Pyeong Hwa Gyeong (007) - A Truly Peaceful World
3. The Blessing of 360,000 couples is a celebration of world peace
We have reached a time when the world has no alternative but to change. In religious terms, we can say that we have reached “the Last Days” of humankind. However, the Last Days I refer to does not mean darkness and destruction. From God the Creator’s point of view, the Last Days are the end of the false world, the end of the fallen world. They will be followed immediately by the founding of the true world, the original world of God’s creation. Therefore, the Last Days are what we all wish and hope for.
Then, how can we achieve this historic transition from a materialistic civilization to a spiritual civilization? The transition begins with the emergence of God’s truth. Truth is called light. The dawn’s morning light is the power that liberates the night. That sun of historical transition is rising towards the highest point in the sky. This is what I have proclaimed as the Unification Principle and the great principle of true love.
Upon receiving a call from God, I endeavored to deeply understand the great principle of the universe that had been hidden from the beginning of human history. In my discovery, I realized that the truth humankind has been yearning for throughout history is this very principle, upon which we can return to true love and realize true world peace.
A physician needs to diagnose the cause of an illness in order to cure the patient. In the same way, the Principle clearly identifies why today’s human society fell into misery. It explains the course of the Fall of humankind, the event that led to the unprincipled world that we struggle with every day. Once the cause is determined, the cure can be applied. For the past forty years, I have traveled the globe with this cure. I have devoted myself to revealing the cure clearly to the world.
I want to explain some of these great principles. My explanation will be only skin-deep, as it is impossible to grasp the depth of the philosophical implications in a short period of time. One needs to study the Unification Principle sincerely with time and prayer, based on knowing that, if we do indeed live for eternity, it is clear that we need to reorganize our priorities.
The first great principle is that God is alive, and that God is the Parent of humankind. The relationship between God and humanity is that of Parent and child. This is the first truth that God revealed to me.
Secondly, God’s original nature is true love, and God created all things and human beings to realize God’s true love. Human beings are therefore the object partners of God. God wants to unconditionally pour unlimited true love into the hearts of His children.
Thirdly, God, the invisible Parent, established True Parents as God’s substantial expression on the earth. God tries to save the world through the True Parents. By uniting with the ideals of the True Parents and regaining true love, true life and true lineage, human beings can be eternally restored. Amazingly, we are now living in the era of True Parents. There has never been and will never again be a time of this magnitude of blessing in the history of human existence. This enables us to be called the lucky generation born with heavenly fortune. Two days from now, on August 25, Mrs. Moon and I will officiate at an international wedding ceremony for 360,000 couples here in Seoul. I consider this ceremony the authentic path to world peace. As I stated, the reason the world is not at peace today lies in the breakdown of the true family structure. The true family structure begins by unity with the true love of God.
This holy wedding ceremony will be simultaneously conducted in one hundred and sixty nations via satellite. It is a ceremony that will link human beings vertically with the True Parents, the substantial being of God, the invisible Parent. This ceremony affirms the participants as true brothers and sisters in front of God and True Parents, transcending territorial boundaries, races and religions. This wedding is a great transformation ceremony for humanity. It restores God’s true love, true life and true blood lineage, which were lost due to the Fall of the first human ancestors, Adam and Eve.
This is a moment of great excitement in which human beings, who have been suffering under the reign and dominion of Satan for six thousand biblical years, will be set free and liberated for the first time. It is a ceremony of great joy, where we will see the shackles break loose. Humankind will sing hosanna as we return to the liberated heaven and earth of God’s true love. This ceremony is possible at this time because of the appearance and manifestation of the True Parents. |