foods are often among the products with lowest prices in
American supermarkets. But processed foods often have high levels of salt, sugar
and saturated
fat. Too much of those ingredients can cause
-- meaning the person gains too much body fat. People can also
become sick with disease if they eat a lot of processed foods with high levels
of salt, sugar and fat. Many poor families buy processed foods because they seem
to cost less than fresh vegetables, fruits and whole wheat products. But
a national group is showing families that they can buy healthy foods for about
the same amount of money as manufactured foods.
* processed food = 가공 식품/ saturated fat = 포화 지방/
ingredient = (특히 요리 등의) 재료[성분]/ obesity = 비만, 비대/ body fat = 체지방/ whole wheat =
(밀기울을 제거하지 않고 빻은) 완전 소백분의/ manufactured food = 생산
The group, called Share Our Strength, was set up to
fight hunger and
poverty in the United States and worldwide. It offers a
number of free programs to help Americans living on a budget eat a much
better, healthier diet. “How many of us like to look at sales when we shop? I
want you to ignore the sales...”
Nutrition educator Lindsey Seegers is leading this tour at a store in Silver
Spring, Maryland. She says people should make meal plans before they go to a
store because it helps them eat healthier meals. She warns that if no plans are
made, you might buy something that is not as healthy. “...but there is the
pizza, there is the ice cream on sale. A lot of times, those sales are sometimes
going to be driving us to buy things that were (not) on our list, were not on
our budget and, most important from my perspective, not the
healthiest things. Absolutely, right?”
* fight
hunger = 기근과 가난과 싸우다/ on a budget = 한정된 예산으로, 불필요한 지출을 피해/ ignore = 무시하다, 못 본
척하다/ perspective = 관점, 시각; 균형감
In-Store Training on Healthy Food Choices - WTS.mp3