17, June, 2023, Saturday.
The Time Schedule for the Three True Miracles(Mark 8:1~10)
He told the crowd to sit down on the ground. When he had taken the seven loaves and given thanks, he broke them and gave them to his disciples to set before the people, and they did so(6) .
Hymn #293 Jesus Comes with Pow'r to Gladden
When you believe in the fulfillment of God's Word; answer to prayers; the works of salvation; and remain in that stream, thanksgiving comes out. Not having gratefulness means that you're in a state of being broken. After Jesus had fed 4,000 people with seven loaves of bread and two fish, He spoke to His disciples in a quiet place. "It is not important that our forefathers ate manna in the desert. The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing." Through today's Scriptures, you must receive three true answers.
1. The Content That Was Enjoyed for 40 Years in the Wilderness
First, it's the answer of "The Three Feasts." On Passover, when the Israelites smeared the blood of the lamb, God freed them from Satan. On Pentecost, through the works of the Holy Spirit, the Israelites reaped grain in the wilderness. On the Feast of Ingathering, the grain was piled up in a storehouse. This means that your background is the throne. Those who held onto this covenant gathered in the Tabernacle, and that covenant was contained in the Ark of the Covenant. Second, from the moment the Israelites held onto the covenant of "The Three Feasts," God liberated the Israelites from Egypt; Egyptian culture; and Satan. Third, the 40 years in the wilderness was a time of the greatest blessings. Only those who properly realized this covenant entered the land of Canaan.
2. The People of Babylon Who Knew the Reason for Being Held Captive and Grabbed Hold of the Covenant
Those who held onto the prophesied covenant completely escaped from captivity and powerlessness(Joel 2:28, Zechariah 4:6, & Isaiah 60:1). For those who knew those reasons, God used them as the main figures of world evangelization and to block darkness around the world. Knowing this, Daniel and his three friends resolved.
3. The Early Church Knew the Reason for Being Colonized by Rome
On the cross, Christ bound darkness. He also explained God's Kingdom for 40 days and said that when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, they would become witnesses. The people who held onto this covenant and gathered at Mark's upper room experienced "The Feast of Harvest." Starting today, you must say these prayers as well.
By enjoy this blessing for 24 hours every day, you'll gain true power. By waiting for it, "25" which is the works of God's Kingdom will be fulfilled. In the end, you'll see the eternal future. Through these blessings, you'll do world evangelization.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, please open my spirit so that I won't be deceived by other things. Open my eyes to enjoy the Gospel so that I don't lead an incorrect walk of faith. At this time, may I begin to experience the powers of Pentecost and the Feast of Harvest. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
Immanuel Church Sunday Worship, 1st Service / 03, July, 2022.