아래 의료 약어는 공개하지 않은 씨엔텍 출판사의 의료 관광코디네이터 3권 "실용편"에도 수록된 내용입니다. 제 3권 실용편은 의료 코디네이터가 환자에 쉽게 이해시키기 위해 만들어진 것이며, 아래 내용은 영문으로만 보여드립니다. 중국어/일본어/러시어 까지 있습니다만, 약어는 반드시 본인이 스스로 찾는 학습이 잊어먹지 않는 비결입니다. 의료코디네이터분들을 위한 것이니 이점은 양해 바랍니다. - 한국의료코디네이터 능률처 - |
-3권 실용편 내용 일부
예를들어, 의료양식중 "입원기록지(부)에 일반적으로 포함되어 있는 약어는 다음과 같습니다.
1. C.C : Chief complaint : 주요증상 ( 환자의 주요증상,병원을 찾은 이유등)
2. P/I : Present illness : 현 병력 (증상의 발생 시기 및 상황, 지속시간,정도,악화인자, 증상위치, 완화인자등 기록 )
3. PMHx : Past medical history :과거 병력
( 환자가 과거에 앓았던 모든 병과 알레르기기록, 질병,사고,수술,투약 등을 언제,어떻게 받았으며 그결과는 어떠했는지등을 기록)
4. FHx : Family history : 가족력 ( 가족관계나 가족의 병력 기록- 유전병인 경우 가족력을 통해 정보를 얻을 수 있음)
5.SHx : Social history : 사회력 ( 사회생활, 직업관계, 생활습관 (술,담배,마약, 기호식품등)을 기록
- 여성인 경우 추가 사항 : 임신력,월경력,유산경험,성 경험을 기록할수 있슴
Ab// Antibody (사용예 : antiplatelet antibody)
ABG// Arterial blood gas
ABGA// Arterial blood gas analysis
ABO// ABO grouping
a.c.// Ante cibum, before meals
ACTH// Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
ADH// Antidiuretic hormone
Af.// Atrial fibrillation
AFB// Acid-fast bacillus
AFP// Aphafetoprotein
Ag// Antigen
A/G ratio// Albumin/globulin ratio
AI// Aortic incompetence, aortic insufficiency
AIDS// Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
ALL// Acute lymphocytic leukemia
ALP// Alkaline phosphatase
ALS// Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
ALT// Alanine transaminase
AML// Acute myelogenous leukemia
ANF// Antinuclear factor
ANS// Autonomic nervous system
AP// Antero-posterior
AR// Aortic valve regurgitation
ARDS// Adult respiratory distress syndrome
ARF// Acute renal failure
AS// Aortic valve stenosis
ASD// Atrial septal defect
ASO(titer)// Antistreptolysin-O titer
ATN// Acute tubular necrosis
ATP// Adenosine triphosphate
Ba E// Barium enema
BAL// Bronchoalveolar lavage
BBB// Bundle branch block
BCG// Bacille Calmette Guerin
b. i. d.// Twice a day
BM// Bone marrow
BMR// Basal metabolic rate
BMT// Bone marrow transplantation
BP// Blood pressure
BPH// Benign prostatic hypertrophy
Br.// Bronchial
BSA// Body surface area
BT// Bleeding time
B/T// Body temperature
B Wt.// Birth weight
C 1-8// Cervical spine segments
c.// With
Ca// Carcinoma
CABG// Coronary artery bypass graft
CAH// Chronic active hepatitis
Ca/P// Calcium/Phosphorus
CAPD// Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
CBC// Complete blood count
CBD// Commom bile duct
CC// Chief complaint
cc// Cubic centimetre
CCU// Coronary care unit
CDH// Congenital dislocation of hips
CEA// Carcinoembryonic antigen
CHD// Congenital heart disease
CHF// Congestive heart failure
Chol.// Cholesterol
CIS// Carcinoma in situ
CLL// Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
cm// Centimetre
CML// Chronic myelogenous leukemia
CMV// Cytomegalovirus
CNS// Central nervous system
Conj// Conjunctiva
COPD// Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CP// Cerebral palsy
CP angle// Costophrenic angle
CPK// Creatinine phosphokinase
CPR// Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CRF// Chronic renal failure
CRP// C-reactive protein
C/S// Cesarean section
CSF// Cerebrospinal fluid
CT// Computed tomography
CVA// Cerebrovascular accident
CVP// Central venous pressure
CxCa// Cervical cancer
CXR// Chest X-ray
D & C// Dilatation and curettage
D/C/B// Dilatation and curettage and biopsy
D & E// Dilatation and evacuation
Derm.// Dermal or Dermatologic
DI// Diabetes insipidus/Drug Intoxication
DIC// Disseminated intravascular coagulation
DIP joint// Distal interphalangeal joint
DM// Diabetes mellitus
DNA// Deoxyribonucleic acid
DNCB// Dinitrochlorobenzene
DOA// Dead on arrival
