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설치법 : 아무 DH 파일에다 설치해주시면 됩니다.
Darkest Hour 1.03 (Changes since patch 1.02) Engine changes: Fixed bugs 1. Fixed a bug with brigades not upgrading when division is set to upgrade to a not yet available unit type or model. 2. Fixed a bug with Detach brigade button availability on divisions with no brigades attached. 3. Fixed an issue on conquering of a province with Rocket site(s) or Nuclear reactor(s) where those are added to the building queue of the conqueror. 4. Fixed an issue with country AI files loaded twice on country creation. 5. Fixed a cosmetic issue in production screen with incorrect land unit speed limits for brigades when more then one brigade is attached. 6. Fixed a bug in production screen where right-click menu for trades remained active under “Convoys…” and “Automate…” panels. 7. Fixed a cosmetic issue where Convoys button in production screen remains enabled under “Automate…” panel. 8. Fixed bugs in production screen where production and oil conversion buttons remained active under “Convoys…” and “Automate…” panels. 9. Fixed a bug with friendly nation logic where 2 countries at war with each other and against a 3rd country are counted as friendly. 10. Fixed an issue where players controlling non-democratic countries are not allowed to declare war with "Democracies can start war" global game setting enabled. This setting applies to all countries now. 11. Extended "Democracies can start war" global game setting usage to ignore both belligerence and relationship requirements (not just the belligerence one). 12. Fixed an issue with leaders list (unable to change leaders to any unit) when a leader sent with unit to another country is available for selection. 13. Fixed a bug with ORG loss (50%) of land units applied on troops unloads only from fleets on Sea Transport mission. This ORG hit to unloaded troops is now applied to all fleet missions, except for Amphibious Assault. 14. Fixed a bug with invalid auto-annexation when a country does not own any provinces and also a game freeze in the same situation when “Tech Team Take Over” option is enabled. 15. Fixed a rare CTD on return of expeditionary forces between 2 AI countries when one is annexed. 16. Fixed a bug with invalid brigades remaining attached in some cases on upgrade from one unit type to another. 17. Fixed a bug with "endgame" event command not ending the game in some cases. 18. Fixed a bug with out_of_fuel_speed unit modifier not used properly for land units out of fuel. 19. Fixed an issue with desired combat range calculation for carriers with 2 or more brigades when the 1st is not CAG. 20. Expeditionary forces set to use their own country combat, difficulty and intelligence modifiers and Min/Max positioning (instead wrongly using those of the receiving country). 21. Fixed event flags not set on clients in multiplayer games. 22. Fixed rare CTD on game exit when troops are loaded on military controlled transport fleet. 23. Fixed issues with Nuclear Submarine unit type (not counted as submarine in combats). 24. Removed unused “escort” sprite type. 25. Increased max new development name from 39 to 63 characters (fixes issues with too long division names defined in unitnames.csv). 26. Removed db\units\divisions\none.txt from checksum calculation. 27. Fixed a memory leak on Intelligence panel. 28. Fixed a bug in intelligence report preventing most distinguished active military commander to be reported. Activated scrolling for intelligence report. 29. Fixed a cosmetic issue in intelligence report that included dormant divisions too. 30. Removed Muddy weather from Naval units modifier statistics page (not used in-game). 31. Removed Frozen weather from Naval units modifier statistics page (not used in-game). 32. Changed unit stats color on production list from white to black to match the color used for deployed units. 33. Moved a bit to the left the “Supplied from…” text on unit panel. 34. Changed fleet speed text from “kmh” to “kn” on unit panel. 35. Fixed a bug in CG auto-slider for players (insufficient money production when having negative “free money”). 36. Fixed bugs with military power calculation (2-5 and naval brigades not taken into account before). 37. Fixed a bug on military statistics page not reporting CAG availability on carriers when not on the first attachment slot. 38. Fixed a bug where mixed fleets of CV+CAG and CVLs or CVs without a CAG could be reported as having no CV+CAG at all in naval combats. 39. Fixed issues with missing escort and engineer brigades symbols on unit plate when the last checked unit doesn’t have such brigade. 40. Removed FoW next to all allied units when at war (not only next to units with war allies). 41. Fixed a bug with Expeditionary forces in the redeployment pool being reinforced/upgraded twice per turn (once at the expense of the receiving country and once of its own). 42. Fixed bug with incorrect tool-tips on 2+ brigades for land and air units. 43. Fixed a bug in military statistics page skipping not yet deployed units. 44. Fixed a bug with unit modifiers changed by events wrongly applied to foreign expeditionary forces in redeployment pool. 45. Fixed a bug with missing/wrongly applied to expeditionary forces brigade stat modifiers changed by events. 46. Fixed an issue with tech team selection when no tech teams are available. 