God's eternal love Israel! Israel from the beginning to the end.
Hallelujah! We give thanks and glory to God who has been with Israel from the beginning to the end of mankind through His boundless grace and love.
God created the first man, Adam, and made his descendants the ancestors of Israel, and Jesus came as the blood of Israel. Jesus emphasized the law (the Pentateuch) that God gave through Moses and urged us to keep it well.
Later theologians did not properly recognize the content of the Holy Spirit coming to keep the law well. In particular, Luther's emphasis on faith and righteousness distorted God's true will for the completion and strengthening of the law (the Pentateuch) according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I believe that Hitler in Germany, who tried to wipe out the Jews by organizing Luther's hatred for the Jews, caused great pain to God. And the Jews also received an indelible scar. And Protestantism, which joined forces with capitalism, was so focused on accumulating material goods that it lost sight of the observance of the law through the Holy Spirit, and Catholicism also failed to deeply understand the law, and 2000 years passed.
I believe that this is because God judged that the salvation of sinful humans was the most important and priority, and allowed all believers to devote themselves to spreading the gospel throughout the world for 2000 years.
Now that the gospel has been spread throughout the world, it has become important for denominations to become one. In addition, God promised that He would save Israel when the number of Gentiles saved is complete, so I believe that time is approaching.
I believe that God knows very well that the nations and believers who believe in Jesus did not understand the Bible correctly, and that after Jesus came, they harassed, persecuted, and killed countless Jews who had no country. I believe that God acknowledges the merit of Israel, who loved God and preserved God's law (the Pentateuch) for 2,000 years better than those who believed in Jesus, and that God still blesses them the most among all nations.
God! I believe that God will never forget Israel's 3,500-year-old, unchanging efforts to keep the law on their own, even though they did not know God's will, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit. And when Christians did not understand the Bible correctly and did not realize the meaning that the Apostle Paul wanted to convey, and wandered in various ways, only the Jews consistently tried to establish a nation with the law, which is the thing that received the most love from God among all nations.
Now, as the number of Gentiles who will be saved according to God's promise is increasing, I believe that the Jews must repent, believe in Jesus, and completely return to God. I write this article in anticipation of the return of these Jews, to comfort them, and to preach about our Lord Jesus. I pray that an amazing miracle will occur in which Israel reads the Bible and returns to God, whom they have waited for thousands of years. Please fill me with the Holy Spirit and help me to convey God’s love and waiting for Israel well! I pray in the name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.
Shalom! Israel! Greetings from a pastor living in Eastern Korea to all the people of Israel and the Jews scattered throughout the world. I pray that God’s comfort and peace will always be abundant and that Israel and all the people will be blessed to meet Jesus. I also pray earnestly that Jesus, who came through Israel, and his apostles to the Gentiles will quickly become one in Jesus, just as the Apostle Paul, a Jew, earnestly hoped.
I am Pastor Kim Jeong-gwan, an instrument of Jesus living in Eastern Korea, who dares to comfort and befriend all of Israel. I earnestly hope that the whole world will correctly understand and love Israel through the word of God given through me.
Korea is a country that can be called the end of the earth and the end of the Asian continent. Our country has many similarities with Israel. First of all, racially, we belong to the Semitic race among the descendants of Noah. And like Abraham, the ancestor of Israel, the Korean people fear God, love compromise, treat strangers well, and love peace. And our Korea, a small country like Israel, has been invaded countless times by the surrounding powerful countries China and Japan, but has lived well as one people for 3,000 years without retaliating.
The flower of Sharon is the national flower of Korea, the Rose of Sharon. And when Noah's descendants migrated along the coast to the whole world, our ancestors came the furthest. Our ancestors, who first landed on this small but beautiful and abundant land around 1,000 BC, lived on the Korean Peninsula, making tombs with dolmens. And they immigrated to Japan, Alaska, Canada, the United States, Brazil, Peru, etc., and this is proven by the same tomb style, the dolmen. The dolmens discovered in the Golan region of Israel are also distributed along the Mediterranean Sea to England and Germany, and also to southern China and Southeast Asia through the Persian Gulf and India, following the migration of the dolmen tribe.
