Earthly Life and Spirit World (Part 1) - 057 [2] Death And The Spirit World 1) The Inevitable Path Of Human Life
2. Most Of Human Life - 2
Religions desire the end of this world that started from selfish desires. They pursue public worlds and have been hoping for a single, unified world of peace. It is religion that has been screaming this kind of idea for thousands of years. They did not just begin to scream today.
How should religious people live? To shorten this historical distance, to connect the worlds, to connect the cosmos is far more interesting than to have fun as a husband and wife.
This kind of life is far more interesting. Although one lives as an individual, one can make a liberated family if one lives beyond this world. It is a life beyond the world that originated from the private origin. That kind of family cannot help but become an absolute family.
When we walk the streets of Myung Dong, we see young couples loving each other. For whom is it? Whom? Whom? They say they want to enjoy their youth, which they can have only once.
Who is the subject, or the master, of the enjoyment? This is a serious question. Since when can you enjoy? Can you enjoy all the time starting from your 20s? Is there any special method when you get to your 60s, 70s, and 80s?
But the way of the Unification Church is different. For the sake of what do you eat? Do you eat just to sustain your life? You members of the Unification Church, for what do you eat? You eat for the sake of the world. You eat to abolish this evil world.
You see in order to clean up this evil world. You do not see things to become a part of an evil side but to defeat the evil world. The way we hear, the way we think, walk, and act are all different from the secular world. (36:72)
God is not an absolute being if He created human beings as a kind of being who lives only for several days and perishes. God created human beings as precious beings whom He wants to cherish eternally.
If God is eternal, and man is the object of God's joy, man must be eternal. If that's the case, the counterpart of the eternal God must be an eternal world. How can we describe this by words?
There are many people who think that death is the end of their life, and they live that way, saying, "You can live 70 or 80 years; that's what you get.
And if you die, that's it," During the course of history, there were people who thought deeply about how to have an immortal life. They thought about the way to live beyond death.
The more one held a greater ideal, the more one thought and said, "What is the meaning of human life? Why are human beings born and why do they walk the path like travelers?" People said things such as "Life is a bitter ocean" or "Life is like the dew on grass," They don't have to worry so much if human beings live eternally. (39:229) |