05, July, 2023, Wednesday.
The Remnant Leader's Current Address and a Day of a Remnant(Isaiah 6:8)
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
Hymn #438 Since Christ My Soul from Sin Set Free (Unified Hymn 495)
You must create spiritual masterpieces that actually change the world. The most important aspect is the Remnant leader's "current address." The most important "current address" is to hear God's Word, receive the calling, and go out. The most basic for Remnants is "a day of a Remnant" and the most important point is "prayer.” However, there are many who say that prayer isn't taking place well, and they haven't received any answers. These are illusions. Becoming a child of God is the greatest answer. For God's children, the environment; people; and everything in it are answers. By seeing everything as answers and by accepting and transcending all circumstances, tremendous aspects will emerge. Then, how did the 7 Remnants receive answers?
1. All Fields, All Works, and All Meetings Are Answers
In all fields and works, the 7 Remnants didn't consider whether something was good or bad. For them, every field; every job; and every meeting were answers. Throughout history, most people wavered when they encountered bad situations. However, the 7 Remnants saw them as God's plan. No matter how bad the environment and situations are, you just have to remember that all of them are answers.
2. You Must See the Works That Are Happening Right Now
Isaiah saw the Lord seated on the throne and the train of His robe that filled the temple. In addition, he saw the seraphs who ran God's errands(Isaiah 6:1~2). Even at this hour, these blessings are being carried out for you.
3. You Must Wait While Enjoying "The Throne's Blessing"
Like Isaiah, you can first see "The Throne's Blessing" and wait while enjoying life. At that time, God gave Isaiah an important message, "...it will again be laid waste... as the terebinth and oak leave stumps when they are cut down, so the holy seed will be the stump in the land." Armed with these answers, Isaiah enjoyed and waited.
The "current address" of Remnants who'll save and change the world is "The Throne's Blessing." The first spiritual masterpiece that Remnant leaders must create is to "establish the throne in me."
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, thank you for allowing me to know that being Your child is the greatest answer. By knowing that every field; every job; and every meeting are answers, help me discover Your plan in my day of a Remnant. As I enjoy "The Throne's Blessing," help me wait for Your works. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
2022 The World Remnant Leader Retreat, Lecture 1 / 27, July, 2022.