역시 영어로 되어 있는데 간략히 설명하면 다음과 같습니다. EFT를 단순화해서 몇 군데를 두드려 주면 효과를 본다는 내용이며 이것을 선생님께 소개를 해서 효과를 봤다는 내용입니다. 간단화 해서 두드린 곳이 4곳이네요. ( 아이들에게 여러군데 두드리기에 불편해서 이렇게 한 거 같습니다. 시간도 단축되니까요 ) 그래서 여러 선생님께 이 방법을 권해 볼만 하네요. 아래의 네곳을 두드려 주면 된다고 합니다. 제가 영어가 짧은 관계로 해석을 못한 부분은 단어를 찾으시면 될 겁니다. slapping 과 wrist 의 뜻을 정확하게 모르겠습니다.
아래는 원문입니다. 천천히 읽어보시면 뜻이 이해가 될 것입니다.
Please show this article to every school teacher, school counselor, school principal and parent you can find. In it, Mary Stafford, who is very dedicated to getting EFT into the school system, outlines a very simple EFT shortcut tapping sequence that has proven to calm down classrooms and enhance test scores. Please know that there are likely many such tapping sequences that would be effective. The important thing is that the children start tapping on the meridian system. Its results are impressive.
By Mary Stafford M.Ed.,LPC, EFT-Adv
Dear Gary,
In 4 years ago I read an article in the newspaper by a school teacher who was very concerned about the great stress children are put under by the standardized tests required at the end of every year. The teacher who wrote the article was named Wendy Goodman; I looked her up in the phone book and called her. The person who answered the phone said she was not the teacher who wrote the letter to the paper, but she was a teacher with 15 years experience who was so stressed this year that she was considering leaving teaching.
This was her first year teaching in South Tucson, a very poor part of town. She reported that the children were very stressed and said and did things to one another that distracted the class from the lesson she was teaching. She found it very hard to get the attention of the class back on the lesson.
I told her that there was a very simple version of EFT that she could use with her second graders that I called the EFT Shortcut for Children. There are only 4 points to tap (3 of which I got from the EFT video set "Steps Toward Becoming The Ultimate Therapist."
1. The top of the head
2. Slapping with an open hand across the collarbone points.
3. The inside of each wrist
4. The inside of each leg above the ankle.
Children frequently are able to benefit from EFT without doing the Set-Up so I didn't include it. I suggested she take her class thru the EFT shortcut before the standardized testing and whenever the class had been disrupted.
A month later I spoke to her and she reported that she had done as I suggested. She took the class thru the EFT shortcut before the standardized test. The next time that she announced a test to the class they all began tapping without her saying a word. She also reported that she found that when a student disrupted the class by doing something to another student, if she directed the class to go thru the same tapping process, then the class would settle down quickly and pay attention to the lesson being taught.
The following year she taught 3rd.grade. At the end of that year she called me to tell me that the principal took her aside and told her how happy he was with the gains that her students had made in the standardized testing. He said her class had done better than the other classes in the school. She also said that when parents came to her with problems with their children, she told them about the EFT shortcut tapping process. She also told the other teachers and taught them how to use this simple approach.
She is still successfully using the EFT shortcut with her classes and her children.
Mary E.Stafford, M.Ed.,LPC, EFT-AdvM.Ed.,LPC, EFT-