안녕 하세요. 리더 Alex 입니다.
요즘은 아침 저녁으로 날씨가 선선한게 너무 좋네요.
가을이 왔군요 :)
내일 봐요. ^^
Topic 1. How to Make Someone Fall in Love with You
You can't make someone fall in love with you because, simply put, you can't control the way someone truly feels. But, you can create a situation in which any inkling of love has the chance to flourish and develop into a deep love.
1: Love yourself. Whether you're goofy, silly, crazy, quirky, smart, reserved, or whatever, how can you expect a person to love you if you feel unlovable? You've got to show this person how awesome you are, but first you need to know how awesome you are. Build up your self confidence. Now, this doesn't mean you have to be loud, boisterous, arrogant, chatty, or forward. It just means getting to a place where you're comfortable in your own skin. You can be secure, sweet and humble all at the same time.
2: Share a good laugh. It's been said that laughter is the sound of love. If you share many laughs together, you're both going to be a lot more receptive to love. However, don't put on a show, or make yourself a clown just to make someone laugh. The best laughs are spontaneous, and result from having a positive attitude towards life.
3: Pace yourself. You might be crazy about this person, but if you want a steady kind of love (rather than a fling that flares and fades quickly) then you're going to need to be patient and take your time. Don't be obsessive or suffocating. Give him or her the time to think about what life could be like with you by their side. You can't force someone to love you, and trying to hurry things up can ruin the courtship altogether. Let things progress at a natural pace, or fade out of natural causes.
4: Get to know the person inside out. Always be accepting and open-minded. He or she will sense this and feel like you're the only person who truly knows them and thus, the only person they can be their uninhibited selves around.
Before trying this exercise, take a good look at the person you will be trying this technique with. You will want a person of good character, with good morals, who will be receptive to you as a human being.
Be selective, this is really an exercise for you and about you gaining more control over your love life and life in general. Use good judgment when practicing this technique.
There's always a chance your heart will be broken.
If that person is mean to you and you like that person you have little chance.
1. Among these tips, what is the most effective way?
2. Except appearance, what are attractive factor??
3. Have you ever ruin good friendship because of "fall in love"?
4. Do you believe in Fate ?
5. We can see some people who are really good at relationships, what is the common factor of them?
6. Do you love your family? how about your brothers and sisters.
Which do you want to have better between sister or brother that you can choose?
7. What do you think of cohabitation before wedding?
8. What are you going to do if your G.F/B.F want to do plastic surgery
Topic 2. Future tansportaion
There is no better way to illustrate the amazing technological progress that mankind has made in the past 100 years than in our modes of transportation. We went from the horseless carriage at the turn of the 20th century to jumbo jets capable of carrying hundreds of passengers from one end of the earth to the other in what would have taken weeks back then.
The first manned flight occurred in the USA in 1903, and it lasted just 14 seconds. Just 100 years later, the first three-deck airliner, the Airbus A380, is now in service. It can carry 880 passengers and includes such conveniences as Internet cafe, lounges, beds, a variety of shops, and fast food restaurants. If transportation has come this far in the past 100years imagine what the next 100 years will bring.
Today’s gas guzzling SUVs will soon be museum pieces, as they are being replaced by vehicles that run on environmentally friendly hydrogen gas of rechargeable batteries(electric vehicles).
Traffic congestion is already causing some cities to ban cars from downtown areas, turning cities into park-like environments.
All over the world governments are grappling with the problem of what to do about all the cars. Thousands of new cars are added to the already congested road everyday, and roads can’t be built fast enough to accommodate all of them.
Car ownership has become the benchmark of economic success in most countries. In developing countries buying a car is the sign of having succeeded in life, and in most advanced countries, having a car is a must. In big countries like US, Canada, or Australia you can’t even get around without a car. It would not be an exaggeration to say that humans are hooked on cars.
Unfortunately, cars are the leading cause of air pollution, and if things don’t improve, half of the world’s population will have died from carbon monoxide poisoning by the middle of this century. The solution to the problem would seem to be mass transit, but there are some problems with that idea.
For one thing, mass transit systems only work in big cities, and they only go to certain places. You still need a car or taxi to get from your house to the mass transit stop or to get from it to your final destination. Partly for those reasons, all attempt to get people to give up their cars and use mass transit instead have flopped.
Any future transportation system will have to include the private car because that’s the form of transportation that most people prefer. With that in mind, some futuristic thinking people have come up with a system that combines the benefits of public transportation with the comforts of the car.
It’s an automated driving system called Dual Mode whereby the control of the car is taken over by a centralized guidance system. The driver can watch a moves, surf the internet, or sleep. The cars are hybrid or electric vehicles that run on a monorail. The driver controls the car only for short distances, and the centrally controlled guidance system takes over on the highways.
On the highways cars will travel bumper to bumper at 120 kph on a monorail. Because everything is centrally controlled and all cars on a rail, collision accidents are impossible. Since cars travel at a constant speed, the system results in an enormous saving of energy. Something that every driver will appreciate: travel times are short and predictable. Rush hour traffic will be something of the past.
Cars will program their destination into the system when they enter, so the system will know where to guide them off. Traffic will slow to 30 km/h at each exit and a space will open up in the line when another car enters.
It’s expected that this system or one like it will be the standard mode of transportation used by people at the end of this century.
If so, our current system of roads jammed with cars banging into one another will undoubtedly seem as primitive to them as the methods of getting around 100 years ago seem to us now.
1. Would you say that the transportation system in your country is a) excellent; b) just okay or c) needs big improvement? Why?
2. Are the people in your country “hooked” on cars? Why most of them buy cars- because they really need them or just because they want to have them?
3. What kind of conditions would have to happen before people will trade their cars for public transportation?
4. If it is possible to vacation on the moon within your lifetime, will you go? Why or why not?
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