Corporation 慶北交通 Car number No.5056 Route number 651 The type of a car Hyundai New Super Aero City F/L CNG(실내 격벽) Year 2017(2018년 3월 신차 도입) 대차분 2008 Year New Super Aero City F/L CNG(실내 격벽) 대차분 Date 2018 Year March 24 Day Saturday Time PM 18:41 Found place Daegu Bus Mania
Corporation 慶北交通 Car number No.5079 Route number 814 The type of a car Hyundai New Super Aero City F/L CNG(실내 격벽) Year 2017(2018년 3월 신차 도입) 대차분 2009 Year New Super Aero City F/L CNG(실내 격벽) 대차분 Date 2018 Year March 24 Day Saturday Time PM 18:41 Found place Daegu Bus Mania
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