47. Masters set to get full intelligence report for puppets even when not allied. 48. Fixed a bug with missing tech teams if a country is annexed and then released after save/reload with "TT take over" option enabled. 49. Fixed a bug with missing tech teams if a country is annexed by one and released by another country and "TT take over" option is enabled. 50. Update unit sprite and counter on upgrade from one unit type to another. 51. Fixed a bug with air and land unit path finding when a province is owned by the unit’s country, but controlled by a neutral country. 52. Fixed a bug/exploit where any brigade type could be attached to any unit type when switching between units with a hotkey. 53. Fixed a bug/exploit where retreating to a friendly province unit vanish upon arrival if that province is attacked by a parachute division at the same time. 54. Fixed bugs with country diplomatic relations initialization (random data could occur). 55. Clear/set proper relations on country annexation and TAG change. 56. Added check if the model is not already in list on scrap division/brigade models. 57. Added check if a tech is not already in blueprints list before adding to the list. 58. Fixed a bug with released countries inheriting all deactivated techs from releasing country and some techs could not be researched in result. 59. Fixed CTD on coup of country that is not allied to other countries but has at least one puppet. 60. Added a check to prevent slept by command events to be included more then once in events history and slept lists. Do not add slept events to save_date list anymore. 61. Fixed AI bug where a tech team can be left on 2 or more tech slots at the same time. 62. Fixed AI to allow it to start a new tech research on the day the old one is completed instead with 1 day delay. 63. Ministers of countries created after ministers’ End Year won’t be saved anymore (solves a problem where such ministers can be appointed to posts on game reload). 64. Fixed a bug with non-researchable techs if the tech is disabled by other tech research start, but then the project research is terminated because of a tech slot loss. 65. Fixed a bug where AI can start more tech projects research then allowed to. 66. Fixed a bug with lost air units based in a province owned by country A but controlled by allied to A country B when land units from A enter the province and take control of it. 67. Apply combat damage to coastal forts as it is applied to land forts. 68. Event driven annexations changed to not cause relationship hits between annexing and other countries. 69. Fixed issues belligerence command tool-tip to show the correct country. 70. Fixed military_control trigger tool-tip text. 71. Damaged ships (less then 0.5 ORG and 20 STR) no longer will be deleted after the first hour of combat. 72. Fixed a bug with mobilization command applying tickle-back modifiers to (de)mobilized land units. 73. Show only one post battle message per battle instead of message for every player controlled country participating in the combat. 74. Fixed a bug with ‘peace’ event command not refreshing active wars immediately. 75. Allowed existing units of unit types that currently are forbidden for production to be upgraded. 76. Changed inherit event command to be instantly executed to solve some event issues. 77. Fixed wrong tool-tip for difficulty trigger. 78. Ignore “Min. Available IC as percentage of the final IC” and “Min. final Available IC” misc.txt modifiers when production is disabled in scenario. 79. Disabled production sliders automation button when production is disabled in scenario. 80. Fixed issues with dissent and CG needs calculations for “IC to Consumer Goods Ratio” setting in misc.txt different then 1.0. 81. Fixed issues in some cases with dissent added by minister changes. There will be dissent only on manual minister change by players now (2% for democracies except for chiefs of staff, army, navy and air, and 1% in all other cases). 82. Fixed issue with false “leader gains new trait” message. 83. Fixed bug with allied area not properly updated on alliance creation or extension. 84. Fixed bugs with some modifiers values on doctrine abandoning: extra_tc, tc_mod, tc_occupied_mod, attrition_mod, trickleback_mod, supply_dist_mod, repair_mod, research_mod, radar_eff, building_prod_mod, convoy_prod_mod. 85. Fixed invalid value of lost IC because of partisans on production tool-tip (added lost IC in provinces because of high revolt risk to the total IC hit because of dissent). 86. Fixed crashes on debug level 2 on battle scenarios start when not all provinces on the map are used. 87. Fixed a bug with resources from oversea puppets not delivered to oversea depot if that depot has no supplies. 88. Fixed synchronization issue with delayed convoying of resources from puppets added to oversea depots. 89. Fixed a bug with needed convoy transports calculation to depots where oversea puppets add resources. 90. Fixed a rare CTD on unit reorganization when one of the units is empty (“ghost unit”). 91. Fixed bugs where multiple wars of countries in the same alliance against a common enemy could be created. 92. Puppets set to join (or create) alliance with master on DoW by a country already at war with the master. 