And Korea is the kingdom of dolmens. There are about 40,000 of the 70,000 dolmens in the world, so it is the kingdom of dolmens and the headquarters of the people who made tombs with dolmens. And after catching their breath in Korea, they went to Japan, Alaska, and the New World of North and South America, and before white people came, they lived in such a wide and fertile land without fighting with each other for at least 2,000 years. Their dolmen ruins and shellfish remains are the same place. The dolmen people lived by the sea and ate shellfish and threw away the shells, which have remained without decomposing to this day.
Now, unlike the surrounding countries of Europe and the East that tormented Israel, I believe that it is our duty and privilege to understand Israel and lead them to Jesus as friends. Korea is a country with the same nature and has experienced the same hardships as Israel, suffering for thousands of years by the surrounding powerful countries instead of tormenting each other. Therefore, I believe that it is right to establish and comfort Israel ahead of all the countries of the world.
Israel is a direct descendant of Adam, and its bloodline is connected to Noah, and from Noah to Abraham, and then to Moses, to King David, and then to the kings who inherited David’s bloodline, and its people and people were the first and only people of all the nations of the world to be chosen by God. And through Moses, Israel received the highest and best law on earth that we Christians must also keep, which is the Law (the Pentateuch). This law is the most fair and just law on earth, as God said when giving it to Moses.
Deuteronomy 4:8. What nation is so great that its statutes and ordinances are as righteous as this law I am setting before you today? (NIV)
Israel received this law from Moses about 3,500 years ago, and has preserved it without a single word of error and has tried to keep it well, so they respect the meaning of God's law more than any other nation on earth.
A Jewish rabbi organized this law well into 613 articles, with 248 articles on what to do and 365 articles on what not to do, making a total of 613 articles. God organized these articles into the Ten Commandments through Moses, which are the Ten Commandments of Moses. And God commands Israel through Deuteronomy 6.
Deuteronomy 6:4. ○Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.
5. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
6. These words that I command you today shall be on your heart.
7. Teach them diligently to your children and talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you get up.
8. Tie them as a sign on your hand and bind them as frontlets between your eyes.
9. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. (NIV)
All Israelites memorize this Shema, and they teach it to their children and try to keep it.
And along with this, He speaks about love, which is love for one's neighbor.
Lev 19:17. ○Do not hate your brother in your heart; reprove your neighbor, and you will not bear guilt for him.
18. Do not take revenge or bear a grudge against the children of your people. Love your neighbor as yourself; I am the Lord. (NIV)
If we look at the Pentateuch (the Law) that Jesus summarized, its center is love, justice, and faithfulness. If we consider that the law expressed the nature of God’s love, which is love, then the practice of love would be the most important among the laws. We believe that Jesus is the God who gave the law to Moses, and he taught this precisely to the scribes of that time, that is, the Jews of today.
Matthew 23:23. ○Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, but have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy and faith. These ought you to have done, and not to leave the other undone. (NIV)
Matthew 5:17. ○Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
18. Truly I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will by any means pass from the Law until all is accomplished.
19. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
20. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (NIV)
Jesus did not come to abolish the Law, which was the foundation of Israel for over 1,500 years, but to fulfill it. He also tells Israel and us to keep the letter of the Law well, and to prioritize love, justice, and faithfulness.
And he said that those who believe in Jesus, who do not keep the law well and do not teach to keep it well, will live forever as the least of them even if they go to heaven. And the Pharisees, the lawyers of the time, were trying to live righteously by keeping the law. However, Jesus said that if those who follow Jesus say they believe in Jesus but are not more righteous than them in terms of righteousness, then they will never enter heaven.
Jesus never said that we can treat the law carelessly. Instead, he said that we should value the law and keep it well. He said that we should keep the verses that correspond to the spirit of the law more carefully. Israel, both in Jesus’ time and now, is trying to keep that law well.
The reason the lawyers and Jesus clashed at that time is as follows. The law was given to all mankind through Moses in order to create a just world from God, a world filled with love, and a heaven on earth where people can trust each other. However, the Jews who received it turned away from this will of God and were obsessed with keeping the verses and clauses, and committed numerous sins, and so they clashed. So, Jesus rebuked those who should have been exemplary leaders and examples of the people by keeping the law, because they were living hypocritically.
