One day, (max) Max's friend (visit) visited Max's house(.) (and) She (celebrate) celebrated (max) Max (.) (because) Because today was Max's birthday(.) (and) And she (go) went to her home. (ruby) Ruby (has) had one idea(.) (she) She was going to make (everyone eatiful) beautiful thank you notes from all (this) the pretty wrapping paper. (max) Max (has) had many (present) presents (.) (from) From aunt Claire and uncle (nate) Nate. (max) Max opened the (present) presents. (there are) There was a lobster toy. (but) But (max) Max didn't want it. The lobster toy went around everywhere and crashed many (figunitures) figurines. (however) However, (ruby) Ruby was making the thank you (card) cards. (max) Max didn't want the new toy(.) (then) Then (ruby) Ruby put it away. (then) Then the story (was) ended. I think this story is fun.
점수: C+
- 문장을 시작할 때는 항상 대문자를 사용해요.
- 이름은 항상 대문자로 시작해요 (Max, Ruby, Claire, Nate).
- 문장 사이에 마침표(.)를 넣어 문장을 구분해요.
- Max가 왜 새 장난감을 좋아하지 않았는지 더 자세히 설명해보세요.
- Ruby가 만든 감사 카드에 대해 더 자세히 설명해보세요.