Last year December, I volunteered at my daughter’s elementary school gift shop. Students were given money by their parents and used it to spend at the gift shop for Christmas. Each class came to the shop and was allowed 20 minutes to select gifts before the next batch of students came. Many of the students spent no longer than 10 minutes shopping and quickly left for recess. However, one 3rd-grade girl came in and spent the entire 20 minutes selecting one gift for her mom. She looked at a plastic ring collection and pondered which ring she should give to her mom. She asked me, “Should I pick the blue or the red ring?” I responded, “What is your mom’s favorite color?” She did not answer and moved on to the next section of the gift shop. She picked up ‘You’re the best mom’ labeled tumbler cup. She looked at the price and put it down. Then, she picked up paper fans and asked another volunteer which fan would be best for her mom. She spent 20 minutes and skipped recess to roam the shop indecisively. Finally, she selected a pink plastic ring and ran to her class.
I was so blessed to observe her. I thought, ‘Only if her mom would know how long it took to select that plastic ring so that it could make her happy.’ Then, I began to ponder what makes Jesus happy. Do I ever select a gift for him? I don’t think I ever selected a gift for Jesus. What would he like? What would make him happy?
Soon after the volunteer event, I began to apply ‘What would make Jesus happy’ in my life. When there was a fork in the road, and I didn’t know which direction to go, I asked myself, ‘What will make Jesus happy?’ Little by little, I began to choose the road that I thought made him happy.
“Jesus, will you be happy if I got a new cell phone?”
“Jesus, will you be happy if I went to early morning prayer today?”
“Jesus, will you be happy if I share my testimony with this person?”
“Jesus, will you be happy if I stayed quiet today?”
“Jesus, will you be happy if I didn’t give to that homeless person?”
“Jesus, will you be happy if I didn’t help that single mom?”
“Jesus, will you be happy if I didn’t say ‘I love you’ to my spouse?”
Whether the choice was trivial or grand, I began to apply the question in my heart.
I learned a very important lesson at the gift shop. When I am faced with a difficult decision and do not know what to choose, I need to choose what will make Jesus happy. Sometimes I do not need to ask for discernment or a sign because the right choice is to make Jesus happy. I want to spend a considerable amount of time and effort, just like the girl at school, to select what’s going to make Jesus happy. Wherever I go, I seek His happiness – because eventually, his happiness will be mine.
An opportunity came where I was able to share my “What would make Jesus happy?” testimony with the mom of the 3rd-grade daughter. The mom was touched and blessed by her daughter’s actions, and the mom was happy.
첫댓글 와~~~~
참 따뜻한 간증이예요~
3rd -grade 소녀가 엄마를 떠올리며
선물을 고르고 또 고르고~~
엄마보다 '소녀 자신'이 더 행복했음이 보여요~~
어떻게 하면 예수님을 행복하게 기쁘게 해드릴까~~~
그렇게 생각하는 순간,
'우리'가 더 행복해짐이 보여요~~
이것은 참~~~
사랑의 묘약입니다~~~
엄마를 위해 선물을 고르는 어린 소녀를 보며
예수님을 생각하니 ~~ 그게 바로
예수님과의 동행이네요~~
예수님 신부가 되었으니 어찌하면
신랑을 기쁘시게 할지 질문해요~~
자매님을 신랑예수의 돕는 베필로 삼으신
하늘 아빠의 사랑이 얼마나 크신지요~~~!!!!
예수 예수 믿는 것은 받은 증거 많도다~~~~
날마다 간증이 넘치는 귀한 신부