안녕하세요. 우리는 이전에 약속드린대로, 1.25에 포함된 새로운 임무 시스템과 함께 몇가지 새로운 이념 셋트 및 새로운 임무 트리를 위한 모딩 가이드에 대해 이야기 해드리기 위해서 돌아왔습니다.
첫째, 이전 개발일지에서 명시한대로, 우리는 옛 임무 시스템에 있던 옛 국가 고유 임무들이 새로운 임무 시스템에서도 작동하도록 옮기는 작업에 노력을 기울였습니다. 하지만 룰 브리타니아에서 초점을 맞춘 나라들은 어떨까요?
1.25 영국 업데이트와 함께, 스코틀랜드와 영국을 위한 임무 트리는 앞으로도 프랑스 예속시키기(subjugate France)나 전선 밀어붙이기(Advance the Frontier)와 같은 옛 임무를 포함할 것입니다. 하지만 룰 브리타니아의 소유자를 위해서 우리는 영국, 아일랜드, 스코틀랜드 그리고 대영제국을 위한 특별한 임무 트리를 만들었습니다.
이것은 많은 자제력이 필요하지만, 스코틀랜드는 "영국을 공격"하는 15개의 반복문 이외에도 더 많은 임무를 가지고 있습니다. It took much self control, but Scotland has more than just 15 iterations of "crush England" as missions
아일랜드 소국들 스코틀랜드 그리고 영국은 맞춤 제작된 임무를 가지고 시작할 것이며, 이제 고유의 아트워크를 갖추며 아쉽지만 밝은 보라색 코더 아트는 더 이상 포함하지 않습니다. 또한 대영제국을 형성하면 브리튼 제도를 통일하는 나라를 위한 더 웅장한 임무 트리를 잠금해제할 것입니다.
대륙 정치에 대한 간섭은 대영제국에게 임무 가지로서 열리며, 왕위를 지켜내거나 제국을 해체하면 보상을 줍니다. Meddling in mainland politics opens up as a mission branch for Great Britain, rewarding either securing the throne or dismantling the Empire.
맨(Mann), 게일덤, 군도 왕국(The Isles)는 걱정하지 마세요. 스튜어트 가문이 왕국을 방어하는데 실패한다면 하이랜더 국가들은 이제 스코틀랜드를 형성할 수 있습니다.
맨, 군도 왕국, 게일덤이 이용할 수 있는 새로운 디시전 New decision available for Mann, The Isles and Gaeldom
추가적으로, 한 임무를 완료하는 데에 어느 프로빈스가 필요한지가 종종 헷갈릴 수 있습니다. 1.25 영국 업데이트를 위한 '삶의 질' 변화로서, 임무의 필요조건에 마우스를 올리면 요구되는 프로빈스들이 지도에서 하이라이트될 것이며, 그것을 클릭하면 요구되는 프로빈스 중 하나에 지도를 가운데로 맞출 것입니다.
그동안 당신은 무엇을 정복해야 할 지 몰랐습니다. 우리는 모두 그곳에 있었습니다. For all those times you've just had no idea what you're meant to conquer. We've all been there.
그리고 또한 오스만 임무들이 돌격하는 후사르로 표시되지 않도록, 우리는 일반 임무 아이콘들을 더 추가했습니다.
우리는 이전에 새로운 임무 시스템을 위한 모딩 가이드를 모호하게 약속했을 것입니다. @mikesc 는 그것을 짜맞출 정도로 관대했었습니다. 그러므로 저는 그에게 발언 기회를 주려고 합니다.
mikesc said: (죄송하지만 모드 관련은 번역을 생략하겠습니다) # Intro Since there was a lot of interest expressed in the last dev diary I thought I'd write a small guide to help you get started modding the new missions system. Hopefully this will make it easier for you to start working on creating and updating mods for it. As we are still working on the immersion pack minor things might change, be added or removed. I will do my best to update you in this thread as we are going forward. For an overview on how the new missions work from a players perspective have a look at last weeks dev diary: Let's start with explaining a few terms I am going to use in this guide.
# Glossary Slot - A column in the missions grid (1 based indexing) Tier - A row in the missions grid (1 based indexing) Series - One or more missions in one slot (Can span tiers) Potential - Trigger that must be fulfilled for a series to be visible Priority (AI) - Determines what missions the AI picks to work towards Weight (AI) - Determines the worth of a mission to the AI
# Overview & Series Missions for a country are composed of one or more acyclic graphs laid out in a grid view. This means missions can have any amount of other missions as a prerequisite and missions can branch out into any amount of other distinct missions. The grid can be as wide and tall as you like, it will automatically expand to fit all missions.
