general - 장군, 일반적인
generalist - Renaissance man (<-->specialist) 박학다식한 사람
generous - charitable, bighearted (cf. generosity) 인심이 후한
generative[dʒénərèitiv, -rə-] - productive, reproductive(procreative) 생산적인
(cf. degenerative : 퇴행성의)
generable - able to be generated
generic - common, general (product) 일반적인, 특정한 상표가 없는
<Fill in the blank with one word>
1. 생식세포 : a generative cell
2. 보통의 아시아인이 있나요? : “is there a generic Asian mind?”
3. Generous people are the ones who give more than is expected of them.
4. Nick was not just our brother, son and uncle, he was everyone's best friend
— generous, funny and fiercely loyal," his family said in a statement.
5. 퇴행성 질환 : degenerative disease