The title of this book is ' **"**Library on Wheels~~'~~ ". The main character are characters were three childrens children, Joe, Suan Susan, and Fran. The bookmoblie bookmobile is coming soon. But Joe didn't know about the bookmoblie bookmobile. So his friends Suan Susan and Fran tell told him about the bookmoblie bookmobile. Bookmoblie A bookmobile is a mobile library that has wheels. It is looks It looks like a bus or trank truck, Even even a school bus. Then the bookmoblie bookmobile comes came. They borrow borrowed books in from the bookmoblie bookmobile. I think this book is interest interesting. I had a nice time learn learning about the bookmoblie bookmobile. Learn Learning somting something new is a very fun thing!!😀
Score: B
- 책 제목은 큰따옴표(" ")로 써요!
- 'children'은 이미 복수형이라서 뒤에 s를 붙이지 않아요!
- 'bookmobile'의 철자를 정확하게 써주세요!
- 과거 시제를 쓸 때는 동사를 바꿔주세요! (tell→told, comes→came)
- '~하는 것'은 'ing'를 붙여서 써요! (learn→learning)