All missions are part of a series. A series is used to set various parameters that determine layout, visibility, appearance and AI behavior: slot (Integer): Used to set the slot for the series generic (Boolean): Provides a way to control series precedence ai (Boolean): Turns AI for this series on or off potential (Trigger): Determines visibility for the player has_country_shield (Boolean): If set, the player country flag will be shown for all missions in this series
As you can see series are basically used to conveniently set parameters for any number of missions. Of course you are not required to use it that way, you can use one series per mission as well. The layout of the mission nodes is determined by the tier set for the missions and the slots set for the series, there is no automatic layout. If no tier is set for a mission, missions in a series will be laid out top to bottom, starting in the first free tier in the slot.
# Missions Let's have a look at a simple mission: conquer_franken = { icon = mission_conqueror_icon required_missions = { conquer_ansbach } trigger = { franconia_area = { type = all country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT } } effect = { add_adm_power = 100 add_country_modifier = { name = "bavarian_ambition" duration = 7300 } } provinces_to_highlight = { area = franconia_area NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT } } }
We start with the mission key, which also doubles as part of the key for the localization (name + _title for the title and name + _desc for the description). The icon references a sprite in a .gfx file. Required missions can be left out or left empty, and can also contain multiple missions (Comma separated). The trigger describes the conditions you need to fulfill to be able to complete the mission, the effect what you get when you complete it. These work just like triggers and effects anywhere else. There are a few more fields you can set for a mission: has_country_shield, ai (Booleans): Same as in series, setting this will overwrite what was set in the series completed_by (Date): If set, this mission will be marked completed when starting the game later than the given date position (Integer): The tier for this mission ai_priority (MTTH): Priority for this mission for the AI (See notes on AI below) ai_weight (MTTH): Weight/Worth of this mission for the AI (See notes on AI below) provinces_to_highlight: Will highlight provinces that match this trigger when you hover over the missions requirements and center highlighted provinces when you click on the icon
# Series precedence & Potential You can have any amount of series of any size in a slot, and as long as they don't overlap and their potential is fulfilled they will be visible and available to the player. If series do overlap, precedence is given to the series with "generic" set to false. If two or more series with the same precedence (Either generic or not) compete for the same spot, you will get an error (Check error.log) and the first series read from disk will get precedence. The potential is only evaluated at the start of the game and when executing the effect swap_non_generic_missions.
# Arrows The arrows showing the dependencies will be laid out automatically. However, there are a few limitations you should be aware of. Arrows can be laid out horizontally and vertically but not diagonally, that means that required missions can be at any tier above in the same slot and in any slot in the tier directly above. Same goes for follow-up missions, they can be in any tier below in the same slot and in any slot in the tier directly below. Note that, regardless of the arrows being able to show the dependency, the dependencies you define will work no matter where you put the missions, so if you'd want to, you could just manually add arrows and hide the automatically added ones.
# Some notes on the AI The AI will pick missions based on their priority and adjust it's strategy according to their weight to try and fulfill missions. The AI understands many triggers you would usually use for missions, but not all of them, so your results may vary. Have a look at our missions to see what the AI can understand.
I'm excited to see how you use this new system to create and/or enhance your mods. If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact me. Suggestions for improvements or additional features are of course also very welcome.
Mikesc에게 감사를 전합니다. 이제 게임에 추가된 몇가지 국가 이념을 살펴보겠습니다. 이것은 장대한 목록이므로 저는 그들을 여러 개발일지에 걸쳐서 세 개의 그룹, 브리튼, 아일랜드, 저지대로 나눌 것입니다. 오늘은 브리튼 쪽을 살펴보겠습니다.
