필리핀 무역정보
1. 필리핀 무역통계
Trade Statistics
2. 수출절차 Export Procedures
SENDING SAMPLE SHIPMENTS Follow steps 1, 2, and 3, of Export Documentation. LOADING IN MANILA LOADING AT PROVINCIAL PORTS After loading, the BOC issues the following documents upon request:
For shipments that are prepaid, send the original commercial and shipping documents to the buyer. EXEMPTION SCHEMES AVAILABLE TO EXPORTERS
3. 수출 요건 및 서류 Export Requirements
What Are The Steps And Documents Required In Exporting?
4. 수입절차 Import Procedures
STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE IN IMPORTING GOODS All shipments valued over US$ 500 must be inspected by SGS of origin prior to uplift. For seafreight, any shipment valued at US$ 500 + below but exceeding 1 fr. ton, SGS must also inspect at origin. For airfreight, any shipment valued at US$ 500 + below but exceeding 100 KOS (Actual Or Chargeable) must also be pre-shipment inspected by SGS. It will facilitate clearance if SGS confirmation about inspection can be attached to your documents as it often takes weeks to secure the original SGS (CRF) clean report finding from SGS Manilla. Discrepancies/ Late Filing MAWB + HAWB totals must tally both on weight and pieces. The same goes for seafreight ocean Bs/L and house Bs/L. Any mistake will delay clearance by minimum 4-5 days. For seafreight is imperative that we file inward foreign customs manifest 24 hours before arrival. Failure on our part will result in customs fines of Upto US$ 500 per omission. MAWB When consigning a shipment to us the description of goods must read 'Consolidation as per attached manifest' : It is not allowed to consign goods to a forwarder unless it is consolidation. Also a one line consolidation must be treated like a consolidation and manifest, HAWB's must be attached to the MAWB pouch. Under no circumstances must the description of goods appear in MAWB other than 'Consolidation as per attached manifest'. Freight Collect Your pre-alert must clearly show the freight and FOB Charges (itemized) to be collected. It will further assist our accounting to have within 24 hrs. After departure from your origin, a fax copy of charges to be collected less profit split. Freight Collect As Arranged All routed shipments should be claused as 'Freight Collect As Arranged' without showing the freight break down in question in the documents. This will facilitate and save importers duty on freight. Direct IATA Airfreight Shipments Some people believe it will be faster to airfreight direct without issuing a HAWB. This is not true for airfreight to the Philippines. The airlines cable importers about arrival, where as we pick up documents 3 X a day. The SGS CRF report usually is only available within 3-5 days after departure, so overnight transit is a waste of money. Documentations Required By Customs:
Airfreight Co-loading Should not be used unless we have approved co-loader, and the procedure. When documents arrive customs screen and input from pouch each HAWB into their computer. A back to back co-load will end up with the co-loaders HAMB instead of your HAWB which will take 4-5 days to rectify. We encourage seafreight co-loading with break bulk agents approved by us before shipment. Clearance Time If everything has been issued correctly seafreight will take 4-5 days and airfreight 2-3 days. We strip our consolidation containers inside the port within 3-4 days after arrival. Once a mistake has been made, even 'minor' clerical mistakes like discrepancies in weight bitween master B/L and house B/L, clearance time will be 10-14 days. If no lodgement of entry has been done within 30 days after arrival, shipment sill be treated as abandoned cargo which will be auctioned off be the Philippine Customs. Any cargo port marked 'Philippines' cannot be re-exported from here without payment of appropriate customs duties. |
5. CMOs, EOs, RAs etc
SECTION 1. Short title
This Act shall otherwise be known as the "Export Development Act of 1994."
SECTION 2. Declaration of policy
It shall be the policy of the State to evolve export development into a national effort. The government shall champion exports as a focal strategy for a sustainable agro-industrial development to achieve Philippine NIChood towards the year 2000. The private sector shall take the lead in the collective effort to promote exports through discipline and hard work, as it confronts the challenge of winning international markets.
The government and the private sector shall jointly transform the Philippines into an exporting nation. Towards this end, the State shall instill in the Filipino people that exporting is not just a sectoral concern, but the key to national survival and the means through which the economic goals of increased employment and enhanced incomes can most expeditiously be achieved.
SECTION 3. Key operating principles
A macro-economic policy framework that supports export development shall be provided, especially in key areas of concern to exporters:
SECTION 4. Definition of terms
SECTION 5. Philippine Export Development Plan [PEDP]
The President of the Republic of the Philippines shall approve a rolling three-year Philippine Export Development Plan prepared by the Department of Trade and Industry [DTI], which shall form part of the medium-term Philippine Development Plan [MTPDP]. It shall be formulated in consultation with the private sector, validated and updated semestrally.
The PEDP shall define the country's annual and medium-term export thrusts, strategies, programs and projects and shall be jointly implemented by the government, export and other concerned sectors.
SECTION 6. Export Development Council
The existing Export Development Council, hereinafter referred to as the Council, which was created by Executive Order No. 98 [1993] as modified by Executive Order No. 110 [1993], and Executive Order No. 180 [1994], shall be strengthened and institutionalized for the purpose of overseeing the implementation of the PEDP and coordinating the formulation and implementation of policy reforms to support the said Plan.
SECTION 7. Powers and functions
The DILG and the regional development councils shall be the channels through which these standards and policies shall be coursed.
SECTION 8. Composition of the Council
Other heads of executive agencies, private organizations or individuals can be called upon by the Council to attend any Council meeting and assist the Council to resolve issues and problems that concern their respective offices.
Likewise, such heads of executive agencies, private organizations or individuals shall respond to the queries of the Council within two [2] weeks from the time such queries are received.
SECTION 9. Mode of selection and tenure of private sector representatives
The President shall appoint the private sector representatives, who are not ex officio members, upon nomination of the accredited organization, ensuring balanced representations from the Visayas and Mindanao and various sectors, such as the labor sector, agricultural and traditional export sectors as against the non-agricultural and non-traditional export sectors and the like.
The private sector representatives of the Council shall serve for a period of two [2] years. When a vacancy occurs due to the resignation, death or incapacity of a member, a replacement who shall serve for the remainder of the member's term of office shall be appointed by the President.
SECTION 10. Meeting of the Council The Council shall meet once a month: Provided, that the President or the chairman may convene the Council anytime whenever he deems it necessary.
The President shall preside over meetings of the Council on a quarterly basis.
SECTION 11. Funding The activities and operational expenses of the Council shall be funded jointly by budgetary appropriations from the government and by private sector contributions as provided for in Executive Order No. 98.
SECTION 12. Accredited export organization The Council shall accredit a single umbrella organization of exporters pursuant to SECTION 7[1] of this Act to represent the export sector concerns and interests for three [3] years, after which the Council shall undertake a review of the accreditation prior to the granting or re-granting of the said accreditation.
6. 수입제한 품목 Restricted Items
Individuals whose intended visas are not yet approved by the Commission on Immigration and Deportation could request a temporary tax and duty-free release of their cargo with the Department of Finance by providing a cash bond, as well as a Letter of Request for the change of visa status was already submitted to the Commission on Immigration and Deportation. The Cash Bond could be acquired through payment of a certain premium, which would be based on 150% of the appraised value as assessed by the Bureau of Customs. The same is only valid for a period of 90 days from the date of filing of the Customs Permit with the Bureau of Customs from which it could be extended only for another 90 days. If the said Cash Bond remains unconcealed after the prescribed period, penaltties shall be levied by the Bureau of Customs against the consignee up to the forfeiture of the Cash Bond. |
글쓴이: 필카페24