15. The history of the Korean people!
The history of the Korean people, who used to live simply by serving God, became complex after the Three Kingdoms period, when they embraced Buddhism.
The Kingdom of Hwan
King: Hwanin (桓仁)
- 7th Dynasty 3301 years (Hwangi 1 - 3301, BC 7198 - BC 3898)
Delivery State
Name: Hwanwoong (桓雄), King of Heaven (天王)
-18th to 1565 (Hwangi 3301~4866, BC3898~BC2333)
* Dangukjoseon (4865-BC2333)
Dangunjoseon (Jinhan)
King names: Dangun, Cheonja, Cheonwang, Cheonje, Cheonje
47th to 2096 (4865-6960, BC2333-BC238)
Royal name: Mahan(馬韓)
Kingdom name: Bunhan
-74th?( ?~BC194)
Northern Yeo
Royal name : Dangun
-7 generations( 6959~?, BC239~?)
* In general, the 1st through 4th generations are called 'Northern Yeo' and the 5th and later generations are called 'Joljon Yeo'.
'Gaseupwonbuyeo' or 'Eastern Queen'
Royal name: Dangun
- 3 generations 108 (7112~7219, BC86~AD22)
Three Kingdoms Period
King's name: Wang, Taewang, Daewang - surname: Go(高)
-28th to 705 (7161~7865, BC37~AD668)
Royal name: Wang (王) - Surname: Buyeo(夫餘)
-32nd generation, year 678(Hwan-gi 7180~7857, BC 18~AD 660).
King name: Geseoggan, Chachaung, Isaegim, Maripgan, Wang - Surname: Park, Seok, Kim
-56th generation, year 992 (Hwan-gi 7141~8132, BC 57~AD 935).
Royal name: Wang(王) - Family name: Kim(金)
-10th to 520 years (7239~7759, AD42~562)
Daejin Kingdom (Balhae)
Royal name: Emperor(帝), Emperor(皇帝) - Last name(姓): Dae(大)
Dynasty: 12th - 259 years (7865~8123, AD668~926)
Royal name: Je제(帝), Wang(王) - Surname: Wang(王)
34th - 474 years (8115~8589, AD 918~1392)
Joseon Dynasty
Royal name: Wang(王) - Last name: Lee(李)
27th - 518 years (8589~9107, AD1392~1910)
Republic of Korea (1910-present)
The history of our nation has been like this for generations. What is unfortunate is that our nation, which was strong in its early days and was the cultural leader of neighboring countries, fell to a weak and fragile existence at some point, and if we look at that point in history, we can see that it was when we abandoned the service of God. However, fortunately, in modern times, Korea has become a country that is not only restoring its former glory but also restoring its relationship with God, but there is still a need to listen to God's word and will more closely and restore the pure faith that the early Korean people had in Gojoseon.
However, as it turns out, there were two kings who played the most important and absolute role in making the Korean people stand out in literature and culture: King Sejong the Great, whom we already know well, and King Gyarukdangun of Gojoseon. They contributed greatly to the growth and development of the nation and its people by creating and organizing a system of characters that allowed people to communicate closely with others by visually representing the spatial tools called “words” given by God, and by creating the current form of Hangul that we use today.