DOB// Date of birth
DT// Delirium tremens
DTP// Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (vaccine)
DTR// Deep tendon reflex
EB virus// Epstein-Barr virus
ECF// Extracellular fluid
ECG// Electrocardiogram
EEG// Electroencephalogram
EH fever// Epidemic hemorrhagic fever
EKG// Electrocardiogram
EM// Erythema multiforme, Electron microscope
EMG// Electromyogram
ENT// Ears, nose and throat
EP// Evoked potential
ERCP// Endoscopic retrograde cholangio<&>pancreatography
ESR// Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
EST// Electroshock therapy
ESWL// Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
FB// Foreign body
FBS// Fasting blood sugar
FFA// Free fatty acid
FHx// Family history
FRC// Functional residual capacity
5-FU// 5-Fluorouracil
F/U// Follow up
FUO// Fever unknown origin
FVC// Forced vital capacity
Fx// Fracture
GB// Gallbladder
GBM// Glomerular basement membrane
GERD// Gastroesophageal reflux disease
GFR// Glomerular filtration rate
GI// Gastrointestinal
GIFT// Gamete intrafallopian transfer
GP// General practitioner
GTT// Glucose tolerance test
GU// Genitourinary
Gyn// Gynaecology
GVHD// Graft-versus-host disease
HAV// Hepatitis A virus
Hb// Haemoglobin
HBV// Hepatitis B virus
HC// Head circumference
HCG// Human chorionic gonadotropin
HCV// Hepatitis C virus
H-E stain// Hematoxylin-eosin stain
HIV// Human immunodeficiency virus
HIVD// Herniated intervertebral disc
HLA// Human leukocyte antigen
H mole// Hydatidiform mole
hrs// Hours
H. Simplex// Herpes simplex
H. Zoster// Herpes zoster
ICF// Intracellular fluid
ICH// Intracerebral hemorrhage
ICP// Intracranial pressure
ICU// Intensive care unit
ID// Infectious disease
I & D// Incision and drainage
Ig// Immunoglobulin
IM// Intramuscular
INH// Isonicotinic acid hydrazide
IQ// Intelligence quotient
IU// International unit
IUD// Intra-uterine device
IV// Intravenous : 정맥 ( 활용예 : "IV Injection"라고 말하면 정맥주사를 말하는 거겠죠 ^^ )
IVH// Intraventricular hemorrhage
IVP// Intravenous pyelogram
KUB// Kidney, ureter and bladder
ℓ// Litre
Lt.// Left
L1-5// Lumbar spine segments
Lab// Laboratory
LA// Left atrium
LAD// Left anterior descending ; left axis deviation
LBBB// Left bundle branch block
LC// Liver cirrhosis
LDH// Lactic dehydrogenase
LE cells// Lupus erythematosus cells
L/E// Lower extremity
LFT// Liver function test
LLL// Left lower lobe
LMP// Last menstrual period ; left mentoposterior position of fetus
LOA// Left occipito-anterior position of fetus
LOP// Left occipito-posterior position of fetus
LP// Lumbar puncture
L tube// Levin tube
LV// Left ventricle
LVH// Left ventricular hypertrophy
M// Male
MCH// Mean corpuscular haemoglobin
MCHC// Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration
MCV// Mean corpuscular volume
mEq// Milliequivalent(s)
MI// Myocardial infarction
MLC// Mixed lymphocyte culture
MMPI// Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory
MMR// Measles, Mumps, and Rubella
MR// Mitral regurgitation
MRI// Magnetic resonance imaging
MS// Mitral valve stenosis ; Multiple sclerosis
M-T// Mantoux test
ND// Not done
NFFD// Normal fullterm forceps delivery
NFSD// Normal fullterm spontaneous delivery
NFVED// Normal fullterm vaccum extracted delivery
NGU// Non-gonococcal urethritis
NICU// Neonatal intensive care unit
NIDDM// Noninsuline dependent diabetes mellitus
NL// Normal
NMR// Nuclear magnetic resonance
NPO// Nothing by mouth
NS// Nervous system
NSAID// Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
N & V// Nausea and vomiting
Occ// Occasionally
OHS// Open heart surgery
OM// Otitis media
OMPC// Otitis media purulent chronic
