Deus lo Vult Kingdoms 5.0 is out + Patch 5.4 Only for
Kingdoms !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kings Stuff:banner,..
**Forum: Total War Center, Hosted Mods**Download DLV 5.0
Kingdoms: 614 (586) MB;8503652;;/fileinfo.html**Download Patch DLV 5.4 : 425 (446) MB;9718852;/fileinfo.htmlTorrents for downloading the patch:
Handbook english for DLV 5.0 Patch 5.4;9719371;/fileinfo.htmlDLV 5.4 works only with Kingdoms installed !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----------------Attention Patch 5.4 necessary----------------Changelog Patch 5.4 not save compatible to 5.3, beta7 or older
- Changed Battle AI
- Ages of Darkness
- included hre skinpack from Tyre: thanks to Isilendil
- fixed invisible aztecs
- lifted death age from 30 to 50 years
- added cathar heresy in the pyrenees
- reinstalled banners on the strat map
- added ressources: glass + salt in the campaign map
- map: added lakes: constanze, balaton, geneve...;rivers: england, ireland, france (Seine)
- changed danube to full navigable river: sea trade, ports for Nuremberg, Vienna, Pest, Bucharest
- new buildings related to resources and to economic events: thanks to Isilendil + Kivals
- higher core buildings (walls) give negative trade boni to reduce money overflow
- added unique kings: from Harry Lime
- added recruit priorities to edu file
- reduced defensive skills of pike phalanx troups
- new economic agriculture (climat) event
- two dynamic events : trade_fair, banquet have effects on governor career
- governor and general career are now seperated up from level 2 (e.g. > knight)
- included partially changecapital from Lord finga: only included: cost of capital change 10000 + negative loyalty effects
- kiev/armenia/georgia strat models: Isilendil
- many new generals/captains/leaders battle models: Isilendil
- added byzanz, russia skins from Disgruntled Goat mod: thanks to Isilendil
- renamed\added governor career ancilliaries
city: new governor_path ancilliaries
Magistratus Inferior
Magistratus Superior ................... get the ancillary governors ring
Magistratus Nobile .....................get the ancillary governors coin
Magistratus Excellentis ..................get the ancillary governors key
changed the roleplay building\recruiting requirements
- you need a Governor (any subject any rank) to upgrade and build anything. Nobody in the settlement--> no building possible
- Horses are the most valuable units on the battlefield. A horse belongs to a knight. So if you want to recruit horse units, you have to place a character of the military career into the settlement. If not then you get only the units of the lowest building stables.
So here is the recruitment of horse units:
Anybody --> Stables units
Knights ---> Stables units + new Knight stables units
Banneret --> Knight units + new Baron Stables units
Commander --> Baron units + new Earls_stables units
GrandCross + Character with Crown --> All units
includes old changelog 5.3- new faction Georgia: thanks to Harry Lime integrate the russian "Knights of Honour Mod 5.0" (Skinner NeoUA)
- new strat models for captains: thanks to Isilendil
- integrated more skins from Lithuania mod: thanks to Isilendil+MadTao
- reworked skins Teuton Order: thanks to Isilendil
- reworked campaign map texture files
- more aggressive mongols
- faster campaign turns
- included in Campaign AI: religious buildings influence faction standings with other factions (see XAI mod 2.20D from Xeryx\Naimad)
- interactive medieval events with player decision effects: adapted from Anno Domini mod:
Royal Hunt (stables), Royal Banquet(Townhall), Trade Fair(Market), Holy Council(Church,o_church(masjii), Royal Tournament(Knight stables)
Yes: give positive traits, no: declining the event give negative traits in a certain distance to the capital
includes old changelog 5.2
- new strat models for sea blockade, siege and trade routes thanks to riczu74
- some reskin of teutons thanks to Rex Cobalt
- new strat models for Faction leader, heir, general, captain thanks to Isilendil and Tyre
- new religion judaism: merchants require 20% judaism (only for the player), jewish synagogues available to convert (but will create unrest in the mother factions... so you have to decide where to build them..)
- all priests have fieldcosts on enemy territories :300
- reduced\semitransparent flag symbols on the campaign map: strength of armies no more visible
- small battle parameter changes
- double ressources in capitals: monopoly traits,....(idea from Averroës)
includes old change log 5.1- bugfixing: SiegeEngines, oil,......
