(A) Mike, can we talk?
I happen to be walking by your desk,
and I notice your new smartphone.
(B) Oh, I was hoping no one was going to see it.
I must have left it out by accident.
(A) Well, Mike, you can't use a smartphone
made by our main competitor.
It doesn't look good for our company.
Tip) - - [1] = 어떤일을 생각치 못하게 우연히 한다" 는 뜻으로 "happen to"라는 표현을 쓸수 있다.
예을 들어, "I happened to run inyo Tom this morning"은 "
오늘 아침에 우연히 톰을 만났다"라는 뜻이다.
- - [2] = Two heads are better than one./ 백지장도 맞들면 삿다.
(a) How's that assignment coming along, Peter?
(피터, 과제는 잘 되어가?)
(b) Actually,I'm stuck. Do you think you could take a look at it?
(사실 막막해 한번 봐줄수 있니?)
(a) Sure thing. Maybe we can figure it out together.
Two heads are better than one.
(물론이지. 같이 해결해 보자. 백지장도 맞들면 낫다 잔아)
(by Chosun.com & Donga.com)
- - [3] = Similar and related expressions.
Why don't you join us lateer?
The more the more, right?
(이따가 합류하지 그래? 많이 모일수록 즐겁잔아 안그래?)