Bible Matrix ⑦_79_Revelation 12:7~9: The great Dragon will be hurled down to the earth from war in heaven (c.AD 10,733~)
Revelation 12:7 - 하늘에 전쟁이 있으니 미가엘과 그의 사자들이 용으로 더불어 싸울쌔 용과 그의 사자들도 싸우나(And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.)(NIV)
12:8 - 이기지 못하여 다시 하늘에서 저희의 있을 곳을 얻지 못한지라(But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.)
12:9 - 큰 용이 내어쫓기니 옛 뱀 곧 마귀라고도 하고 사단이라고도 하는 온 천하를 꾀는 자라 땅으로 내어쫓기니 그의 사자들도 저와 함께 내어쫓기니라(The great dragon was hurled down--that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.)
The head of the serpent or devil or Satan who are the unrighteous God is The great Dragon. The great Dragon with his unrighteous God and angels will be defeated in war in heaven by the righteous God who are God the Father and Jesus Christ, and they will lose their place in heaven.
As a result, the great Dragon with his unrighteous God and angels will be hurled down to the earth from heaven in around c.AD 10,733~.
Therefore, terrible things will be happened on this earth from c.AD 10,733 to c.AD 10,740 for 7 years as the last one ‘seven’ or one week.
#Bible_Matrix, #Bible_Matrix_7, #Jesus_Christ, #Won_Yong_Cha, #Daniel_9_24_27, #Seventy_sevens, #Seven_sevens, #62_sevens, #One_seven, #Sixty_nine_sevens, #Chapters_11_13_of_Revelation_for_Daniel_9_27_and_12_11, #The_great_Dragon_be_hurled_down_to_the_earth