민주 "'비상계엄 정당' 주장 與인사들 내란선전죄로 고발"
The main opposition Democratic Party (DP), "some members of the ruling party claiming 'emergency martial law party' accused of propaganda of rebellion"
송고시간2024-12-28 12:55 한혜원 기자 연합뉴스
"'탄핵이 내란' 선전선동 난무…與지도부·유튜버 등 10여명 대상"
"Impeachment Insurrection" is rampant in propaganda...For about 10 people, including the ruling party's leadership and YouTubers,"
발언하는 김민석 위원장
(서울=연합뉴스) 김주형 기자 = 더불어민주당 내란극복·국정안정특위 위원장을 맡은 김민석(가운데)의원이 26일 오전 국회에서 열린 '내란극복·국정안정특위' 3차 회의에서 발언하고 있다. 2024.12.26 kjhpress@yna.co.kr
(서울=연합뉴스) 한혜원 기자 = 더불어민주당은 28일 윤석열 대통령의 '비상계엄'이 정당한 계엄 선포였다고 주장하는 국민의힘 인사들을 내란선전죄로 고발하겠다고 밝혔다.
(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Han Hye-won = The Democratic Party of Korea announced on the 28th that it would accuse people who claim that President Yoon Suk Yeol's "emergency martial law" was a legitimate declaration of martial law of propaganda.
민주당 '내란극복·국정안정 특별위원회' 법률대책단장인 이용우 의원은 국회에서 열린 특위 회의에서 "계엄이 정당했다고 하거나 내란 행위였다는 것을 부정하고, 대통령 탄핵소추를 반대하며 '탄핵이 곧 내란'이라는 식의 선전·선동이 난무하고 있다"며 "일괄 고발하겠다"고 말했다.
Rep. Lee Yong-woo, head of the Democratic Party's Special Committee on Overcoming Insurrection and National Stability, said at a special committee meeting at the National Assembly, "There is a lot of propaganda and incitement that denies that the martial law was justified or that it was an act of rebellion, opposes the impeachment of the president, and that "impeachment is a rebellion," adding, "I will file a collective complaint."
조승래 수석대변인은 특위 회의 후 기자들과 만나 "국민의힘 정치인과 유튜버 등을 포함해 약 10여명을 이르면 30일 고발할 것 같다"며 "국민의힘 지도부 인사 등 여권 주요 정치인이 포함될 것"이라고 예고했다.
Cho Seung-Rae, a senior spokesman, told reporters after the special committee meeting, "We are likely to file a complaint against about 10 people, including politicians and YouTubers, as early as the 30th," and predicted, "It will include key ruling party politicians such as people's power leadership."
민주당은 비상계엄 사태 관련 진상을 조사하고 공익제보자를 보호하는 내용의 특별법을 다음 주 발의하기로 했다.
The Democratic Party of Korea has decided to propose a special law next week to investigate the facts related to the emergency martial law crisis and protect public interest reporters.
특위 위원들은 이날 회의에서 김용현 전 국방부 장관 기소 내용에서 윤 대통령이 군 병력에 발포까지 지시한 것으로 나타났다며 신속한 체포와 구속 수사를 촉구했다.
At the meeting, members of the special committee called for a swift arrest and arrest investigation, saying that the indictment of former Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun showed that President Yoon ordered military troops to open fire.
김민석 특위 위원장은 "최상목 대통령 권한대행을 비롯한 윤석열 내각은 헌법재판관 임명 등 내란 심판 절차에 신속하게 협조하라"며 "공직자로서 국민들께 더 이상의 죄를 짓지 말라"고 말했다.
"The Yoon Suk Yeol Cabinet, including Acting President Choi Sang-mok, should quickly cooperate with the civil war trial process, including the appointment of constitutional judges," said Kim Min-seok, chairman of the special committee. "As a public official, don't commit any more crimes to the people."
추미애 의원은 "44년 전 광주 대학살 사건 같은 대량 학살이 일어날 뻔했다"며 "윤석열은 조속히 국민 세금으로 주는 '콩밥'을 먹으라"고 주장했다.
Rep. Choo Mi-ae said, "A genocide such as the Gwangju massacre 44 years ago almost happened," and insisted, "Eat 'bean rice' given by the Yoon Suk Yeol as soon as possible."
The main opposition Democratic Party (DP), "some members of the ruling party claiming 'emergency martial law party' accused of propaganda of rebellion"
송고시간2024-12-28 12:55 한혜원 기자 연합뉴스 Yonhap News
"'탄핵이 내란' 선전선동 난무…與지도부·유튜버 등 10여명 대상"
"Impeachment Insurrection" is rampant in propaganda...For about 10 people, including the ruling party's leadership and YouTubers,"
발언하는 김민석 위원장
(서울=연합뉴스) 김주형 기자 = 더불어민주당 내란극복·국정안정특위 위원장을 맡은 김민석(가운데)의원이 26일 오전 국회에서 열린 '내란극복·국정안정특위' 3차 회의에서 발언하고 있다. 2024.12.26 kjhpress@yna.co.kr
(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Han Hye-won = The Democratic Party of Korea announced on the 28th that it would accuse people who claim that President Yoon Suk Yeol's "emergency martial law" was a legitimate declaration of martial law of propaganda.
Rep. Lee Yong-woo, head of the Democratic Party's Special Committee on Overcoming Insurrection and National Stability, said at a special committee meeting at the National Assembly, "There is a lot of propaganda and incitement that denies that the martial law was justified or that it was an act of rebellion, opposes the impeachment of the president, and that "impeachment is a rebellion," adding, "I will file a collective complaint."
Cho Seung-Rae, a senior spokesman, told reporters after the special committee meeting, "We are likely to file a complaint against about 10 people, including politicians and YouTubers, as early as the 30th," and predicted, "It will include key ruling party politicians such as people's power leadership."
The Democratic Party of Korea has decided to propose a special law next week to investigate the facts related to the emergency martial law crisis and protect public interest reporters.
At the meeting, members of the special committee called for a swift arrest and arrest investigation, saying that the indictment of former Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun showed that President Yoon ordered military troops to open fire.
"The Yoon Suk Yeol Cabinet, including Acting President Choi Sang-mok, should quickly cooperate with the civil war trial process, including the appointment of constitutional judges," said Kim Min-seok, chairman of the special committee. "As a public official, don't commit any more crimes to the people."
Rep. Choo Mi-ae said, "A genocide such as the Gwangju massacre 44 years ago almost happened," and insisted, "Eat 'bean rice' given by the Yoon Suk Yeol as soon as possible."
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