93. Non-allied to master puppets are no longer forced to join alliance after the master. Fixes a bug with joining a new alliance, but not ongoing wars. 94. Reclaim and return all expeditionary forces on alliance leave or alliance dissolve. Fixes various issues with troops left under command of another country indefinitely. 95. Fixed issue with air units redeployed to provinces without airport – these will be deployed to province with air base or will be deleted if no suitable deployment province could be found. New features 1. New production panel layout (optional), with support of bigger unit pictures. 2. New division panel layout (optional), with support of bigger unit pictures. 3. Enable naval brigade pictures in the production UI (optional) instead of using brigade icons. 4. Implemented retirement year for ministers. Added retirement year to minister tool-tip. 5. Implemented retirement year for leaders. Added retirement year to leader tool-tip. 6. Changed default map mode on new game start from Terrain to Political View. 7. Implemented Plain terrain attack, defense and movement modifiers (modifiers.csv). 8. Implemented Clear weather attack, defense and movement modifiers (modifiers.csv). 9. Implemented 109 custom unit types (2 new, 8 reserved and 99 user defined). See db\units\division_types.txt for details. 10. Implemented 113 custom unit types (9 new, 5 reserved and 99 user defined). See db\units\brigade_types.txt for details. 11. Added 2 new optional (see misc.txt) tech overview panels for Unit and Brigade models. 12. Added new unit modifiers statistics page layout that can be switched on from misc.txt 13. Added missing “flying_bomb” sprite type 14. Allowed any ship type with CAG type brigade to act as carrier in naval combats. 15. Implemented new land brigade modifier – speed_cap, which cannot be exceeded by land divisions with such brigade attached. 16. Added moddable modifiers for every brigade type (db\units\brigade_modifiers.csv). 17. Added proper multi-language modifier names on statistics page. 18. Optimized some triggers evaluation by skipping dormant divisions and brigades in the pool. 19. Allowed all naval units with Sea Attack greater then 0 to fire in combat. 20. Buildings in production queue set to use gfx\interface\plate_provbuilding.bmp instead of gfx\interface\plate_prov.bmp. 21. Cosmetic – moved air/naval unit speed on unit panel few pixels up for better view. 22. Optimized available division/brigade models list save game format. 23. Added new tech components: cavalry_tactics (before rt_user_1) and rt_user_17 to rt_user_60 (after rt_user_16). 24. Casualties report (optional, misc.txt): - Added 37 equipment categories to be used in brigade and unit types (per model) under new equipment = { } section: manpower, equipment, artillery, heavy_artillery, anti_air, anti_tank, horses, trucks, halftracks, armored_car, light_armor, medium_armor, heavy_armor, tank_destroyer, sp_artillery, fighter, heavy_fighter, rocket_interceptor, bomber, heavy_bomber, transport_plane, helicopter, rocket, balloon, transports, escorts, transport, battleship, battlecruiser, heavy_cruiser, carrier, escort_carrier, light_cruiser, destroyer, submarine, nuclear_submarine - Added 7 more statistic pages: Army Equipment Comparison, Air Force Equipment Comparison, Naval Equipment Comparison, Taken Losses (Air), Inflicted Losses (Air), Taken Losses (Naval), Inflicted Losses (Naval) - List current losses in battles (per country) on the tool-tip over battle progress bar (both on battles list and for current battle) - List current equipment for each side in battles on the tool-tip over its strength bar and flag in battles list - List current equipment for each side in battles on the tool-tip over its flag in battle panel - List current equipment for the selected unit on tool-tips over unit strength bar and over unit’s type icon - List current, max, less equipment for each division in combat on tool-tip over its picture - List current, max, less equipment for each division on tool-tip over its picture in unit lists - List current, max, less equipment for each division on tool-tip over its STR bar in unit lists - List current, max, less equipment for each division on tool-tip over its picture in (re-)deployment pool - List current, max, less equipment for each division on tool-tip over its STR bar in (re-)deployment pool - List current, max, less equipment for each division on tool-tip over its big picture in division panel - List current, max, less equipment for divisions in production list on tool-tip over division picture - List brigade equipment on tool-tip over brigade check-boxes in production panel - List brigade equipment on tool-tip over brigade icon in production panel and in build queue - List division equipment on tool-tip over division icon in production panel and in build queue - List total (division + all brigades) equipment on tool-tip over division picture in production panel and over division palate in build queue - Post battle losses reports - Added 3 Combat Losses Report styles, selectable from the right-click menu above the Pause button. - Added 3 Equipment Report styles, selectable from the right-click menu above the Pause button. 25. Added tool-tips on Strength and Organization bars on units in (re-)deployment pool. 26. Tweaked message box text width to use space under shields too. 27. Allowed taller message boxes on higher screen resolutions (limited up to 736 pixels before). 