여전히 아프다고 합니다. 문제는 통증이 개선되지 않는다는 점입니다.
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East Valley Tribune - 05/03 - 5:57 AM EST
![]() “It’s still bothering me, more when I shoot the 3’s that anything else,” he said. “During the games, I try not to think about it. But on the other days, I feel it a lot. It’s not getting any better.” [READ] | |
Nuggets' Blake Now Looks Towards Free Agency
스티브 블레이크가 7월 1일에 비제한 프리 에이전트가 됩니다. 스티브는 덴버에서 뛰는것에 만족하나 봅니다. 포트랜드는 알려진데로 스티브 브레이크에게 관심이 있는가 봅니다.
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Rocky Mountain News - 05/03 - 5:52 AM EST
![]() "I would say it was a great three months," Blake said after the Nuggets were eliminated from the playoffs by the San Antonio Spurs . "I couldn't have asked for anything more. This has been a great time." With that in mind, Blake said he will weigh interest from Denver and other teams before making any kind of decision. "If you just look at basketball wise, I don't know if there would be a better situation out there for me (than Denver)," he said. "I'm going to do what's best for my family, myself and my career." The Portland Trail Blazers reportedly are interested in Blake, who played for them in 2005-06. The interest should grow after Blake averaged 8.3 points and 6.6 assists in 49 games for Denver. [READ] | |
Despite Benching Smith Still Wants To Be A Nugget
벤치 신세를 당함에도 불구하고 J.R. 스미스는 여전히 너겟츠에 남고 싶다고 합니다.
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Rocky Mountain News - 05/03 - 3:41 AM EST
![]() A banishment to the bench has done nothing to change his attitude about his long-term future. "I love my teammates too much (to want to leave)," Smith said during Denver's morning shootaround Wednesday. "I'm not going to let one person affect my whole lifestyle and the way I am toward my teammates." [READ] | |
Suns Nudge Lakers From Playoffs
선즈 레이커스 가볍게 물리치고 2라운드 진출.
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ESPN.com - 05/03 - 1:52 AM EST
![]() Amare Stoudemire scored 27 points and Shawn Marion added 26, and the Suns overcame an inspired performance by Lamar Odom and a late scoring binge by Kobe Bryant to beat the Lakers 119-110 on Wednesday night. The Suns won the best-of-seven first-round series in five games and advanced to a Western Conference semifinal matchup with the Spurs, who eliminated Denver earlier in the evening. Game 1 of the series is Sunday afternoon in Phoenix. [READ] | |
Spurs Eliminate Nuggets In 5 | |
마이클 핀리 8개의 3점슛으로 스퍼스의 플레이 오프 기록을 작성하면서 5차전 승리. 4-1로 스퍼스 2라운드 진출!
Yahoo! - 05/02 - 11:37 PM EST
![]() Finley finished with 26 points, Tim Duncan had 23 points and 12 rebounds and Tony Parker added 16 points and 10 assists for the third-seeded Spurs, who dropped Game 1 to the Nuggets at home before winning the next four in the first-round series. It was a virtual repeat of 2005, when the Spurs lost Game 1 at home before winning the next four to eliminate Denver. The Spurs will meet either the Los Angeles Lakers or Phoenix Suns in the second round. Phoenix, which led 3-1, hosted Game 5 on Wednesday night. [READ] | |
Brian Hill Could Be Out Of Magic
브라이언 힐 감독 짤릴 수 있습니다.
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Orlando Sentinel - 05/02 - 9:14 PM EST
![]() "People ask me if Brian Hill will be back as our coach. All I can say is that I have no answer for that right now," Magic President Bob Vander Weide told the Sentinel on Wednesday. The main issue seems to be the team's style of play which became a point of controversy this past season. "We have to see if there wasn't the opportunity to run the ball more. Style of play is one of the key things," Vander Weide said. A decision is expected from the team and General Manager Otis Smith could come at any time likely within the next 2-3 weeks. [READ] | |
Stan Van Gundy Interviews For Charlotte Job
전 마이애미 감독 스탠 밴건디 샬롯 코칭직을 위해서 인터뷰를 했답니다.
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Charlotte Observer - 05/02 - 6:22 PM EST
![]() He remains under contract with Miami through the end of next season, but Heat president Pat Riley allowed Van Gundy to interview when Bobcats general manager Bernie Bickerstaff asked. "I went up there, and I spoke to them," Van Gundy told The Associated Press on Wednesday from his Miami home. "I went up and spoke to Bernie and (part-owner) Michael Jordan and (president) Fred Whitfield for three, 31/2 hours on Monday. That's about it." [READ] | |
첫댓글 오홋! 밴 건디!
감사합니다. 가끔오긴 하지만 잘 보고있습니다. 핀리는 3점슛 인데 오타군요.
핀리 2점슛이 아니라 3점슛아닌가요??
2점 8개 OTL
루이스빌의 감독... 릭 피티노라고 하는게 맞는걸로 알고 있는데요.
어...루올뎅은 아무도 축하 안해주시네...^^;;;;
루올뎅 제 판타지 플레이어였습니다. 축하해요!
루올뎅 무럭무럭 자라다오 ^^ 축하해요~
앗...스탠 밴 건디....라일리 관둘텐데 마이애미로 오지 ㅠ.ㅠ
포틀랜드 바보됐네요 ㅡㅡ.;;;
이런 행동이 포틀 프런트진의 주특기죠...저메일 보내고 나중에 다시 델꼬 올라 했지만 여의치 않자 땅을 치며 후회했었죠...-_-
코비 많이도 참았다.....
죄송한데 오늘이 5월 4일인데 4월 29일까지 편지를 보내려면 좀 ;;
the 2007 NBA Draft were required to submit a letter to the NBA to be received no later than Sunday, April 29 <-- 원문에 충실하셨네요.ㅋㅋㅋ
4월 29일까지 편지를 보냈어야 했다는 말이네요.
재럿 잭에 세리지오까지 있는데 블레이크는 왜
토론토 주전 포가로.... 딕슨이 나오는건 아닐지 모르겠네요
제시카알바보다 비욘세가 더 좋아요^^ 재능도 있고.... 낼 뉴저지경기에 나오겠죠> ㅎㅎㅎ
글쎄요... ㅋㅋㅋ
포틀랜드 블선생을 3:1 트레이드로 보내더니 ㅋㅋㅋ 아 하군도 같이 갔짘ㅋ
사실 블레이크는 포틀 맥밀란 시스템에 그리 적합한 선수가 되질 않는데도 불구하고 영입을 추진 중이라니 이해가 안되네요..제발 엉뚱한 포지션만 관심같지 말고 스포나 빨리 좀 메웠으면 하는구만..설마 블레이크를 스포로 쓸려는건 아니겠지 -_-