Israel! Who on earth can rebuke Israel? God saw that Israel had not kept the law well for 1,000 years after giving it. Israel knew very well that this would lead to destruction. And after 400 years, Jesus came as a human to the people he had chosen. And he rebuked the lawyers who had forgotten the weighty love, justice, and faithfulness of the law. Jesus did what was so obvious. And at that time, many Israelites believed in Jesus well.
And another word of Jesus proves this precisely.
Matthew 22:35. One of them, a lawyer, asked him this question to test him:
36. Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?
37. Jesus said to him, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’
38. This is the first and greatest commandment.
39. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.
40. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets (NIV)
The content of the Shema in the Old Testament, that is, Deuteronomy 6, and the teachings of Jesus are completely and perfectly the same. This proves that the teachings of the Law of Israel, that is, the Pentateuch, and the teachings of Jesus are completely in agreement. Therefore, Jesus’ coming was not to harm Israel or to change the law of Israel, but rather to fulfill and establish it.
It is absolutely not true that Jesus clashed with all the Israelites of that time. At that time, many people, that is, the people of Israel, believed in Jesus as their savior and followed him. And Jesus was not from another nation, but was definitely Jewish. And most of his disciples were Jews. They are the ancestors of today's Jews.
Then, during the Roman era, Jesus was crucified, shed blood, and died. And after his resurrection, before ascending to heaven, he commanded his disciples to receive the Holy Spirit. Following this command, the people who received the Holy Spirit preached and established churches, and as the gospel spread widely, Rome also became a Christian nation and the Pope ruled during the Middle Ages. It was a world centered on Catholicism. And the Orthodox Church broke away from the controversy over the manifestation of the Holy Spirit around 1,000 years ago. And after another 500 years, with Luther in Germany as the center, faith was emphasized and Protestantism broke away from Catholicism. So everyone on Earth knows that the three churches of today are within Christianity.
However, the Jews were oppressed by Rome. Before that, if you look at the history of Israel, in 722 BC, the northern part of Israel was destroyed by Assyria. Then, 136 years later, in 586 BC, the southern part of Judah was destroyed by Babylon. As a result, Israel was taken captive by Assyria and Babylon, and returned from captivity 70 years later. Then, as the surrounding great powers rose and fell through Persia and Greece, they lived as vassals of these powerful nations without a country. Then, when Rome ruled the Mediterranean region and became the most powerful nation in the world, Jesus came to Israel as a Jewish descendant.
He claimed to be the Son of God and criticized the hypocrisy of the scribes and priests of the time, gaining the support of many people. However, the religious leaders who did not admit their sins and opposed Jesus brought Jesus to a Roman court and sentenced him to death by Pontius Pilate, resulting in his death on the cross. It was not all of Israel who criticized and attacked Jesus, but the religious leaders who were the instigators.
However, Christianity may find it difficult to have good feelings toward the Jews who hung Jesus, but the ultimate reason is that they lacked understanding of Jesus' laws and his letters to the Gentiles, and because of this, the Jews in Europe, which had become a Christian nation, suffered various hardships and wandered from country to country without a nation, spending another 2,000 years of hardship. After World War II, Israel was established in 1948, and after 2,500 years of wandering, many Jews still immigrated to the United States and grew into a central force in the United States.
This is similar to how Korea survived as a peace-loving people while overcoming the ceaseless invasions and plunders of the surrounding powerful countries, China and Japan, during its 3,000-year history.
However, Jesus clearly came and loved Israel, and many of the people of Israel at the time followed him, and all of his disciples were Israelites. However, we need to find out why Christianity did not live according to Jesus’ teachings and instead mistreated and persecuted the Jews, whom they should respect and be grateful for.
The purpose of Jesus’ coming and his attitude toward the law are clearly not malicious to the Jews of today or the Jews of that time, and they are completely consistent with the purpose of the law. If Catholicism, Protestantism, and the Orthodox Church had lived according to Jesus’ teachings, they would never have mistreated the Jews, but would have treated and welcomed them as a precious people.
