29, May, 2023, Monday.
The Syrian Phoenician Woman's Faith(Mark 7:24~30)
"Yes, Lord," she replied, "but even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs."(28)
Hymn #344 Trav'ling Life's Road by Our Faith
A Syrian-Phoenician woman came to Jesus and asked Him to heal her young daughter who was demon possessed. Jesus asked, "Who will give the children's bread and toss it to their dogs?" The woman replied, "But even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs." Jesus said, "You may go; the demon has left your daughter." The incidents of the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3, the flood during Noah's time in Genesis 6, and the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 are continuing even now. They're taking place in the New Age movement which claims that God doesn't exist, the Freemasons who make members become demon possessed through the Nephilim movement, and the Jewish organization that still denies Christ. You must relay the Gospel to those who've left God and are spiritually dead. How can you do that?
1. The Absolute Meeting with Christ
The Syrian-Phoenician woman came to Jesus and fell at his feet(Mark 7:25). This Jesus was God's solution who had already existed in Genesis 3:15 and is the incarnate Christ. After the Resurrection, He has become the Lord of the throne who will stand as the Lord of the Second Coming. Because you believe in this Jesus, you can pray in His name.
2. God's Absolute Plan
If it's God's "absolute plan," works will take place when you don't give up and act accordingly(Mark 7:26~28). When the Israelites believed and entered, the Red Sea divided. When the Israelites set foot in the Jordan River, it parted. Finally, when they marched around the Wall of Jericho, it collapsed.
3. The Absolute Disciple Who Realizes the Covenant
One "absolute disciple" who realizes the covenant can save others(Mark 7:20~30). Jesus blessed the Syrian-Phoenician woman's faith. The faith of parents can heal their children, and the prayer of one servant of the Lord can save many believers. The faith of one church officer can save the field, and the faith of one new believer can save his or her family. In the end, the faith of one Remnant can surely save the world.
By possessing the blessing of being a child of God, darkness will crumble. If it's God's "absolute plan," you can challenge unconditionally. Ultimately, because of one person who possesses the Gospel, that field will live.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, please bless me today so that I can restore the mystery of being Your child. Just as You've called me to be the light of the world, please guide me so that I can relay this light. Many Remnants are headed to the field. May they become those who aren't deceived, and instead, may they relay the light and defeat darkness. Many believers are also headed to the field. May these works arise for them as well. These precious families are being commissioned to Germany and the U.S. May they relay Your marvelous light. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
Immanuel Church Sunday Worship, 1st Service / 26, June, 2022.