- update + minimal modify Campaign UAI 1.6 (+bugfixer) von GrandViz
- all recruitement is religion dependent: normal units > 60% (corresponding religion), generals and Navy Seals > 80%
- new province Santiago de Compostella, Visby
- includes 3 units from Lithuania Mod (recruitable in temple): thanks to MadTao and Team
- transfer of building textures from
Kingdoms: teutonic forts, ....
- music from
Kingdoms Teutonic Campaign
- fixed age mod (with kingdom scripts)
- refined the map: roads, textures...
- techtree buildings: included highway for greeks, amber_route for northern,eastern factions, Hanseatic League
- fixed all Custom- Quick, Historical Battles
includes old Changelog 5.0 bugfixer_01:- bugfixing: sea trade, scottish princess, denmark death,... thanks to Harry Lime
- new faction norway + new region Bergen: thanks to Harry Lime
- small changes to campaign AI
- transfer units from
kingdoms: thanks to Harry Lime, Ordensritter
.mounted calivermen
Changelog DLV_50 : - newest Artfixer + Interfaces: Tokus*Maximus, Wirapuru
- Triumph and Tragedy: thanks to Tokus*maximus, Abrocomos
- includes all Sambos skins
- bugfixing : thanks to Abrocomos
- Kingdom Features: Menue adaptions, Permanent Forts, Oil (?), AI (campaign,battle) parameter,...
- Retrofit mod: thanks to unspoken knight
- some AI Adaptions
Installation 5.0: not save compatibel to 4.0...only works with
kingdoms.exe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Install MTW II
- Install
Kingdoms· IMPORTANT: Make sure there is no old DLV_ext folder in your Medieval II Total War folder before attempting to install (Uninstall and Delete them !!!!!)
. Delete any old DLV_ext folders or stuff !!!!
· Not save compatible with DLV4.0 or earlier versions
· Your original M2TW files will not be changed, DLV_5.0 creates a seperate installation path which includes nearly all changed files: except a necessary new small folder DLV_ext in the standard data path
· Execute file Deus_lo_Vult_50_Kingdoms_Install.exe and enter the correct path for the installation
Example: C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War
(For Germans change it to: C:\Programme\SEGA\Medieval II Total War !!!!)
· The automatic setup creates a desktop icon, a program icon and an uninstall option
· To start the game doubleclick
on the
Deus lo Vult 5.0 desktop icon
or the program icon
or the Launch_DLV_ext.bat in the path C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War (default may have changed this to your custom path during installation)
Installation: Patch 5.4 not save compatible to DLV 5.0 or patch 5.3 or beta7- Install MTW II
- Install
If you have older versions as 5.2 or 5.3 installed, then uninstall all old DLV versions + delete all DLV_ext folders (whole 5.0 +5.2 or 5.0 + 5.3) in C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War
in C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War\data
Install DLV 5.0- no DLV Addons installed
· Execute file Deus_lo_Vult_Patch54_Install.exe and enter the correct path for the installation
Example: C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War
(For Germans change it to: C:\Programme\SEGA\Medieval II Total War !!!!)
Ignore the warnings of write protected files !
Important Language Versions !!!!
During the Installation Process on the last page you are asked if you have an english or non-english (german, french,...) Version. For english people you have to unclick the Launch-nonenglish-Version Button, the other can continue. The program loads the correct language version files from the folders sound_english or sound_non-english and copies them into the path DlV_ext\data. During the next step the files events.dat, events.idx, Music.dat, Music.idx under the path DLV_ext\data\sounds are deleted and the game regenerates the correct language version + new music during the first game start. You can do it manually later by yourself if you have messed something during installation.
Ignore the warnings of write protected files !
Don't close the pop-up windows even if takes minutes to perform, wait until they close by themselves.
If the game is not starting on the first turn then delete the bin files in the path C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War\DLV_ext\data\text !!
