Pyeong Hwa Gyeong (006) - The Fundamental Principle of True Peace
4. The cosmos seeks families that perfect the four realms of heart
Accordingly, the model for children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives and parents, who represent the four realms of heart, can be found in the family, in the nation, in the world and in the cosmos. Since a nation contains many families and is larger than a family, families ought to exist for the sake of the nation. Since the world contains many countries, countries need to exist for the sake of other countries in the world. In similar fashion, the world exists for the sake of the larger cosmos. Finally, the cosmos exists for the sake of God, who is the greatest and most central existence.
Thus, when the standard of the perfected four realms of heart within the family is projected onto higher and higher levels, the ideal of unity becomes a reality. On that basis, we can enter a cosmos of peace, happiness and freedom. This is why we have a vital need for family harmony centering on the unity of mind and body and man and woman.
God too has been growing, you see. He created Adam and Eve as the substantiation of the ideal within His invisible heart, of son and daughter, brother and sister, husband and wife and father and mother. With Adam and Eve, God becomes a growing child, a brother and a sister, a husband and a wife, and finally a parent. As God establishes children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives and parents, God experiences His second self many times over. God unites them in true love, which brings boundless joy to Him.
Human beings are designed to give joy to God and to give joy to one another. We are all in the position of someone else’s child, sibling, spouse or parent. All human beings are members of families centering on the four realms of heart, which makes the family the foundation to experience the ideal realms of heart. We all have a longing to form families and the reason is that only those people who deeply experience and embody the four great realms of heart can become ideal human beings, capable of making oneness in heart with anyone in the kingdom of heaven on earth or in the spiritual realm.
This explains the consummate human desire to achieve mind-body unity and husband-wife unity. Unless we achieve this all-important mind- body unity, we are unqualified in all other aspects and cannot develop unity in a true family. We will fall away from our families, from our nation, from the world, from the universe and from God Himself. Only through our utmost effort to accomplish mind-body unity and family unity can we achieve perfection.
We have to know that we ourselves are God’s representatives. We are in the position of a second God. All people need to work together to establish the family into a realm of goodness and joy. |