<총평> 이번 가천대 시험은 어휘문제가 비교적 평이하게 출제되었다. 동의어 문제 5문제, 문장문제가 3문제로 출제되었으며, 어휘들이 모두 표제어 또는 부제어에서 출제되어 보카바이블 3.0을 충분히 학습한 독자라면 쉽게 풀었을 것으로 보인다. (www.vocabible.com)
■ 보카바이블 3.0 적중률 * 적중 문제 - 8문제 중 8문제: 100%, * 적중단어 - 총 35개 괄호단어, 보기항 단어 중 35개 적중: 100% (초등어휘exam, guide를 제외) * TOP 1000 표제어 적중- 4문제
<참조> 아래 숫자 표시는 보카바이블 3.0의 고유 색인체계입니다. N (표제어 TOP 1000) / D (표제어의 파생어 또는 부제어) / R (어근 표제어) / B (기출추가어휘 - 기본) / A (기출추가어휘 - 고급) / F (심화학습) / M (고급 예상어휘) / I (시험에 꼭 나오는 이디엄) |
1. Foreign policy is about promoting our national interests, a process which is not always compatible with ethical consideration.
① congruous[N0907]
② ruinous[F0183]
③ neglectful[D0019]
④ competitive[R0993]
[정답] ① compatible 양립할 수 있는[보카바이블 3.0 부제어 D0075]
=congruous 일치하는, 조화하는[보카바이블 3.0 TOP 1000 표제어 N0907]
2. Some historians argue that the British Commonwealth is a marvelous testimony to how injustice and oppression can be transformed into co-operation and harmony.
① exam
② accusation[D0432]
③ phenomenon[R0752]
④ proof[D0968]
[정답] ④ testimony 증언[보카바이블 3.0 부제어 D0824]
=proof 증거, 증명[D0968])
3. The surgeon tried to describe the procedure in terms of a layman, but he used so much medical jargon that I had no idea what he was talking about.
① expert[D0258]
② mentor[R1760]
③ non-specialist
④ misanthrope[D0395]
[정답] ③ layman 속인, 아마추어 [보카바이블 3.0 부제어 D0123]
= non-specialist 비전문가 (specialist 전문가 [R1955])
4. With burgeoning market freedom come growing educational and commercial pressures.
① developing[D0775]
② confining[N0196]
③ weakening[S0112]
④ declining[N0113]
[정답] ① burgeoning 급증하는, 급성장하는[보카바이블 3.0 TOP 1000 표제어 N0557]
developing 발전하는[D0775]
5. The cuts in government funding have had a pernicious effect on local health services.
① positive[R0130]
② harmful[F0066]
③ developmental[B073]
④ unexpected[P1128]
[정답] ② pernicious 해로운 영향을 미치는[보카바이블 3.0 TOP 1000 표제어 N0840]
harmful 해로운[F0066]
19. With cloning technology now ___, scientists, governments, citizens, and ethics committees will need to consider the urgent question of when, where ,and to what extent cloning is ethically acceptable.
① outdated[F0024]
② obsolete[N0024]
③ available[N0233]
④ exceptional[R0010]
[정답] ③ available 이용할 수 있는, 만날 수 있는[보카바이블 3.0 TOP 1000 표제어 N0233]
20. Unfortunately too many adults, parents and teachers ___, are too quick to dismiss young people as rebels without cause, thereby promoting the generation gap.
① included[D0180]
② banished[D0053]
③ guided
④ forbidden[F0806]
[정답] ① include 포함하다 [D0180]
24. Since the 1970s, hundreds of countries have become ___ with international organizations that support the Sport for All concept.
① assembled[R1592]
② affiliated[D0904]
③ estimated[F0184]
④ established[F0210]
[정답] ② affiliate 제휴하다, 가입하다[보카바이블 3.0 TOP 1000 표제어 affiliation의 파생어 - D0904]