28. Retirement year of generated dummy ministers set to current year + 1. 29. Added new texts for garrison trigger when used for ships. 30. Improved allied area calculation logic to include puppets and friendly nations too. 31. Improved convoy system: - Allow supply convoys to start at and resource convoys to end to province controlled by a friendly nation - Cancel convoys with invalid paths (like enemy controlled strait on the way). - Improved provincial supply depots creation logic to take into account allied areas and put resources directly to capital when this is possible. - Proper calculation of produced in the area resources. - Improved precision of needed transport convoys calculation. - Improved needed transport convoys calculation for convoys from oversea puppets. - Delete inactive resource convoys (no resources at start area) when "Merge and relocate provincial depots to the best province in the area." option is enabled. - Allowed resource convoys to ship back to capital exceeding supplies from oversea depots (optional, misc.txt). New options in misc.txt 1. New modifiers in misc.txt (“mod” section): - Enable Retirement Year for ministers (auto-retire ministers once the year is reached in-game) - Enable Retirement Year for leaders (auto-retire leaders once the year is reached in-game) - UI - Production panel UI style - UI - Unit pictures size - UI - Enable pictures instead of icons for naval brigades in the production panel - Set buildings to be buildable only in provinces (from game map view). 0 – Disable, 1 - Enable (Ports, Air Bases, Nuclear Reactors, Rocket Test Sites), 2 - Enable (1 + provincial AA and Radars 2. New modifiers in misc.txt (“mission” section): - Use Attack and Support Attack mission efficiencies as land combat modifiers for attackers 3. New modifier in misc.txt (“research” section): - Tech overview panel style - On new country release - allow known techs with rocketry component to be given to the new country - On new country release - allow known techs with nuclear_physics component to be given to the new country - On new country release - allow known techs with nuclear_engineering component to be given to the new country - On new country release - allow known secret techs to be given to the new country - Max tech team skill 4. New modifier in misc.txt (“mod” section): - Unit modifiers statistics page - switch to new style when more then THIS unit types are used per group (land/navy/air) 5. New modifiers in misc.txt (“combat” section): - Land and Coastal forts damage modifier for every 100 STR points of attacking units, hourly applied - Max damage Land and Coastal forts could take per hour in combat - Min. Softness for a land division, including added by brigades - Min. average unit speed for chance bonus to be applied - Maximum chance bonus reached with THIS remaining speed point - Chance modifier per remaining speed point - Combat events duration in hours - Base chance of Naval units to avoid hit if defenses left (split from Air) - Base chance of Air units to avoid hit if no defenses left (split from Land) - Base chance of Naval units to avoid hit if no defenses left (split from Land) - Land unit - Min inflicted ORG damage - starting value, it is modified before being used - Land unit - Additional inflicted ORG damage (random) for Hard vs Hard or Soft vs Soft units - starting value, it is modified before being used - Land unit - Additional inflicted ORG damage (random) for Hard vs Soft units - starting value, it is modified before being used - Land unit - Min inflicted STR damage - starting value, it is modified before being used - Land unit - Additional inflicted STR damage (random) for Hard vs Hard or Soft vs Soft units - starting value, it is modified before being used - Land unit - Additional inflicted STR damage (random) for Hard vs Soft units - starting value, it is modified before being used - Air unit - Min inflicted ORG damage - starting value, it is modified before being used - Air unit - Additional inflicted ORG damage (random) - starting value, it is modified before being used - Air unit - Min inflicted STR damage - starting value, it is modified before being used - Air unit - Additional inflicted STR damage (random) - starting value, it is modified before being used - Air unit - STR damage modifier vs. entrenched Land units - Naval unit - Min inflicted ORG damage - starting value, it is modified before being used - Naval unit - Additional inflicted ORG damage (random) - starting value, it is modified before being used - Naval unit - Min inflicted STR damage - starting value, it is modified before being used - Naval unit - Additional inflicted STR damage (random) - starting value, it is modified before being used - Combat bonus per leader skill point - Land commanders - Combat bonus per leader skill point - Air commanders - Combat bonus per leader skill point - Naval commanders - Fleet positioning in naval combat - Daytime bonus - Fleet positioning in naval combat - Leader skill modifier per skill point - Fleet positioning in naval combat - Fleet size modifier - Fleet positioning in naval combat - Fleet composition - Auto-retreat from combat when average ORG for own or controlled units drop below THIS - ORG modifier for land units after naval transportation - Max Land units dig in level - Dig in level increase per day - Land vs. Land - Org dmg in Urban provinces - Land vs. Land - Org dmg if Land Fort [(0.0 = no Org dmg) to (1.0 = no effect)] - Land vs. Land - Org dmg if Land Fort - Required Land Fort current size for the above ORG multiplier to trigger - HQ units can take STR damage only during Breakthrough combat event - Combat mode. Note: This setting controls only full names, short names and descriptions of some unit stats. 