The Way For Students Chapter 4. School And Study Section 3. Friend Relationship
1. Friend Of Friends : Parents
If man had not fallen, the friend of friends would have been his parents. Your parent is the king friend of friends. And the king teacher of teachers are your parents. Do you understand?
The origin of all plans are parents. The origin of all lives are parents, and the center of all social movements are the parents. The parents, however, have not been the true parents but the false parents. They have been turned upside down. 2. Friendship
So is it between friends. When you visit a friend who is unfriendly and inaccessible, you cannot feel at ease. You would feel awkward. You can feel at ease only in the case that you have strong emotional ties between friends so that you can interfere in your friend's matter freely, and your friend can step into your personal life as well.
In order to form such strong ties with your friends you should be tied to them by emotional affection. And then all external matters would be solved. The crucial point is to have strong affectionate ties. (33-133)
We often hear people ask, between friends, whether something interests you. What do they mean with the words? It means that they ask you whether that thing is something your heart or your mind would be pleased by. You should know that, in the word "pleasure," there must be a certain internal connection of the heart. (91-10)
When you need a friend, you want a friend who can shed tears. Yet you would not want such an indecent man who does nothing but weep all day, but want a friend who can shed tears, while on the other hand has lots of laughter as well.
It is not good to make a wry face at all times. Even in a deep grief-stricken situation you should be able to find an overflowing joy. Who can be qualified for the blessing of happiness? Anyone who is crying sorrowfully for another who is overwhelmed with grief is the one being blessed. It is you at the place where you want to stay forever that the blessing would call on. Make sense? (36-109) |