Throughout the Bible, we can confirm that Jesus’ intentions toward Israel and the law are not harmful to the Jews of today or the Jews of that time. I will talk about the parts that understand Jesus as the Son of God and the parts that understand him as God later. Now, through the New and Old Testaments, we will learn how the New Testament explains the Old Testament, which Israel considered most important, and the Pentateuch, the core of the Old Testament, that is, the law. The Four Gospels are the words of Jesus, and the rest of the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles were written by his disciples to practice Jesus’ words as they were. So it can never be against the teachings of Jesus' law.
This is the explanation of the Jews by the Apostle Paul, the Jewish Apostle Paul.
The love of the Apostle Paul for his fellow Israelites is a direct continuation of the love of Jesus, his teacher and Lord, for Israel. He never hates the Jews he previously believed in. The Apostle Paul respects them and hopes that they will believe in Jesus, be saved, and truly become new people and live a new life.
God's Chosen People Israel (Common Translation)
Rom 9:1. As a person of Christ, I am telling the truth, not lying. My conscience, moved by the Holy Spirit, tells me the truth.
2. I am deeply troubled and incessantly distressed.
3. I could not help but be cursed and separated from Christ for the sake of my fellow Israelites, my fellow Israelites.
4. My fellow Israelites are the children of God, to whom the privilege of becoming children, the glory of serving God, and the covenant with God are in their hands. And they have the law, the true worship, and the promises of God.
5. They are the descendants of those excellent fathers, from whom Christ also came according to humanity. Let us praise God who rules over all things forever. Amen. (NIV)
Paul's love for his fellow Israelites is endless. He tells us about their privileges, their glory, their covenants, their law, their worship, their good lineage, and Jesus himself is of Israel's lineage.
Rom 10:1. Brothers, I earnestly desire and pray to God for the salvation of my fellow Israelites.
2. I fully acknowledge their zeal for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. (NIV)
Paul also earnestly desires the salvation of his fellow Israelites. And he acknowledges that they are still learning the law well and living according to it, and that their zeal for it is no less than that of any other nation. That is, the Apostle Paul loves this nation and wants to save them, and he also acknowledges this nation's passion for the law. That is, he acknowledges Jesus' love for Israel and His passion for the law.
Salvation of the Gentiles (Common Translation)
Rom 11:11. So then, did Israel stumble and fall into complete ruin? Absolutely not. Rather, because of their sins, the Gentiles were saved, and Israel was made to envy the Gentiles.
12. If Israel’s sin brought abundant blessings to the world, and Israel’s failure brought abundant blessings to the Gentiles, how much greater will be the blessings when all of Israel is saved!
13. Now I speak to you Gentiles, magnifying my ministry as an apostle to the Gentiles.
14. I hope to arouse jealousy in my own people, the Jews, and thus save some of them.
15. If their rejection brought about reconciliation between God and the world, what will happen when God accepts them again? He will certainly give life to those who were dead. 16. If you offer the first part of the dough to God, the whole lump is holy. And if the root of the tree is holy, all the branches are holy.
17. For example, if some branches are broken off from an olive tree and wild olive branches are grafted in its place, the grafted branches will receive nourishment from the original root of the olive tree. So you are these wild olive branches.
18. So do not despise the branches that have been broken off. If you think that, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you.
19. You will say, "Weren't the branches broken off so that we could be grafted in?"
20. Yes, they were broken off because of their unbelief, but you are still there because of your faith. So you have nothing to boast about, but fear. 21. For God did not spare the natural branches, so he can also spare you.
22. But know that God is merciful and harsh. He is harsh toward those who rebel, but toward you he is merciful, provided you do not reject his mercy, otherwise you too will be cut off.
