marry = get married, tie the knot, jump the hurdle, get [be] hitched, get spliced. enter into matrimony 혼인하다
They’re getting married next year, and hope to start a family straight away.
start a family 맏아이를 얻다. straight away =straight up 곧장, 척척
They love each other and they’re going to get married.
My aunt had already worked in a bank for several years before she got married.
Marti is getting married to [marries] Jeff next week.
I got married when I was 16.
Billy got married to the first girl he went out with.
go out with = date, make time with (이성과) 교제하다
Jean used to go out with my brother.
How long hav you been going out together? 교제한지 얼마나 되었냐?
go around [about] with ~와 사귀다, 교제하다
I used to go around with a really bad crowd.
We’re going to tie the knot sometime next week.
They got hitched just over four months ago.