(4th LD) All but 2 rescued presumed dead in passenger plane crash in S. Korea's Muan
전남소방 "무안공항 여객기 탑승자 181명 중 대부분 사망 추정"
"담장 충돌 후 기체 밖으로 승객들 쏟아져"…2명 구조돼
Kim Seung-yeon National 13:36 December 29, 2024 Yonhap News
(ATTN: RECASTS headline, lead; ADDS updates on fatalities, other details) By Kim Seung-yeon MUAN, South Korea, Dec. 29 (Yonhap) -- A passenger jet carrying 181 people erupted in flames after going off the runway and hitting a wall at an airport in South Korea's southwestern county of Muan on Sunday, likely leaving all but two dead, authorities said. The accident happened at 9:07 a.m., when the Jeju Air flight veered off the runway while landing and collided with a fence wall at Muan International Airport in the Muan county, South Jeolla Province, about 288 kilometers southwest of Seoul. Except the two rescued from the accident, all the missing people are presumed to have been killed, firefighting authorities said, adding that they were switching to search operations to recover bodies. The authorities confirmed 85 deaths from the accident so far. One passenger and one crew member -- both women -- were rescued shortly after the accident and were being treated at a hospital in Mokpo. Flames rise from the wreckage of the Jeju Air passenger plane that crashed at the Muan International Airport in Muan, South Jeolla Province, about 288 kilometers southwest of Seoul, on Dec. 29, 2024, in this photo provided by a Yonhap reader. (PHOTO NOT FOR SALE) (Yonhap) A total of 181, including six crew members, were aboard the plane that was returning from Bangkok. Most of the passengers were Koreans, except for two Thai nationals. Videos aired by local TV stations show the plane attempting to land without its landing gear deployed. The plane skidded along the ground, crashing into a concrete wall before exploding and being engulfed in flames. The plane was almost completely destroyed by the explosion. The South Jeolla authorities raised emergency alerts to the highest levels and deployed all available rescue and police personnel to the accident site. This photo, provided by a Yonhap reader, shows the plane crash site at Muan International Airport in Muan, South Jeolla Province, on Dec. 29, 2024. (PHOTO NOT FOR SALE) (Yonhap) Officials believe the landing gear failure, possibly due to a bird strike, may have caused the accident. They began an on-site investigation to determine the exact cause. Acting President Choi Sang-mok arrived at the crash site around noon, instructing officials to make all-out efforts for search operations. Choi also expressed deep condolences to the bereaved family members and promised to offer them all possible government assistance. The presidential office said it would convene an emergency meeting of senior officials at 11:30 a.m. to discuss government responses to the plane crash. The meeting was to be presided over by Presidential Chief of Staff Chung Jin-suk. Acting National Police Agency Commissioner-General Lee Ho-young also ordered officials to mobilize all available resources and work with firefighting and other related agencies to help with the rescue efforts. Firefighting authorities carry out rescue operations at the plane crash site at Muan International Airport in Muan, South Jeolla Province, in this photo provided by a Yonhap reader on Dec. 29, 2024. (PHOTO NOT FOR SALE) (Yonhap) A passenger rescued from the plane crash at Muan International Airport in Muan, South Jeolla Province, is transported to a hospital in Mokpo, a city in the same province, on Dec. 29, 2024. (Yonhap) elly@yna.co.kr (END) |
전남소방 "무안공항 여객기 탑승자 181명 중 대부분 사망 추정"
2024-12-29 13:18 정회성 기자 박철홍 기자 연합뉴스
"담장 충돌 후 기체 밖으로 승객들 쏟아져"…2명 구조돼
무안공항 여객기 사고
(무안=연합뉴스) 조남수 기자 = 29일 오전 전남 무안국제공항에서 착륙 중이던 항공기가 활주로를 이탈해 울타리 외벽을 충돌했다. 사진은 사고 현장에서 소방 당국이 인명 구조를 하는 모습. 2024.12.29 iso64@yna.co.kr
(무안=연합뉴스) 박철홍 정회성 기자 = 전남 무안국제공항에서 여객기 활주로 이탈 사고로 탑승자 대부분이 사망한 것으로 추정된다.
29일 전남소방본부는 무안공항 청사에서 탑승자 가족을 대상으로 현장 브리핑을 열어 "총 탑승자 181명 중 구조된 2명을 제외하고 대부분 사망한 것으로 추정한다"고 밝혔다.
전남소방본부 관계자들은 이날 가족 브리핑에서 "담장과 충돌한 이후 기체 밖으로 승객들이 쏟아졌다. 생존 가능성이 거의 없다"며 이같이 설명했다.
이어 "동체는 거의 파손됐고 사망자들도 신원 확인이 어려운 상태"라며 "유해 위치를 확인해 수습하고 있어서 시간이 소요되고 있다"고 덧붙였다.
이번 사고 원인으로는 "새 떼와의 충돌 등이 추정된다"고 설명했다.
이날 오전 9시 5분께 무안국제공항에서는 태국 방콕발 제주항공 7C2216편 항공기가 착륙 중 활주로 외벽에 충돌했다.
항공기 기체는 충돌 후 꼬리 칸을 제외하면 형체가 남지 않을 정도로 불에 탔고, 전체 탑승자 가운데 승무원 2명만 구조돼 목포지역 병원으로 분산 이송됐다.
소방 당국은 낮 12시 50분 현재 사망자 85명을 수습하고 현장에서 추가 사상자를 확인하고 있다.
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