The title of this book is choosing a pet.
one day, willium gave money for his mother because it was his brithday.
then he went to petshop.
first, he saw monkey. he like monkey but her mother dosen't like, he dosen't bought it.
second,william saw gold fish.
mr.Gage said,"gold fish can swim" but william dosen't llike them.
third,william went to turtle. turtle can crawl william hands and swim. suddenly turtle put pn legs and it's head. william dosen't like that then he go to next.there were mouse.
he like mise but his mom dosen"t like mise.
so william go to parrot cages.
mr Gage william can teach a few word to parrot.
but william didn't bought it again.
next,puppy choosed william then he bought puppy.
i think this book is fun.