23. For God is able to graft in even the branches that were cut off because of unbelief, if they come to believe. 24. For if you, who were originally wild olive branches, were cut off and grafted easily into another olive tree that was not your own, how much easier it will be for the branches that were cut off to be grafted back into their own olive tree! (NIV)
God's Secret Plan
25. Brothers and sisters, although you may think that you have understood everything, there is a hidden truth that you do not yet understand. This truth is that some of the Israelites are stubborn now, but when all the Gentiles turn to God, they will abandon their stubbornness,
26. and all Israel will be saved. As the Scripture says, "The Liberator will come out of Zion, and he will remove the wickedness from Jacob's descendants.
27. This is the covenant that I will make with them when I take away their sins." 28. From the perspective of the gospel, the Israelites became enemies of God for your good, but from the perspective of God’s election, they are still God’s beloved people because of their ancestors.
29. God does not take away the grace of his gift or election that he once gave.
30. You who once disobeyed God have now received mercy because of the Israelites’ disobedience.
31. In the same way, the Israelites who now disobey will repent and finally receive mercy when they see the mercy shown to you.
32. God has made all people captive to disobedience, but in the end he has shown mercy to them all.
33. Oh, the depth of God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! Who can fathom his judgments or understand his works? 34. "Who has known the mind of the Lord? Who is worthy of counsel?
35. Who has first given what, that he may expect a return?"
36. All things are from him and through him and for him. To him be glory forever. Amen. (NIV)
Israel, though a true olive tree, was cut down because he did not believe, and in its place, a wild olive tree, a Gentile, was grafted in and is receiving the sap of the true olive tree. I explained this expression as the Gentile saints sucking the sap of the law through the Holy Spirit. I explained this while clarifying that the Gentiles have the mission and duty to believe in Jesus, receive the Holy Spirit, and complete and establish the law under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This part is a part that believers must understand anew, and it is a new understanding of the Bible that the Israelites must also look into with interest.
And the Bible explains the attitude of the Gentile saints who were grafted in this way. It explains that they must always be humble. It explains that God, who cut off the original branch, may not spare the grafted branch. And it speaks of God’s secret and plan that if the salvation of the Gentiles is sufficiently accomplished, God will also save Israel.
Paul’s Romans explains that God still loves Israel. And it explains that He does not take back the choice or grace He once gave. In this way, the Apostle Paul, as a servant and apostle of God, has a deep love for Israel. And it explains God’s plan and work regarding the future Israel. It clearly says that God still loves Israel and will save them. And God prevents those who have been grafted into Israel as Gentiles and have been saved from acting rashly.
If Gentile Christians, namely Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and Protestants, had deeply understood this will and plan of God for Israel and His unchanging love, they would not have tormented Israel, who had passed on the tradition of faith, including the Old Testament, to them so that they could believe in God well.
And even among Gentile believers, they deeply quarreled with each other over the same Bible verses, rejected each other, and killed each other, but in search of religious freedom, many Protestants immigrated to the New World, which became the United States. And during World War II, when Germany persecuted the Jews who were scattered throughout Europe, millions of Jews were massacred, and many more Jews immigrated to the United States, developed the United States, and lived in the United States as the greatest nation in the world.
Now, we must repent for fighting and killing our brothers in faith. In the war between Germany and all of Europe, so many people died, most of whom were believers in Jesus. Germany killed those who believed in Jesus through Nazism and Italy through fascism. And Germany, the mother country of Luther and the origin of Protestantism, tried to exterminate the Jews who loved God’s love, Jesus’ love, and the Apostle Paul until his death.
The massacre of the Jews never ends with the massacre of one nation. Please believe that it is the most evil act in human history to end their tradition, that is, the tradition of the Old Testament, to end the promise between God and Israel, and to end the law (the Pentateuch), which is the most precious heritage for all mankind.
If you look at Matthew 5:20, it says, “I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (NIV), so you can see that the Jews living in the present and the past have been using the law as a standard for the actions of Gentile believers. This is God’s amazing restraint system for Gentile believers. We should remember that Germany tried to destroy this system, and realize that this is an act of seriously betraying the will of Jesus.
Those who believe in Jesus the most through Luther’s theology are doing the most evil thing in history, as seen in the above Bible verses. Where does this ignorance come from? Please believe that it is entirely from an incomplete understanding of the book of Romans in the Bible.