Op.// Operation
OPD// Outpatients department
PA// Postero-anterior
PAPsmear// Papanicolaou smear
Para// O+O (2+1) Formula meaning
P (number of pregnancies) ; a (number of abortions) : ra (number of living
children) ; no live pregnancy + no non-viable pregnancy ; (two live
children+one non-viable)
PAS stain// Periodic-acid-schiff stain
PAT// Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
PBI// Protein bound iodine
PD// Peritoneal dialysis
PDA// Patent ductus arteriosus
PEEP// Positive end expiratory pressure
PET// Positron emission tomography
PFR// Peak flow rate
PFT// Pulmonary function test
pH// Symbol for expression of hydrogen ion concentration
PICU// Pediatric intensive care unit
PID// Pelvic inflammatory disease
PIP joint// Proximal interphalangeal joint
PM// Post-mortem
PMHx// Past medical history
p. o.// Per os (Latin) by mouth
Post-op// Post-operation ; post-operative
p. r. n.// Pro re nata (L) as required
PS// Pulmonary stenosis
PSVT// Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
Pt// Patient
PT// Physical therapy ; Prothrombin time
PTA// prior to admission
PTCA// Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
PVT// Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia
PW// Paragonimus westermani
q.// Each/every
q. i. d.// Four times a day
RA// Right atrium
RAD// Right axis deviation
RBC// Red blood cell
RCA// Right coronary artery
Rh// Rhesus factor
RI// Radioisotope
RLL// Right lower lobe
RML// Right middle lobe
RNA// Ribonucleic acid
R/O// Rule out
ROM// Range of motion
ROP// Retinopathy of prematurity
RR// Respiratory rate
Rt.// Right
RT// Radiation therapy
RTA// Renal tubular acidosis
RUL// Right upper lobe
RVH// Right ventricular hypertrophy
S 1-5// Sacral spinal segments
SAH// Subarachnoidal haemorrhage
SBE//Sub-acute bacterial endocarditis
SC// Sub-cutaneous
SG// Specific gravity
SGOT// Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
SGPT// Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase
SH// Social history
SIADH// Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
SLE// Systemic lupus erythematosus
SOL// Space-occupying lesion
SPECT// Single photon emission computed tomography
S-S enema// Soap-solution enema
Stat// Immediately
STD// Sexually transmitted disease
SVT// Supraventricular tachycardia
T// Temperature ; term ; treatment
T1-12// Thoracic spine segments
T & A// Tonsils and adenoids
TA// Traffic accident
TAH// Total abdominal hysterectomy
TB// Tuberculosis
TFT// Thyroid function test
THR// Total hip replacement
TIA// Transient ischemic attack
t. i. d// Ter in die (Latin) three times a day
TKR// Total knee replacement
TMJ// Temporo-mandibular joint
TNM// Tumor Node Metastasis
TOF// Tetralogy of Fallot
TPN// Total parenteral nutrition
TPR// Temperature, pulse, respiration
TSH// Thyroid stimulating hormone
TURB// Transurethral resection of bladder
TURP// Transurethral resection of prostate
Tx.// Treatment
U// Unit
U/A// Urinalysis
U/E// Upper extremity
UGI// Upper gastrointestinal
UGT// Urogenital tract
URI// Upper respiratory tract infection
U/S// Ultrasound
UTI// Urinary tract infection
UVL// Ultra-violet light
Vac// Vaccination
Vag// Vaginal
VD// Venereal disease
VDRL// Venereal Disease Research Laboratory
Vf.// Ventricular fibrillation
V/S// Vital sign
VSD// Ventricular septal defect
VT// Ventricular tachycardia
WB// Whole blood
WBC// White blood cell
WHO// World Health Organization
WNL// Within normal limits
W-RBCs// Washed red bloold cells
Wt.// Weight
XR// Xray
yr.// Year
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