It is almost incurable disease on the cornea because it is degenerative.
This case is thought as a miracle because the symptoms mentioned in above subject
are generally known as irreversible.
A man of late thirties who has been bothered with chronic glaucoma for several years
called one day.
He said. "I can't see anything at all"
I answered. "What? Please let me know you."
"I can't see anything at all with the right eye. I am the pastor in the clinic four years ago
and I am now in far distant place from you."
"What happened, sir? I remember you had been bothered with eyes."
"Yes, from a couple of days, I can't see anything at all with the right eye and the pain
is severe like stinging and red big blood vessels. Of course I went to an ophthalmologist
but he gave me the antiphlogistic and pain killer. However nothing gets better. Suddenly
I remember you have treated my eyes in the past. So I believe you will save me."
"When will you come here, sir?"
"Sorry, I can't leave here now, so please send me the herbal packs immediately."
"If so, please send me the photos of your tongue"
"Yes, I will do right now, sir"
During the treatment, the patient's will to recover was very honest and he followed
strictly to my instructions. The result was naturally a miracle.
1. Personal Information (041011)
Hwang S J 0 0, Male, 37 years old
Address : Kyunsangnamdo, South Korea
A Pastor
2. Chief Complaints
He has chronic glaucoma and got a treatment at Harabi Clinic four years ago.
Then, he appealed the followings.
1) The vision of right eye was blurred due to the uveitis and herpes in the eye
from 3-4 years ago( 7-8 years ago from now). The opthalmologist diagnosed it
as scarred cornea.
2) Chronic glaucoma( Treated with fluids due to intraocular pressure)
3) Excessive sweat on hands and feet
4) Fatigue
5) Poor memory
6) Usual diarrhea and usual migraine
7) Due to stiffness of back neck, he was taking some drugs blood circulation.
8) Poor sexual power.
He got once my prescription and thanked to me that everything got better. But I
insisted that he should have taken more herbal prescriptions for more perfection.
However he didn't my suggestion and brought his wife for swelling of the body
instead of himself. I later knew that his money didn't allow my suggestion.
After four years since his first visit, he called suddenly and appealed urgently.
The recent symptoms are as follows.
1) Suddenly he can't see anything at all because the uveitis and the glaucoma gets
2) New blood vessels covered the right eye.
3) Pains with discharges on the right eye.
4) Dilation of pupil (This was acknowledged later during treatment)
5) He taken tablets for antifungal on the feet nails for three months.
3. Other Symptoms and Signs
Other symptoms are same as before four years ago. I think the symptoms would
be more worsened.
Pulse : Float, big and fast ( I checked this through the phone during conversation with him)
Tongue : Reddish overall
Abdomen : Right abdomen stiffened
4. Diagnosis
Liver weak and congestive
Heart a little weak
Spleen big and strong
Lung weak
Kidney a little weak
5. Pathology
All of diseases but external impact of cornea are degenerative. In short they come from
the weakness of liver and heart. The scar of cornea means that the symptoms are very
deep and old. So the diseases are not only in cornea but also other area of eye.
Accordingly the symptoms have to be complex. The loss of vision due to the scarred
cornea, inflammation, red eye, pain, discharges, acute glaucoma, he dialation of eye
and so on.
The symptoms looked as acute come from the weakness originally. So the prescription
should require precise balance between Improvement (補法) and Discharge(瀉法).
Most of doctors think that his symptom - the loss of vision due to the scarred cornea and
the dilation of pupil - is irreversible.
And antifungal drugs would make the liver more fatigue, which might influence the symptoms
from chronic to acute.
6. Prescription
1) Basic Prescription
To get rid of humidity
To improve liver
To release liver
To circulate blood
To improve heart
To evaporate humidity on the eye
2) Surficial Prescription
Fluids for lowering fever to put the eye directly
7. Results
1st Prescription
To lower the fever
To get rid of humidity
To release liver
1st Result
He called me everyday. I instructed him to stop chemical drugs immediately.
In case of acute, the fluid should be put on the eye outside and
in case of chronic, fomentation with warm stone and bamboo salt water.
A few days later, he called me that the eye is dilated(mydriasis). he noticed it
at then. When he put the fluid on the eye, he had to focus to the eye and found
something different on the eye.
In case of acute glaucoma with high intraocular pressure, this results in the loss
of vision that is irreversible. So I instructed him to go the ophthalmologist for the
surgery. He went to the eye doctor and told me that there is no urgent thing to
do though the pupil dilated so long. The mysterious thing is intraocular pressure
was low under such situation of dilation. This means that the symptoms are getting
better very fast.
What happen to him?
He did all what I instructed him to do. As the result was very miracle.
Every day he had to discharge fluids and dense mucous from the eye.
One of discharging day, he discharged over 2 cc of mucousal fluids.
This is the secret of intraocular pressure getting low.
After recovery he recalled that total discharges are over half of juice glass.
After the day of 2 cc discharge, the pupil got shrunk every day and after three
days from that day, the pupil got to be normal.
Dear my reader! If he had lasted to take the chemical drugs from eye doctors,
what would happen to him? There is no recovery.
Why do I think so?
The antiphlogistic agents prevent to circulate Ki and Blood on the eye with
staying the humidity on the eye.
After this happening, he appealed the shoulder pain. What this mean?
Oh, the main complaint has already finished or near to finished.
2nd Prescription
Increased for the humidity
2nd Result
He told me that the white scar got smaller and smaller. He sent me the photo but I can't
recognize the changes. But I can confirm the eye color changes from red to bright red.
The most surprise thing was,
I can see my fingers!!!!!!!
He also added another change. His weight reduced by 5-6 Kg.
3rd Prescription
Added for evaporation on the eye
3rd Result
His voice sounded very bright.
I confirmed the change of eye color though the photo of the eye.
According to his statement,
The scar remain very little.
The vision was improved very much!
Something in the eye disappeared almost.(some floater in the eye)
All things are very good. I am sure that I will be recovered completely in next week.
The weight reduced by 7-8 Kg to get back his normal weight of past years.
4th Prescription
Added for merging Ki
4th Result
Everything is good. But still the small blood vessels around pupil remain yet.
He told me
"I can move freely with only right eye. This is the God's will!
5th Prescription
Increased for improving Ki and reduced for evaporation
5th Result
He advised a surprising thing.
His right eye recovered from just hell has far vision than before and than left eye.
He said that this is never misunderstanding.
I requested him to go the eye doctor who has his past record to check this surprise.
He surely said that he can see far objects with right eye but can't see with the left eye.
30 March, 2010
Dilated pupil after mucousal fluids discharged.
He noticed the mydriasis then. Total duration of dilation might have lasted for about 10 days.
15 April, 2010
The eye recovers its vision.
I can see my fingers!!!!!!!
The scar on the pupil at 7 hour and 5 hour shows.
27 April, 2010
Reduced red blood vessels.
31 May, 2010 - The day of Miracle! After 4th prescription.
Reddish color remain around the pupil. However the vision is getting better.
He can move freely with only right eye.
Final photo will be updated soon.
[Source] Harabi Clinic of East Asian Medicine (www.harabiclinic.com)