러시아 1인당 GNI 1만 2천달러, 고소득 경제국으로 분류
- 러시아는 1인당 국민총소득(GNI) 1만 2,700달러로, IMF에 의해 고소득 경제국으로 재분류되어 고소득 경제국
75개국에 포함됨
- 지난 10년간 러시아는 중진국으로 분류되었으나, 세계은행의 가장 최근 지표에서 러시아가 대부분의 선진국들에
거의 근접해있음이 나타남
- 러시아의 새로운 위상으로 러시아의 OECD 가입이 가능해질 예정임
[원문] The Russian Federation has been reclassified as a high-income economy by the International Monetary Fund on the basis of a gross national income of $12,700 per capita, Kommersant reported Thursday.
For the past ten years, Russia has been classified as a middle-income economy. The latest figures from the World Bank show that the country has nearly caught up with the majority of developed countries. The new status may facilitate Russia's entry into the OECD. However, OECD president Jose Angel Gurria has repeatedly stated that membership in the organization is dependent on compliance with a number of criteria, of which income level is only one. Russia joins a list of 75 countries with the status of a high-income economy.
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