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르꼬르동블루 학과 Certificate IV / Advanced Diploma 커리큘럼에 대해 안내하고자 합니다.
Certificate III 15개월 이후 Certificate IV / Advanced Diploma 과정을 배우게 됩니다.
Certificate III 과정 커리큘럼 안내
Advanced Diploma 과정 등록시 Certificate III 과정 15개월을 포함한
Certificate IV (Stage1) 6개월 / Advanced Diploma (Stage2) 6개월 과정이 포함되어
총 2년3개월 과정입니다
Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery / Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
Certificate IV in Patisserie / Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
CRICOS Code: 091098J
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management (Commercial Cookery)
| Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management (Patisserie)
Diplôme Avancé de Gestion Culinaire 과정은 학생들에게 호텔 경영 서비스업 분야에서 다양한 일자리 범위를 넓히기 위해 필요한 기술과 지식을 발전시키므로서 다양한 곳을 통할 수 있도록 진행되고 있습니다. 학생들이 요리 기술 뿐만 아니라 제과 제빵 에서부터 마케팅, 인사경영,비지니스 계획과 제정관리 분야에서 경영과 리더쉽 까지 배울 수 있습니다.
Certificate III in Commercial Cookery 9개월 과정과 IP (현장 실습) 기간 6개월을 이수한뒤 진행됩니다.
| Diplôme Avancé de Gestion Culinaire 과정은 호텔 경영 서비스업 분야애서 필요로 하는 학생들의 지식과 기술을 발전시키기위해 고안되었습니다. 학생들의 Patisserie 기술을 발휘하고 발전시킬수 있으며 마켓팅, 인사경영, 비지니스 계획과 재정 관리 분야에서 경영과 리더쉽 스킬을 배울 수 있습니다.
Certificate III in Pattisserie 9개월 과정과 IP (현장 실습) 기간 6개월을 이수한뒤 진행됩니다.
Program 1: STAGE 1 (6 Months) Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
FRENCH STUDY MODULES - Product origins, influences and regional cuisines
- Classical French and contemporary cuisines
- Classical French and contemporary patés, terrines and buffet items
- Seasonal and market influences in cuisine
AUSTRALIAN UNITS OF COMPETENCY - SITHCCC015 Produce and serve food for buffets
- SITHCCC021 Prepare specialised food items
- SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations
- BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
- SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements
- SITXFIN004 Prepare and monitor budgets
- SITXFIN003 Manage finances within a budget
- BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace
- SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people
- SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations
- SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
- SITXWHS004 Establish and maintain a work health and safety system
| Program 1: STAGE 1 (6 Months) Certificate IV in Patisserie
FRENCH STUDY MODULES - Decorative showpieces - Advanced sugar and chocolate work to produce original showpieces. Includes silicone mould making
- Confiserie - Advanced chocolate and sugar confections. Packaging and presentation of confectionery
- Petits fours
- Marzipan - Shaping, modelling and finishing figures
- Caramel and nougatine
AUSTRALIAN UNITS OF COMPETENCY - SITHPAT008 Produce chocolate confectionery
- SITHPAT009 Model sugar-based decorations
- SITHPAT010 Design and produce sweet buffet showpieces
- SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations
- BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
- SITXFIN004 Prepare and monitor budgets
- SITXFIN003 Manage finances within a budget
- BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace
- SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people
- SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations
- SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
- SITXWHS004 Establish and maintain a work health and safety system
Program 2: STAGE 2 (6 Months) Diplôme Advancé de Gestion Culinaire
- SITXCCS008 Develop and manage quality customer service practices
- BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan
- BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan
- SITXFIN005 Manage physical assets
- SITXMPR007 Develop and implement marketing strategies
- SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships
- SITXGLC001 Research and comply with regulatory requirements
- SITXHRM004 Recruit, select and induct staff
- SITXHRM006 Monitor staff performance
- BSBFIM601 Manage finances
Program 2: STAGE 2 (6 Months) Diplôme Advancé de Gestion Culinaire
- SITXCCS008 Develop and manage quality customer service practices
- BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan
- BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan
- SITXFIN005 Manage physical assets
- SITXMPR007 Develop and implement marketing strategies
- SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships
- SITXGLC001 Research and comply with regulatory requirements
- SITXHRM004 Recruit, select and induct staff
- SITXHRM006 Monitor staff performance
- BSBFIM601 Manage finances
위에 해당하는 Advanced Diploma 의 모든 커리큘럼과정을 이수하고 나면
Certificate III / Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery / Patisserie
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
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Certificate III in Commercial Cookery / Certificate III in Patisserie 학과 과정 커리큘럼
카페 게시글
르꼬르동블루 공지
[학과 안내] Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery/Patisserie & Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management 학과 과정 커리큘럼