Korean Law Professors' Association "Pending the appointment of an acting constitutional judge to the National Assembly is unconstitutional."
한국법학교수회 "권한대행, 국회 몫 헌법재판관 임명보류는 위헌"
성시호 기자2024. 12. 28. 23:59 머니투데이
3차 시국성명…재판관 3인 임명 요구
Third State of the Union...a request for the appointment of three judges
지난 26일 국회에서 열린 제420회국회(임시회) 제1차 본회의에서 야당 의원들이 여당의 불참 속에 헌법재판소 재판관(마은혁·정계선·조한창) 선출안에 대해 무기명 투표 개표를 진행하고 있다./사진=뉴스1
한국법학교수회가 국회 몫 헌법재판소 재판관 후보들에 대한 대통령 권한대행의 임명 보류·거부는 위헌이라며 마은혁·정계선·조한창 후보를 즉각 임명하라고 촉구했다.
The Korean Law Professors Association urged the immediate appointment of Ma Eun-hyuk, Jeong Gye-seon, and Cho Han-chang, saying that the suspension and rejection of the acting president's appointment of candidates for the Constitutional Court's judges in the National Assembly is unconstitutional.
교수회는 28일 발표한 3차 시국성명서에서 "지난 27일 국회는 헌재 재판관 임명을 보류하겠다고 선언한 대통령 권한대행에 대해 탄핵소추안을 가결했다"며 "차순위 국무위원 권한대행 체제로 넘어감에 따라 우리 사회는 더욱 누란지위의 상황으로 내몰리게 됐다"고 밝혔다.
"On the 27th, the National Assembly passed an impeachment motion against the acting president, who declared that he would suspend the appointment of a justice of the Constitutional Court," the faculty said in a third statement released on the 28th. "Our society is further driven to a yellow situation as we move to the next acting secretary of state."
헌법 111조 2항은 "헌재는 법관 자격을 가진 9인의 재판관으로 구성하며, 재판관은 대통령이 임명한다"고 규정한다. 3항은 "재판관 중 3인은 국회에서 선출하는 자를, 3인은 대법원장이 지명하는 자를 임명한다"는 내용이다. 교수회는 두 조항의 취지를 "헌재 구성에서 권력분립원리를 실현하기 위함"이라고 했다.
Article 111, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution stipulates that "the Constitution consists of nine judges who are qualified as judges, and the judges are appointed by the President." Paragraph 3 states that "three of the judges appoint those elected by the National Assembly, and three appoint those nominated by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court." The faculty said that the purpose of the two provisions was to "realize the principle of separation of powers in the constitution of the Constitution."
한국법학교수회는 "대통령 권한대행의 재판관 임명보류 또는 거부는 명백한 위헌"이라며 "대통령이 실질적으로 임명하는 3인과는 달리, 국회가 선출한 3인이나 대법원장이 지명한 3인에 대한 대통령의 임명권은 형식적 성격을 갖는 것에 그친다"고 밝혔다.
"The holding or refusal of the acting president to appoint judges is clearly unconstitutional," the faculty said. "Unlike the three actually appointed by the president, the president's right to appoint the three elected by the National Assembly or the three nominated by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is only formal."
이어 "대통령은 권력분립원리에 따라 국회의 재판관 선출권을 존중해야 하며, 지금껏 모든 대통령들도 이러한 존중을 바탕으로 재판관을 임명해 왔다"며 "대통령은 헌법기관의 정상화를 위해 헌재 재판관을 지체 없이 임명해야 할 의무를 진다"고 했다.
"The president should respect the right to select judges in the National Assembly according to the principle of separation of powers, and all presidents have appointed judges based on this respect," he said. "The president is obligated to appoint judges without delay to normalize constitutional institutions."
아울러 "지금처럼 헌정이 위기에 처한 상황이라면 이 의무의 의미는 더욱 막중해질 수밖에 없다"며 "우리가 이 의무의 부당한 거부나 해태를 더욱 심각한 위헌으로 여기는 이유가 여기에 있다"고 밝혔다.