6. New modifiers in misc.txt (“economy” section): - Nukes production rate modifier. Higher this is, longer it takes to get a new nuke - Convoy system options for allied (own country and friendly nations controlled land connected provinces) and own (own country controlled and land connected provinces) areas - Resource convoys can ship back to capital unneeded supplies (and oil) from oversea depots 7. Extended misc.txt parameter “New DoW rules (AI only) - disallow DoW between alliance members if alliance leaders have NAP. Disallow DoW to or by puppets.” with another option 2 – apply to players too. Allow DoW to puppets if already at war with Master. Commands and triggers Note: Check Modding documentation\event commands.txt for details. 1. Implemented strength_cap command: 2. Expanded some existing 2 countries triggers to accept current country on both sides: - transport_pool - escort_pool - puppet - war - access - non_aggression - guarantee - trade - military_control 3. Expanded some existing triggers to have country parameter too: - government - ideology - vp 4. Added new triggers: - navy - air - research_mod - losses 5. Expanded army trigger functionality 6. Expanded revolt command: 7. Expanded under_attack trigger to accept current country too 8. Changed embargo trigger syntax to accept current country on both sides. NOTE: Any events that use this trigger must be updated! 9. Changed embargo command syntax to accept current country too. 10. Expanded some commands to accept current country too: - control - flag_ext - name - secedeprovince - secedearea - secederegion 11. Expanded commands to accept country TAG too: - addclaim - removeclaim - addcore - removecore Improved Error Logs Note 1: For most of these checks to be activated you must set "Extra debug logs" in settings.cfg to 1 or 2. Note 2: All errors are logged into savedebug.txt file in your game's root folder. 1. Added a pop-up dialog for suppressing error report pop-up dialogs for the current game session (triggers after the first ignored error report). 2. Added an error report for unknown climate type defined in province.csv or in scenario/saved-game files. 3. Added check for valid province IDs for unit location (scenario files). 4. Added check and report for too long (63+) army, navy, air and unit names. 5. Improved error checking of external DB files: - Enabled non-critical error messages only if Extra Debug Logs in settings.cfg is set to 2. - Report invalid base province ID set for air units - Report invalid location province ID set for air units - Report non-land province ID set as base for air units - Report invalid base province ID set for naval units - Report invalid location province ID set for naval units - Report non-land province ID set as base for naval units - Report non-land province ID set as location for land units - More detailed report on country TAG errors in db\country.csv - Expanded .AI files verifier to check *.ai files in all first level sub-folders of ai folder (previously only ai\switch sub-folder was checked) - Report invalid country ID’s in list (demand_claims, liberate etc. lists) - Report duplicated country ID’s in lists (demand_claims, liberate etc. lists) - Report duplicated and invalid numbers in lists (province IDs, event IDs etc.) - Report invalid regular_id in revolt.txt - Check for one extra } in AI files that cuts the file - Report province ID duplication between minimum, extra and claimed lists for country in revolt.txt - Report invalid (out of range) province IDs in minimum, extra and claimed lists for country in revolt.txt - Report non-land province IDs in minimum, extra and claimed lists for country in revolt.txt - Report invalid country TAG in ‘relation’ 6. Added country TAG validation for many triggers (owned, control, capital, core, claims etc.) 7. Added checks to ensure no province duplication in national and claimed provinces list for countries. 8. Implemented check for duplicated blocks in external DB files (extra debug logs must be enabled in settings.cfg): - AI preferences - Country definitions - Unit and Brigade models - Unit and Brigade types - Technologies - Buildings - Developments - Minister personalities - Relations - Air, Land and Naval units and divisions - Provinces - Treaties - War - Sprites - Revolt.txt - Domestics - Event commands - Game event structure 9. Added unit and division name validation check (if name in scenario files exists in unit/division names DB for the country). Debug logs must be set to 2 in settings.cfg to enable this check. 10. Implemented error report on invalid type strings: - Division type - Brigade type - Mission type - Weather type - Building type 11. Proper report on overflow errors for too long texts (over 511 characters) used directly in events or other DB files. 