브리튼 제도에서 우리는 영국과 대영제국 사이에서 독특한 느낌을 가질 수 있도록, 둘의 이념을 바꾸었습니다. 여기에 그 목록을 열거하겠습니다:
ENG_ideas = {
start = {
보병 전투력 +10% # 아쟁쿠르 agincourt 전역 불안 -1 # 마그나 카르타, 의회 magna carta, parliament
bonus = {
무료 지도자 풀 +1
royal_navy = {
해마다 해군 전통 +0.25 대형선 전투력 0.10
eltham_ordinance = {
생산 효율 +10%
secretaries_of_state = {
외교관계 +1
navigation_acts = {
무역 효율 +10%
city_upon_a_hill = {
전역 식민지 성장 +20
eng_red_coats = {
화력 피해 +10%
british_bill_of_rights = {
분리주의 -5년
GBR_ideas = {
start = {
해군 사기 +20% 대형선 전투력 +15%
bonus = {
해마다 해군 전통 +1
gbr_acts_of_union = {
외교적 병합 비용 -15% 최대 주 +3
british_merchant_navy = {
전역 관세 +15%
gbr_the_royal_society = {
기술 비용 -5%
sick_and_hurt_board = {
선원 회복 속도 +10% 선원 유지 -10%
reform_of_comission_buying = {
규율 +5%
british_industrialization = {
전역 무역 상품 생산 +20%
britanna_rules_the_waves = {
해군 지도자 기동 +1 봉쇄 효율 +33%
추가적으로, 우리는 하이랜더(게일덤, 군도 왕국The Isles), 맨 그리고 콘월을 위한 이념을 추가했습니다. 이 개발일지는 이미 상당한 길이에 이르렀으므로, 저는 이 스레드 전체에서 가장 많이 요청받은 것 하나를 공개(spoil)하겠습니다.
수정: 그냥 세 아이디어 모두 추가합니다.
# 맨섬의 이념 (Manx ideas)
KOI_ideas = {
start = { 전역 선원 모디파이어 +20% 전역 선박 비용 -10% } bonus = { 규율 +5% mann_stanleys = { 외교관 +1 "The Stanley dynasty has ushered in an era of peace and prosperity for the Manx people. Their skill at diplomacy ensures the safety of the island from both political and military threats to our sovereignty." } mann_kings = { 코어 생성 비용 -10% "Despite its size, Mann is recognized as a de jure Kingdom. But what is a Kingdom without land? We must acquire more." } mann_tynwald = { 외교관 풀 +1 "The Tynwald is the Manx high court. The House of Keys, led by the most powerful families of Mann, act as a national jury that give advice on legal matters. As the state expands however, its administrative needs multiply. The Tynwald must become a permanent institution, akin to a parliament with the power to write new laws." } mann_and_the_isles = { 해군 사기 +15% "In centuries past Mann was the heart of a great realm that spanned across the Irish Sea. It is time to revive the tradition of shipbuilding so that we can restore this empire." } mann_act_of_settlement = { 전역 불안 -1 "It is time to finally settle the status of peasant landholding on Mann. The Act will guarantee the basic rights of citizens and become a basis for the future development of our constitution." } mann_burn_the_heretic = { 이단 선교력 +2% "Witchcraft and heresy are ever-present dangers to the faithful. Suffer not the witch and the heretic to live." } mann_act_of_revestment = { 외교적 병합 비용 -15% “There are too many petty nobles holding minor titles and withholding rents from their land. The Act Of Revestment will revoke these titles so that the monarch can rule more directly." }
CRN_ideas = { (콘월인가보네요) start = { 전역 연대 모집 속도 +10% 생산 효율 +10% } bonus = { 육군 사기 +10% crn_stannary_parliaments = { 전역 불안 -2 "The tin miners of Cornwall have long upheld their special legal rights. These include tax exemption and exclusive prospecting rights, but most importantly the right to be tried only before a Stannary Court with a jury composed of their fellow miners. A Stannary Parliament oversees and revises these rights, keeping the mining population productive and content." } crn_cornish_rebels = { 적대적 소모 +1% "The Cornish people are quick to rise up against oppression and misrule. Hostile armies entering their lands receive an unfriendly welcome." } crn_prayer_book_traditionaliism = { 참된 신앙의 관용 +2 "Farmers, miners, and landlords alike are extremely reluctant to accept changes to religious prayer books. Many complain that prayer books written in English exclude a significant part of the population who speak only Cornish, though others point out they could not read the old Latin prayers either. Regardless, a traditionalist attitude to religion pervades Cornish society and binds it