"If the Constitution is in crisis like now, the meaning of this obligation will inevitably become more severe," he said. "This is why we consider the unfair rejection or dismissal of this obligation more seriously unconstitutional."
교수회는 "대통령 탄핵심판은 우리 헌정질서의 수호·유지를 위한 가장 중차대한 사건"이라며 "이 사건은 원래 헌법이 예정한 모습인 9인 재판관 체제로 신속하고 공정하게 진행돼야 한다"고 했다.
그러면서 "누가 대통령의 권한을 대행하든, 국회가 선출한 재판관 후보들은 지체 없이 임명돼야 한다"며 "재판관 임명은 작금의 사태를 해결하고 헌정질서를 회복하기 위해 필요한 가장 시급한 일"이라고 밝혔다.
The faculty said, "The impeachment trial of the president is the most important case for the protection and maintenance of our constitutional order," adding, "This case should be carried out quickly and fairly under the nine-judge system, which was originally scheduled by the Constitution."
"No matter who acts as the president's authority, candidates for judges elected by the National Assembly should be appointed without delay," he said. "The appointment of judges is the most urgent thing necessary to resolve the current situation and restore the constitutional order."
성명서는 이날 오후 9시20분 기준 교수 155명이 동참했다.
As of 9:20 p.m., 155 professors participated in the statement.
성시호 기자 shsung@mt.co.kr
Reporter Sung Si-ho
Korean Law Professors' Association "Pending the appointment of an acting constitutional judge to the National Assembly is unconstitutional."
한국법학교수회 "권한대행, 국회 몫 헌법재판관 임명보류는 위헌"
성시호 기자2024. 12. 28. 23:59 머니투데이 Moneytoday
3차 시국성명…재판관 3인 임명 요구
Third State of the Union...a request for the appointment of three judges
The Korean Law Professors Association urged the immediate appointment of Ma Eun-hyuk, Jeong Gye-seon, and Cho Han-chang, saying that the suspension and rejection of the acting president's appointment of candidates for the Constitutional Court's judges in the National Assembly is unconstitutional.
"On the 27th, the National Assembly passed an impeachment motion against the acting president, who declared that he would suspend the appointment of a justice of the Constitutional Court," the faculty said in a third statement released on the 28th. "Our society is further driven to a yellow situation as we move to the next acting secretary of state."
Article 111, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution stipulates that "the Constitution consists of nine judges who are qualified as judges, and the judges are appointed by the President." Paragraph 3 states that "three of the judges appoint those elected by the National Assembly, and three appoint those nominated by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court." The faculty said that the purpose of the two provisions was to "realize the principle of separation of powers in the constitution of the Constitution."
"The holding or refusal of the acting president to appoint judges is clearly unconstitutional," the faculty said. "Unlike the three actually appointed by the president, the president's right to appoint the three elected by the National Assembly or the three nominated by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is only formal."
"The president should respect the right to select judges in the National Assembly according to the principle of separation of powers, and all presidents have appointed judges based on this respect," he said. "The president is obligated to appoint judges without delay to normalize constitutional institutions."
"If the Constitution is in crisis like now, the meaning of this obligation will inevitably become more severe," he said. "This is why we consider the unfair rejection or dismissal of this obligation more seriously unconstitutional."
The faculty said, "The impeachment trial of the president is the most important case for the protection and maintenance of our constitutional order," adding, "This case should be carried out quickly and fairly under the nine-judge system, which was originally scheduled by the Constitution."
"No matter who acts as the president's authority, candidates for judges elected by the National Assembly should be appointed without delay," he said. "The appointment of judges is the most urgent thing necessary to resolve the current situation and restore the constitutional order."
As of 9:20 p.m., 155 professors participated in the statement.
Reporter Sung Si-ho
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