12. Report invalid continent, region and are names used in commands and triggers 13. Added check and report for missing “when = on_upgrade” setting for build_time, build_cost and manpower event commands modifying units’ stats. (Improves game’s performance) 14. Added report for texts in events based on debug log level (settings.cfg). - Level 1: WARNING if event, action, decision names or descriptions are not found in text (*.csv) files - Level 2: Level 1 + INFO about the string ID used for event, action, decision names or descriptions (useful for *.csv files clean up and maintenance) Launcher Changes 1. Fixed a bug with mod selection not applied if the previous mod folder is missing. Translation and Text Changes 1. Added partially missing Russian translation to Darkest Hour Light. 2. Fixed crash bug on war declaration when playing in German language. 3. Added missing German translation of some scenario texts. 4. Fixed typos, grammar and invalid characters, improved formatting of many texts in all languages. 5. Shortened some too long event texts (fix for corrupted event panel in 1024 x 768 resolution). 6. Shortened short unit names in French and in German. 7. Changed naval speed from kmh to kn on 2 tool-tip texts. Event Changes Darkest Hour Light/core 1. Improved trigger for event 30165 (AI_SOV_Spheres.txt). 2. Fixed typos reported by the built-in error checker. Darkest Hour Full 1. Added mods.txt event file as a place holder for mini mods. 2. Mobilization system reworked: - Split Mobilization.txt into Mobilization_events.txt and Mobilization_decisions.txt - Decisions now trigger an event that holds further information about the level of conscription 3. Added events and decisions that allow players to call general elections and play a political campaign. 4. Fixed many errors in event files - invalid commands, parameters, province IDs, typos etc., all reported by the built-in error checker. 5. Reviewed Soviet ministers and leaders slept in the Purges event. 6. Corrected MEFO bills event so that if fires if Hitler is HoS or HoG. 7. Added election and HoS change events for 1933-1936 period. 8. Implemented historical speeches for important events. 9. Added generic Economic events and decisions. 10. Rewrite and merge of many old AI and generic events (like minor slider movement AI files) to use DH event syntax. 11. Tweaked triggers of many events and decisions. 12. Added Women Work generic decision. 13. Added AI events to set historical HoS/HoG to all countries (WWI-WWII era) 14. Added decision to convert convoy transports into transport ships. 15. Added Baghdad Railway events/decisions (WWI). 16. Added "Help Republican Spain" event for DDR in 1933 scenario 17. Implement the event for the Contestado War 18. Made Ersatz Conversion decision more attractive 19. Added If-Day event 20. Added Resistance decisions for France 21. Added July 20th plot event chain for Germany 22. Reworked Treaty of Bucharest 23. Added Repeal Prohibition, Philippines Independence and Battle for Dakar decisions 24. Reviewed Ottoman entry in WWI and German-Ottoman collaboration events 25. Reviewed WWI peace events chains 26. Added many events for China in 1914 scenario (like Chinese entry to WWI) 27. Greatly improved Russian Civil War events chain 28. Severely reduce dissent increase for % territory loss in generic events given reintroduction of city lost events 29. France will now be German puppet if an alliance is signed at Montoire 30. Anticomintern Pact should not be available to ITA and JAP if GER doesn't exists 31. Corrected trigger of event 2006014 (GER Italy Surrenders) so that it doesn't surrender to GER when ITA is at war with GER 32. Fixed wrong division ID in Wehrmacht Creation event (2003139, 1933 scenario), resulting in one less INF division for Germany 33. Reduced dissent given by events to Germany in 1933 scenario. 34. Eased Mol-Rib pact requirements 35. Belgium now Allied until reoccupation of Rhineland 36. Prevent Italy from attacking Axis Greece 37. Rebalanced Vichy France dissent 38. Tweaked Allow foreign volunteer event 39. France surrenders to GER (WW2) even if not allied with ENG (historical partition) 40. Fixed issue with Nat. Spain mobilization 41. Tweaked Atlantic wall decision 42. Added Recruitment Campaign decision 43. Tweaked Pearl Harbor events chain 44. Tweaked Bitter Peace event to not fire if Germany is puppet 45. Fixed a bug with Ottoman Empire keeping control over Armenia after the Treaty of Sevres 46. Tweaked Infrastructure Investment Events to make those more useful 47. Fixed a bug with Free France receiving no MP on mobilizing 48. Added events to 1914 scenario to wake/sleep M/L/TTs 49. Corrected and improved events for 1941 Allied Diplomatic Offensive 50. Fixed an issue with Chinese provinces upon Japan capitulation 51. Control of Saigon and not of Indochinese Union is needed for Japan to align Siam 52. Disabled the claim of Bessarabia event after the Bitter Peace 53. Improved SCW events with new delayed trigger commands + correct starting SPA provinces 54. Replaced random "remove_division" commands with new demobilize command (more historical 1914 treaties) 55. Add "Help Republican Spain" event for DDR in 1933 scenario 56. Tweaked Ersatz Conversion decision 57. Fixed an issue with "Arsenal of Democracy" event setting CVE build times to 1 day. AI Changes Darkest Hour Light/core 1. Fixed crash on load of MEX_36_War.ai 2. Fixed an issue with Italy not invading Albania 3. Removed duplicated entries in many AI sections and files. 