Italian fascism may also have come from ignorance of the Catholic law. Both Catholicism and Protestantism committed such evil deeds against all mankind and especially against God’s eternal love, Israel, because they did not understand the Book of Romans correctly. In response to this, the two churches must humbly confess and repent for the evil deeds they committed against all mankind and the Jews. Israel’s salvation will be achieved through the recognition and repentance of these churches’ past mistakes.
First, we must put an end to the incorrect understanding of the Book of Romans by Protestants and Catholics, and now the two churches must understand the Book of Romans correctly, repent of their past mistakes, forgive each other, and become one. And we believe that the two churches must lead Israel to the path of salvation together.
We must understand the Book of Romans by looking at Jesus’ attitude toward the law and the Apostle Paul’s love for his own people, as explained above. The correct understanding of the Book of Romans is not only the path to reconciliation between Catholicism and Protestantism, but also the path to reconciliation between Israel and Christians around the world.
First, the origin of the discussion began with some corruptions in medieval Catholicism, such as indulgences. Luther, a German priest, tried to find forgiveness for his sins through the existing Catholic teachings, but he could not. Then, he discovered the verse in Romans 1:17, “The righteous shall live by faith,” and he began to argue for justification by faith.
Then, the Catholic Church did not accept this new claim of Luther. They fought each other, studied each other, and debated each other for 500 years, but they could not reach a conclusion. And I talked about the atrocities of Germany, the country that led Luther’s claim.
The claim of Luther and the Protestants who followed him that only faith can make one righteous, obtain salvation, and go to heaven shows no sign of retreating. On the other hand, the Catholic Church claims that some other act is necessary in addition to faith to go to heaven and become righteous. The Catholic Church’s claim that only faith can save one and make one righteous is absolutely not true, and the Protestant claim above is in a tense standoff without any concessions.
From the perspective of Israel, the arguments of these foreign nations have nothing to do with the claim that they must keep their laws, and they can feel that the claims of both of them are very different from what they claim. Both camps take a passive stance on the law, and they fight fiercely over whether or not they need to act in addition to their faith.
The understanding of Romans can change the history of the entire world in this way. However, we have now reached an understanding of Romans in which the three camps can sympathize, reconcile, and become one. This understanding is happening in Korea, a small country in the East.
I have been preaching its contents to major universities around the world for about 7 years, and through the Daum Cafe and Naver blog, "50 Million Romans," I have preached it to over 400,000 people in 110 countries. I believe that this understanding of Romans is the gospel of peace and order that will restore Israel, unite Catholicism and Protestantism, and finally unite the whole world.
The understanding of the law of Catholicism and Protestantism is very different from the idea of the law of Israel. However, if we look at the arguments of Jesus and the Apostle Paul that we saw earlier, we can see that they are not so different from the attitude of the Israelites toward the law, but rather respect and love it. This claim (Jesus’ teachings on the law in the Gospel of Matthew) can be followed by Catholics who believe in Jesus as their savior. Protestants who believe in Jesus and the Apostle Paul can also follow it. But what prevents them from keeping the law like Israel?
If we correct the attitudes of these two churches toward the law through a correct understanding of the Bible, that is, the Book of Romans, we will be able to resolve the problem with Israel. However, since we have clearly seen this in the examples of Jesus and the Apostle Paul, it is absolutely not difficult to resolve the problem. Following Jesus and the Apostle Paul according to the Bible will resolve the problem.
Recalling Jesus’ words about the law again, Jesus did not come to abolish the law, but to perfect it. And he clearly tells all believers to keep the more important provisions of the spirit of the law, love, justice, and faithfulness, as well as the other provisions. Since this is the command of our Lord, all Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox churches should obey it without any other words. (I praise the love of God and the merit of the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. And I praise the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The content I am discussing is such a high and precious content that I could not even dream of before I believed in Jesus. I was a sinner who did not know the Bible or this truth at all. I am writing this article by the amazing grace of God. All glory to God.)
Now let us see the argument of the Apostle Paul, a diehard legalist who was led to repentance by Him (the resurrected Jesus), through his epistles.
Rom 1:17. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, as it is written, "The righteous shall live by faith" (NIV)
Rom 3:27. Where then is boasting? Not by what law? By works? No, but by the law of faith.
