26, May, 2023, Friday.
The 70 Workers Must Possess Strength(Acts 1:14 & 2:9~11)
They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers(1:14).
Hymn #93 Jesus is All the World to Me
In Acts 1:14, 120 scattered people came and gained strength. There are two works that you must always do. When you inhale, pray so that the Triune God will be deeply established within your soul; thoughts; heart; and body. When you exhale, pray so that "The 9 Blessings of the Throne" and "The 5 Powers" will come upon you. During "scheduled prayer," you'll gain "The 5 Powers." "Continuous prayer" must be done until answers are obtained. Through “concentrated prayer," you must challenge toward what's important and face turning points. If these take place, you'll see in advance; (Covenant) possess in advance;(Vision) enjoy in advance(Dream), conquer in advance;(Image) and fulfill in advance(Practice). From that point on, you must ride the spiritual rhythm; the rhythm of prayer and life; and the rhythm of making masterpieces. In doing so, three real strengths will appear.
1. Reasons
There aren't any reasons because God has a plan for every situation, and you know why. More importantly, other reasons exist.
2. Your Background
You also possess a background. It's the covenant of Calvary that Jesus fulfilled on the cross and the covenant of the Mt. of Olives in which He promised to give you power and make you into a witness. Those experiences began in Mark's upper room.
3. The Power to Change
First, the power to change the field will appear. You'll see "The 9 Streams" and change them. When something bad happens, just look for what's rightful. By realizing the inevitable reason for being placed there, you'll see "the absolute plan." When "only" emerges in your daily life, the answer of "uniqueness" will come, and "re-creation" that changes what you can't do on your own will emerge as well.
God answers according to your "center." The Early Church and Martin Luther and John Calvin, who led the Reformation, also had this "center." To them, God gave "The Throne's Power and Blessing." You must become a witness of those and save others.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, thank you for calling Your servants who'll save this age. Thank you for raising witnesses who'll fulfill Your only desire. I firmly believe that You'll watch over the scattered disciples and attach true disciples to them. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
Scattered Disciples / 25, June, 2022