4. Fixed many errors in AI files - invalid closing brackets, province IDs, typos etc., all reported by the built-in error checker. Darkest Hour Full 1. Improved research priorities of many AI countries. 2. French AI set to not build the extended Maginot. 3. Fixed issue with odd Bulgarian DOWs. 4. Improved Soviet AI against human Germany. 5. Enabled nuclear reactors for Germany and USSR AIs. 6. USA AI set to release UK. 7. Soviet AI set to be more passive against Finland. 8. Improved Axis garrison priorities to Greece. 9. Improved ENG AI home garrison priorities. 10. British Raj AI set to be more passive in 1914 scenario. 11. Adjusted Soviet panic build to focus more on militia and to stop upgrading. 12. Fixed many errors in AI files - invalid closing brackets, province IDs, typos etc., all reported by the built-in error checker. 13. AI build priorities updated to include new unit and brigade types. 14. ENG AI set to release U02 and ALB. 15. Various improvements to French, Italian, German, Russian, Bulgarian and Ottoman AIs in 1914 scenario. 16. German AI instructed to keep less troops on garrison duties in Russia (WWII). 17. Fixed issues with Italian build AI (WWII). 18. Tweaked French AI behavior during the invasion of Poland. 19. Japan AI now releases China-Nanjing when Pacific war starts. 20. Tweaked "Germany invades Russia" AI event to trigger no early then May and no later then July. Scenarios Changes Darkest Hour Light/core 1. Fixed many errors reported by the built-in error checker in all scenarios. 2. Added all core scenario files to DH Light to resolve issues on multiplayer game start. Darkest Hour Full 1. Fixed starting manpower and mobilization levels of many countries in new scenarios. 2. Fixed starting cabinets of many countries in various scenarios. 3. Fixed / updated OOBs of many countries in various scenarios. 4. Added coastal and land forts to Finland and Estonia. 5. Added 10 IC to Germany in 1933 scenario. 6. Reduced revolt risk in Palestine in 1933 scenario. 7. Reduced staring dissent in Italy in 1933 scenario. 8. Set Belgium allied to UK on 1933 and 1936 scenarios start. 9. Updated claims and cores for Hungary in all scenarios. 10. Reduced starting army of Netherlands in 1933 scenario. 11. Korce given to Greece on 1914 scenario start. 12. Changed ideology of Brazil in WW2 so that it becomes Paternal Autocrat. 13. Updated province buildings for all scenarios. 14. Fixed wrong army/unit names in OOBs of many countries in all scenarios. 15. Added locked garrisons to German AI in WWII scenarios. 16. Added fixed low cost to ship overhauls in build queue on scenario start. 17. Added airport to Lisbon in 1914 scenario (fixes CTD on view air units). 18. Added more units to Finland in 1933 and 1936 scenarios. 19. Fixed base of "Armada Espaсola" in 1914 scenario. 20. Changed VPs in 1914 scenario to allow for Central Powers victory. 21. Added rocket techs and test site to Germany in various scenarios. 22. Fixed cores for Chinese factions in all scenarios. 23. Updated propaganda posters for some countries/scenarios. 24. Fixed many errors reported by the built-in error checker in all scenarios. 25. Added 1 VP to Tirana. 26. Added missing Romanian core on Bacau province in 1914 scenario. 27. Added small supply oversea depots when needed to all scenarios. 28. Removed PHI from selectable nations list in 1933 scenario. 29. Added naval and air bases at Bremen. 30. Added 200 manpower to Ethiopia in 1933 scenario. 31. Set Pretoria as capital of SAF in 1914 scenario. 32. Nukunonu given to Britain in 1914 scenario. 33. Nauru given to Germany in 1914 scenario. 34. Added 1939 scenario. 35. Added 1941.06 scenario. 36. Added 1943.07 scenario. 37. Added 1944.06 scenario. 38. Added 1944.12 scenario. 39. Added 1904.02 battle scenario. 40. Added 1939.09 battle scenario. Unit Changes 1. Added missing or fixed wrong models of many units and brigades. 2. Complete overhaul of modifiers.csv. 3. Added brigade_modifiers.csv. 4. Added Light Carrier and Rocket Interceptor unit types. 5. Added discrete Medium armor, Floatplane, Light CAG, Amph. armor, Glider armor, Glider artillery and Super heavy artillery brigade types. 6. Added equipment to all unit and brigade models. 7. Removed speed_cap_XXX modifiers as obsolete in DH Full. 8. Greatly reduced HQ unit's combat stats. 9. Increased firing range of BB-6 from 0.32 to 0.35 to be in-line with the rest of the models. 10. Adjusted speed of all land units. 11. Tweaked naval units attack, defense and speed. 12. Increased fuel consumption of fast moving land units. 13. Greatly increased supply consumption and transportweight of horse only cavalry models. 14. V2 rockets set to not upgradeable. 15. Added speed_cap values to brigades. 16. Engineer brigade give only positive movement modifier depending on terrain instead of giving plain speed bonus. 17. Tweaked cost, build time, supply and fuel consumption of early (WWI scenario) Air units. 18. Tweaked range of some air units/models. 19. Added minimal sub detection value to all naval units. 20. Added minimal sub attack value to all naval units, except for TP, CV and CVL. 21. Fixed ASW sub detection bonus. 22. Removed MP cost for naval fire control attachment. 23. Tweaked escort planes ranges. 24. Added movement, attack, defense modifiers to some brigades (brigade_modifiers.csv). 25. Introduced defensive, offensive, air, naval and surface vulnerability as part of the revised combat system. 