28. Therefore we acknowledge that a man is justified apart from the works of the law by faith (NIV)
Rom 9:30. ○What shall we say then? The Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have attained to righteousness—a righteousness that is by faith.
31 But Israel, pursuing a law of righteousness, has not attained to the law.
32 Why? Because they did not rely on faith but on works. They stumbled at the stone of stumbling. (NIV)
Gal 2:16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh will be justified. (NIV)
Gal 3:11 But that no one is justified before God by the law, it is evident, for, 'The righteous shall live by faith.' (NIV)
Gal 3:23 ○Before faith came, we were kept under the law, kept in custody until the faith that would be revealed.
24 So the law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, so that we might be justified by faith.
25 But after faith has come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus (NIV)
Romans and Galatians both clearly state that it is not the law but faith now. That is why Protestants confidently claim that we are justified and saved only by faith. Clearly, the basis of the Bible is as diverse as above. And the Catholic claim is also in the Bible, as in the claim of James.
James 2:14. ○What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but has not works? Can faith save him?
15. If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food,
16. and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled,’ but does not give them the things needed for the body, what good is it?
17. Even faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
18. But someone will say, ‘You have faith, and I have works. Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.’
19. Do you believe that there is one God? You do well! Even the demons believe and tremble.
20. O foolish man, do you want to know that faith without works is useless? (NIV)
So both are biblical. So they can argue without giving in to each other. But if these two camps fight like this for 500 years without finding a solution, Jesus in heaven clearly told them to keep the law, so when he saw these people, he would think they were strange. And the Apostle Paul also insisted on establishing his kingdom by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit according to the command of Jesus, but when he saw these people fighting each other while not keeping the law, which was the command of Jesus, after reading his book of Romans, his book of Galatians, and his book of James, he would also think it was strange. And the Jews would think that these people were a strange religion that they could not go with because they were trying to reject the law that they believed in and kept. About 2,000 years passed like this. (I was in a dark state of mind. I did not know the Bible or Jesus. How much bright light came into my heart when I made this claim? I became a tool of Jesus, the light, and I am conveying the truth that He has made light. I pray that the souls of all readers will be enlightened by this light. I am just a tool like a clay pot.)
However, now God is solving this problem directly. How does He solve it? The light comes from Korea in the East and illuminates the whole world. This teaching of light is the new understanding of Romans.
First, we must solve the problem above. We must understand why Apostle Paul made the claim that it is not the law and that it is faith. First, the law, that is, the Pentateuch, is unfamiliar to Gentile believers. They do not know it and do not keep it. However, we must think about whether it is necessary to say that it is not the law but faith to these Gentile believers. Paul's letters were sent to churches that believed in Jesus, including Rome and Galatia at that time. However, the church members were composed of Jewish believers, Gentile believers, and Roman believers. However, Jews quietly entered the church and deceived the believers who should believe in Jesus and live under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. How did they deceive them? They deceived them by saying that the believers should follow the law letter by letter to be saved and go to heaven. However, the Apostle Paul was a person who believed in God while trying to follow the law in the past. However, he met the resurrected Jesus and learned a new way to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit that transcended the level of following the law. He served in this new way and lived without ceasing, experiencing amazing things. He was renewing his life of faith. However, this strange and foolish Jew appeared and deceived the church and believers that he had established with the help of the Holy Spirit to go down a different path. That is why he sent this letter. In other words, he asked them to live a good life of faith, not in the same way as they had lived in the past. In other words, he asked them to live a life of faith by serving in a new way, not in the way he had done in the past, where he had followed the law letter by letter. That is what it means to say, “It is not the law, but faith.” That life of faith is a life guided by the Holy Spirit.
