Seong-Mee Park
born in Busan, Korea
M.F.A. majored in Printmaking, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
Solo Exhibitions:
2012 The 12th Solo Exhibition, Art Edition 2012, Coex B Hall (Booth no. A-11), Seoul, Korea
2011 The 11th Solo Exhibition, Palais de Seoul Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2010 The 10th Solo Exhibition, Zoom Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2009 The 9th Solo Exhibition, Insa Art Center Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2007 The 8th Solo Exhibition, Seoul Arts Center, Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
2006 The 7th Solo Exhibition, Gana Art Space Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2005 The 6th Solo Exhibition, Hongik Modern Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2004 The 5th Solo Exhibition, Gallery Gaia, Seoul, Korea
2002 The 4th Solo Exhibition, Seoul Arts Center, Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
1996 The 3rd Solo Exhibition, Kwanhoon Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1994 The 2nd Solo Exhibition, Tae Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1992 The 1st Solo Exhibition, Kwanhoon Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Group Exhibitions:
Seoul International Print Photo Art Fair, Seoul Arts Center, Hangaram Art Musium, Seoul, Korea
Kanakawa Prints Exhibition, Kanakawa Museum, Japan
The International Exchange Exhibition of Prints, Hongik Modern Art Center, Seoul
Korea-Japan Print Exchange Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan
Korea Modern Print Exhibition, Gallery Infra, Sweden
New Flux in Paris, Mille Plateaux, Paris, France
Korean Contemporary Prints Exhibition, Centre Culturel Coreen, Paris, France
1994 Awarded a selected prize at the 13th Grand Exhibition of Korea National Art Museum,
Gwacheon, Korea
1993 Awarded a selected prize at the 12th Grand Exhibition of Korea National Art Museum,
Gwacheon, Korea
Member of The Korean Contemporary Printmakers’Association Seoul, Korea
Member of The Korean Artists’Association, Seoul, Korea
Member of The Hongik Printmakers’Association, Seoul, Korea
Address: #102-901, Indukwon-Daewoo Apt., Poungchun-dong, Dongan-gu, Anyang,431-798,
Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Mobile: +82-10-8846-5860