Sincerest thanks to all the folks who have contributed to
Deus lo VultRepman (the "Creator")
- TheDrakken: Traits\Ancilliary System
- Tokus Maximus: Graphical Artwork and Ideas (Artist Maximus Augustus)
- Wirapuru: graphics
- Miak : america map
- Unspoken Knight: Retrofit + custom campaign mods
- Harry Lime: bugfixing, minimods, betatesting
- Gaius Baltar: betatesting
- juggernawt: skinning Teutonics
- DeZzErX: Flanders
- SB2ean: Armenia, Desert Tribes
- Boicote: Kiev Rus, Lithuania, Crusader
- Joedreck: banner, shields, graphics
- Renown: Traits/Ancillaries
- Darth Vader: BATTLE AI + EDU balancing
- Pinko: Battle AI tweaks + edb file elements
- Oda Nobunaga: Traits/Ancillaries Enhancements
- GrandViz: Ultimate AI mod 1.5
- Spurius: Big Map 1.06
- Rawghi: Heraldic mod
- Kobal2: Traits Bugfixer
- Marcus Camillus: old Career System, refined by Drakken
- GAFH modder: Age simulation
- Dearmad : smoke mod, cannon fix; traits/ancillary system
- Kivals: adjusting parameters and optimizing russian\kiev faction
- Rob the celt: ireland faction
- Zapppa: Career System
- Hephaistos: naval addon 1.1
- Zaid: islamic enhancements
- gladiatort, madtao: Lithuania mod
- character names: deRougemont, finneys13
- byg: Grim (supply) mod
- Belgae: trait optimization
- Belgae, StrikeQ : Student System
- deRougemont, finneys13: characternames project
- Byg: Grim (supply) mod
- LAca's: Byzantine spearman
- Megalos: english skins
- Sambo: reskinning
- gfortune: KoJ tweaking
- riczu74: strat models: siege, sea blocade
- Rex Cobalt: ordo teutonicus reskin
- Isilendil and Tyre: strat+battle models: leader, heir,...
- Averroës: ressources
- NeoUA: Georgian skins from Knights of Honour Mod
- Kivals: resource buildings
- Ordensritter
- Burrek
- Eternal cocoon
- Himmelsfeuer
- Horsearcher
- Salty
- plasticfigurine
- WhiteWolf
- zhumin1978
- ziher
- Maced0n
- Silent Resident
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다른 분 말씀대로 장군이 있는 도시를 클릭하고 턴 종료하니까 건물이 지어지는군요!
저는 farm 관련 건물을 지어도, 농장 수입 및 인구증가율에 +가 되지를 않네요. 건물 설명에도 아무런 보너스가 안 붙어 있구요. 버그인가요? ''
버그인듯 싶습니다. 그리고 투르크 캠페인 플레이시 아예 시작부터 건물을 짓지 못하더라구요...
아. 확인해 본 결과 겨울에만 농장 수입 및 인구 증가율이 0 이 되고,(겨울이니 곡물을 거둘 수 없는?) 다른 턴에는 정상적으로 작동하는군요. 그리고 엑티브 이벤트 중에서 농장 관련 나쁜 이벤트가 발생하면 여름 턴에서도 인구증가율 및 수입이 0 이 됩니다. 참 qwfca123님 광산 관련 나쁜 이벤트가 발생해서 혹시 그 때 수입이 0원이 된것이 아닌가요? 농장이 바뀐 것은 핸드북에서도 못 본 것 같은데, 농장 관련 이벤트만 추가되었다고 되어있던 것 같은데 여하튼 확인했습니다.
광산도 이벤트 뜨면서 0 되는걸 확인했습니다... 무역도 이벤트 뜨면서 수입이 줄어드는 경우가 있고요, 무역은 곧 회복되더니 광산은 몇턴이 지나도 회복될 기미가 안보이네요 헐...
hre로 진행중인데 건물이 1턴 남았는데도 계속 안지어지는 겁니다. 다른 도시들 건물들도 확인해봤는데, 아예 건물이 % 가 안올라가더군요. 황당합니다. ㅎ_ㅎ 5.3에서 팅기기는 많이 팅겼어도 건물이 안지어지지는 않았는데 --;
일단 여전히 5.0 버그픽싱으로 ㄱㄱ싱..;
잼잇는 모드가 너무 많아서 뭘 해야할지;아직 끝내지도 못한게 많은데 ㅜ
버그 픽스 나오기전까진 5.3 ㄱㄱ
흐흠 비스타도 이렇게 설치하는게 맞나요?