together." } crn_pirates_of_penzance = { 선박 나포 확률 +10% 사략 효율 +20% "Oh, better far to live and die. Under the brave black flag I fly, Than play a sanctimonious part,With a pirate head and a pirate heart." } crn_royalist_army = { 육군 부대한계 +20% "Ever staunch monarchists, the Cornish people are quick to rally to the defence of the crown against republican revolutionaries. Despite Cornwall’s relatively low population, it can raise a surprisingly large levy of determined soldiers willing to fight for King and country." } crn_gear_rout = { 이동속도 +15% "Even should we lose the war, enough of us will likely flee the field that they will live to fight again another day." } crn_arthurian_romanticism = { 위신 감쇠 -1% "A recent revival of interest in Celtic culture has created an interest in Arthurian legend. Tintagel Castle is said to be the place of King Arthur's conception, and acts as a focal point of a renewed Celtic identity in Cornwall." }
highland_scottish_ideas = { start = { 주둔군 규모 +25% 후계자 확률 +50% } bonus = { 인력 회복 속도 +10% hsc_the_wallace = { 육군 사기 +15% "We reide of ane rycht famous of renowne,\nOf worthi blude that ryngis in this regioune,\nAnd hensfurth I will my proces hald,\nOf Wilyham Wallas yhe haf hard beyne tald." } hsc_highland_clans = { 적대적 소모 +1% "The Highland clans are a contentious people. As much as they resent one another, they resent even more the prospect of foreign invaders ruling their ancestral lands. Of course, when the threat of foreign invasion is over, the clans will resume their infighting. There can only be one." } hsc_storm_the_castle = { 공성 능력 +10% "Whatever problems arise in the Highlands, few can be resolved without at some point storming a castle. Our experience in these matters goes back generations and is a highly transferable skill." } hsc_episcopalianism = { 종교적 통합도 +10% 안정도 비용 -10% "There are many competing ideas about how the Church in the Highlands should be structured and what doctrines should be adopted following the advent of the Reformation. We have opted to retain the hierarchical Bishopric model, which allows for both a clear structure for Church proceedings and a degree of doctrinal independence for clergymen." } hsc_highland_charge = { 충격 피해 +15% "Gunpowder weapons have revolutionized the battlefield, and the warriors of the Highlands must adapt. An aggressive new shock tactic has been developed by our generals. Our soldiers will run, preferably downhill, straight into the first enemy volley, firing as they go. After shooting, they will draw more traditional weapons and enter the melee. The speed required for this tactic necessitates that our warriors wear very little in the way of clothing however." } hsc_arming_act = { 전역 인력 모디파이어 +10% "Our oppressors would confiscate our weapons to rob us of the ability to resist. The Arming Act requires all Highlanders to own and train with a firearm." } hsc_ossian = { 해마다 위신 +1 "The Romantic revival of Gaelic culture is exemplified in a collection of poems written under the pseudonym 'Ossian'. They tell ancient folkloric tales that remind the Highlanders of their storied past."
오늘은 이것이 전부입니다. 다음주에 우리는 새롭게 추가된 이념들 뿐만 아니라 룰 브리타니아 이머전 팩에 딸려나오는 기능들을 살펴볼 것입니다.
삭제된 댓글 입니다.
처음에 모바일로 문서를 만들어서 엉망이었습니다
어째 잉글이념이 대영제국이념보다 좋아보이네요
해군이 똥이다보니..
통일아일랜드 이념 궁금하네요
스코틀랜드 가즈아!!!
이거 출시일은 발표 났나요?
혹시 스크린샷 추가해주실 의향 없으신지요?
명절이라 힘든데 내일 꼭 수정해놓겠습니다
저러면 잉글이념으로 놔두는게 더 좋아보이는;;;;
대영제국은 섬나라 컨셉용인듯 하네요
첫번째 스샷의 부연설명은 번역이 잘못된 것 같습니다.
"Scotland has more than just 15 iterations of "crush England" as missions"은 스코틀랜드가 단순히 잉글랜드 작살내기를 15번 반복하는 것 외에 더 다양한 미션을 가지고 있다는 뜻입니다.
It took much self control이란건 일종의 조크로서, 스코틀랜드 입장에서 가증스런 잉글랜드를 작살내는 선택지만 넣고 싶었지만 더 많은 재미를 위해 절제하면서 여러가지 다른 선택지를 추가로 넣었다는 의미 정도로 받아들이면 되겠습니다.
지적 감사합니다. 정확히 해석 못할 부분이면 원문만 남기는게 나을뻔 했네요