26. Reviwed and tweaked all unit combat modifiers (modifiers.csv). 27. Added combat modifiers to some brigades (brigade_modifiers.csv). Graphics Changes 1. Replaced pictures of many leaders, ministers and techteams with better ones. 2. Replaced wrong pictures of some leaders, ministers and techteams with correct ones. 3. Fixed Mongolian flag for WW II. 4. Fixed ENG bomber sprite palette reference. 5. Added event headers for CHC and CHI and Mexican factions. 6. Added new generic pictures for leaders and ministers without own picture. 7. Fixed England's counter to use correct flag. 8. Added missing flag icons for some nations. 9. Fixed many flag/shield/counter/icon inconsitencies. 10. Fixed 3 corrupted counters. Darkest Hour Full Only 1. New minimap. 2. Updated many parts of the UI - new top and side bars, buttons, styles, background pictures etc. 3. Changed color of some counters to match country color. 4. Fixed Soviet flag in 1914 scenario. 5. Added model pictures for naval brigades. 6. New weather icons. 7. Added flags needed for RCW factions. 8. Added Russian unit icons - Falconette. 9. Added Bulgarian unit icons - Falconette. Other DB Changes Darkest Hour Light/core 1. Fixed issues with province IDs in revolt.txt. 2. Fixed issues with End Year for some leaders. 3. Replaced all invalid instances of 'when = now' with 'when = on_upgrade' for build_time, build_cost and manpower in techs. Darkest Hour Full 1. Added historical speeches at key moment of the game. 2. Added ministers new ministers for EUS from EUS Improvement pack. 3. Added many new leaders, ministers and tech teams to various countries. 4. Fixed issues and wrong pictures to many leaders, ministers and tech teams of various countries. 5. Added Retirement Year column to leader and minister files. 6. Fixed various issues and typos in revolts.txt reported by the built-in error checker. 7. Added resources production bonus to Central Planning policy slider, equal to the IC bonus. 8. Added resources production penalty to Professional Army policy slider, equal to the IC penalty. 9. Decreased rocket test site cost from 20 to 10 IC. 10. Fixed predefined unit and army names for some countries. Tech Changes 1. Fixed wrong prerequisite for "Interbellum I Static Anti-Air Artillery" tech. 2. Fixed wrong prerequisite for "Great War Torpedo" tech. 3. Fixed incorrect component names for some techs. 4. Added missing component names for some techs. 5. Reduced research difficulty for WWI land doctrines. 6. Removed rough terrain movement penalty from Interwar doctrine. 7. Removed support_defence mission modifiers from techs. 8. Tweaked strategic redeployment bonuses given by techs. 9. Added hard attack bonus to Inf/Mtn from AT techs. 10. Added new "Computer 1960" tech. 11. Fixed various issues and typos in techs reported by the built-in error checker. 12. Removed all speed_cap_XXXX commands in land doctrines as obsolete in DH Full. 13. Fixed issues with bonuses from Nuclear techs. 14. Tweaked Amphibious assault techs years and bonuses. 15. Replaced all invalid instances of 'when = now' with 'when = on_upgrade' for build_time, build_cost and manpower in techs. 16. Fixed wrong prerequisite for "Unified Axis Doctrine" tech. 17. Tweaked "Manpower Doctrine" bonuses. 18. Radar techs set to provide night and rain attack bonuses to naval radars. 19. Tweaked naval doctrines to reduce 1914 scenario bonuses to submarines. 20. "People's Army Doctrine" set to give 10% morale bonus to militia units. 21. Naval radars changed to give small night and rain combat bonuses. Map Changes 1. Fixed wrong sea province connection between provinces 1077 and 383. 2. Removed wrong river connection between provinces 1157 (Kansk) and 1164 (Ust-Kut) 3. Fixed wrong seazone of province 1779. 4. Fixed Polish city names. 5. Fixed wrong coordinates of Carlsbad, Groningen and other provinces. 6. Removed invalid connections between provinces in Russia. 7. Added 1 IC to Damascus province. 8. Fixed a typo in Philippine Trench. 9. Fixed wrong harbor and airport coordinates of Attu Island. 10. Fixed an issue with quick search of Binghampton province. 11. Added a port to Siauliai in Lithuania. 12. Removed beach from Karlovac. 13. Tweaked map colors. 14. Fixed several map glitches (Nicaragua, Philippines). 15. Added some new ports and beaches. 16. Changed names of provinces 581, 1691 and 1859 to avoid duplications. 17. Fixed an issue with Hiroshima naval base location. 18. All terrain based movement modifiers set to 1 (speed modifiers are defined in modifiers.csv per unit type). 19. Removed wrong connection between several provinces (827-837, 1136-1138, 1450-1439, ...). 20. Added a harbor to province 917 (Pointe-Noire). 21. Fixed airport location of Kalymnos (378). 22. Fixed an issue with Rabaul naval base. 23. Added Kiel canal. 24. Added extra 2 IC to provinces in Finland. 25. Fixed distance issues in some African provinces. 26. Fixed distance between Ryukyu Islands and Amami. 27. Changed Nancy terrain type from mountain to hills. 28. Fixed issues on Trento-Belluno border. 29. Changed MP of 3 Rhodesian provinces. 30. Added extra 6 IC to provinces in Manchukuo. 31. Changed province picture of provinces 29 and 142. 32. Added sea connection between Gallipoli and Bursa.
링크 : http://www.mediafire.com/?slqjg9ix908eqkt
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