저는 영어교육을 전공하고 있는 학생이에요.
보고서를 작성하고 있는데.. 설문조사가 필요해서 도움을 요청합니다.
설문의 목적은 한국에서 영어를 공부하고 있는 학생들과 native간에
거절하는 상황에서의 영어사용표현을 비교하는 것이예요..
급한거라.. 이 카페에선 영어에 관심이 많은 분들인거 같아서....^^;
제 멜로 답변 보내주시면 되요^^;
멜 주소는요? anbycat@hanmail.net 입니다.
간단하게 번호별로 답변만 부탁드릴께요.(영어로)
This is not a test; there are no right or wrong answers. Your responses will be anonymous. The purpose of this questionaire is to see how people usually speak in given situations. Please read the following and write down what you would normally say and feel as appropriate in the given situations. Do not feel limited by the spaces provided. Please write the way you speak.
1. The boss at your company calls you into the office.
Boss: I'm schedule to hold the year-end party this weekend for all employees.
Will you be able to come?
You refuse by saying:
2. A classmate who frequently misses classes approaches you.
Classmate: Oh, I overslept again. Could I please copy your notes from the last
You refuse by saying: (Assume that you are present at the last lecture.)
3. You are walking down the street and it starts raining hard. A couple stops the car
and one of them says
Stranger: Would you like a ride?
You refuse by saying:
4. A stranger calls you one day and asks you for a favor.
A stranger: I'm in a very desperate situation. I have to do assignment due
tomorrow and I have to research on refusals. Could you answer some questions?
You refuse by saying:
『세상을 변화시키는 인터넷①』
(≫≪) 미군 희생 여중생들의 죽음을 애도하며..