If your “religion” is challenged by an inanimate object, it can’t be very strong. Isn’t the message of the Islamic faith about peace and tolerance? Well at least that’s we’ve been told by many but the actions of protesters in Malaysia show me that not all feel this way.
Pamela Geller reports:
On Sunday a group of 50 Muslims gathered outside the church to protest against the cross displayed on the building, claiming that it challenged Islam. The group demanded the church take down the cross. It was removed at around 2pm on the same day, and now City council officers have classified the church in Taman Medan as “illegal.”
Some residents of Taman Medan in Petaling Jaya deem the presence of a cross on a shophouse building near their homes as ‘challenging Islam’ and a possible influence on their youths. – Wikipedia file pic, April 19, 2015.Some residents of Taman Medan in Petaling Jaya deem the presence of a cross on a shophouse building near their homes as ‘challenging Islam’ and a possible influence on their youths. – Wikipedia file pic, April 19, 2015.About 50 residents gathered outside a new church in Taman Medan, Petaling Jaya today to demand that the cross affixed to the house of worship be removed as it was “challenging Islam” -The Star Online reported
A village leader later pacified the group and spoke with the church’s priest on their behalf and a few hours later the cross was taken down.
I am now left to wonder how these christians who disassociate their churches from the cross, what symbol do they use as the symbol of their church? The answer is simple in my eyes, you don’t have to have a cross or a symbol when you have faith. This is a story that we are seeing and hearing about across the globe on different levels, no violence broke out here but I wonder if they had refused to remove the cross what would have happened.
I stress again that if the “moderate” Muslims want the rest of the free world to see their religion in the same light as they do, now more than ever is the time to speak out! Not just a few of them but all of them. The actions of the extremists are spreading at an alarming rate and the world is seeing their true identity.
첫댓글 터키 여행 1주일중 십자가는 딱 한 번 봤습니다. 그것도 아주 작은 천주교 사원에서..
요즘은 종교들이 평안하지 않고 참으로 잔인하다는 생각이 듭니다.
[저 개인적 견해를 말씀드리자면,] '십자가' 형상 자체에 대하여는 그다지 고집을 부리고 싶지 않습니다. 기독교의 집회 장소를 '교회(당)'이라 하건 '성당'이라 하건 꼭 '십자가' 형상을 내걸어야 하는 것은 아니라고 보기 때문입니다.
교회 십자가는 그 건물이 교회임을 금방 알 수 있게 하는 상징물이기 때문에 좋다고 생각합니다만... 물론 십자가에 어떤 능력이 있는 것처럼 생각하는 건 안좋지만요. 자신들의 종교가 소중하면 이웃의 종교도 존중해야하는데 기독교가 배타적이라 하면서 자기네들은 직접 압력을 행사하는군요.