The book's title is "The History of the Wristwatch."
After I read this book, I think this book is interesting, and this book about it is about how the wristwatch changed over time has evolved over time.
This story is little bit my story reminds me of my own story.
I have a wristwatch, but I didn't wear the wristwatch don’t wear it often.
The watches is very inconvenient Wristwatches are very inconvenient for me.
After wear wearing the wristwatch, It leaves a mark it leaves marks on my wrist.
So I didn't waer the wristwatch 1years ago stopped wearing my wristwatch a year ago.
Score: B+
문법과 표현:
- "this book about" → "it is about"
- "The watches is" → "Wristwatches are"
- "didn't waer the wristwatch 1years ago" → "stopped wearing my wristwatch a year ago"로 문법을 수정하세요.
내용 추가하기:
- 책에서 wristwatch의 변천사를 설명하는 흥미로운 포인트를 한두 가지 추가해 보세요.
- 자신이 wristwatch를 사용하지 않는 이유를 더 자세히 설명하면 이야기가 더 풍부해질 것입니다.
문장 연결:
- "However," "Additionally," 같은 연결어를 사용해 문장을 더 부드럽게 이어 보세요.