This is how we must correctly understand the above passage. Understanding this passage in this context is truly the correct understanding. The Jews of that time, the Jews who lived 2,000 years after Jesus came, and the Jews who are living in the world today want to learn the Old Testament law well from a young age and live by it. They have lived that way for 3,500 years. However, Jesus and the Israelites, the Apostle Paul, interfered in this long history of living by the law. Those who believe in Jesus, looking at both the Old Testament and the New Testament, show a passive attitude toward the law, making it seem to the Jews that they are believing in a different religion than their own. However, both Jesus and the Apostle Paul tell us to respect and keep the law. However, unlike the Jews, they tell us to believe in Jesus, receive the Holy Spirit, and keep it. Both Jewish and Gentile believers must truly understand this part correctly. It is the path that we all walk together, and it is the teaching of Jesus who chose the Jews as the chosen people and saved all people. This is something that the Jews must understand and all the saints of the world must now understand correctly.
And regarding this, looking at the entire book of Romans, I wrote an article called “Jesus and the Apostle Paul.” Let’s take a look.
Quoting from Jesus and the Apostle Paul
Now, let us look at the words of Jesus, the master of the Apostle Paul. This is a passage that we do not pay much attention to, and especially Protestants do not pay much attention to. This is a passage that should never be done that way. Shouldn’t the words of the master of the Apostle Paul have more authority than the words of the servant?
Jesus and the Law
Matt. 5:17. ○Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
18. Truly I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will by any means pass from the Law until all is accomplished.
19. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
20. I tell you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. NIV
Matthew 23:23. ○Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, but you have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy and faith. These ought to have been done, and not the other left undone. NIV
And Jesus praised those who kept the law well. In the case of the rich young man, he said that he had kept all the Laws well, but he was told to sell his possessions and divide them. Jesus did not add anything to the Laws that he had already kept well, but rather told him to divide them. And when the scribe answered wisely, he said that the kingdom of heaven was not far away. A scribe is someone who has learned the Laws well and tries to keep them.
Now, the thoughts of Jesus on the Law and the thoughts of the apostle Paul on the Law and the thoughts of actions are different from each other. We, especially Protestants, are more interested in and consider the justification of the apostle Paul more important than the words of Jesus below, and we try to solve all problems only with faith. However, there are such conflicting contents in the Bible, and Jesus is the master of the apostle Paul. Therefore, it is natural that we, who believe, should pay more attention to the words of the master. However, in what state are we living our lives of faith? This is our address as we live our lives of faith now.
Now, I would like to solve the problem of the relationship between the teachings of Jesus, the epistles of the apostle Paul, and the Epistle of James. I would like to solve it clearly. The key is the Holy Spirit. If we understand the work of the Holy Spirit well through the Bible, these parts will be solved very easily and clearly. And in order to do this, we must first correctly understand Romans and Galatians. This is different from what we have learned, and it is absolutely not a personal opinion. It is clearly the content of the Bible that is shared with the whole world by the grace of God, which is like the sea. I was a wicked sinner who did not even know the Bible, and I was just a worthless believer who did not always live correctly even though I believed in Jesus. It is because of God’s love that He chose me to preach the truth. Everyone is better than me. So, God chose a worthless sinner like me to let you know that you just need to repent and believe correctly from now on. Please believe.
First, let’s look at Romans 1:17. Let’s look at it together in English. Everyone! Here is the answer. Please do not be surprised. This is what I first wrote to 700 of the world’s greatest theologians.
Romans 1:17. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith." (NIV)
This verse is the verse in Habakkuk 2:4, which the Apostle Paul quoted as Romans 1:17. Through this verse, we can solve most of the problems. There is such an easy way, but I think the reason God allowed the teachings of Protestantism for 500 years was because it was important for the gospel to spread throughout the world first. There is an answer in the text that both Protestants and Catholics cannot help but acknowledge.
"The righteous /// will live /// by faith." The answer is right there in these words. Let's divide this verse into three parts. The subject "The righteous" and the auxiliary verb will, the main verb live, and the means by faith can be divided. If we translate it into Korean, it would be "The righteous will live with faith." In other words, what must a person who wants to become righteous do with faith? He must live each day. It is not that he becomes righteous only by faith, nor that some act is added to faith, but that any human being, if he has life, must live each day by solving the problem of living.
In other words, "The righteous are those who live by faith" is the answer, the Bible, and the key to solving the problem. The answer is already in the text of the Bible, so why do you say "only faith" or "no, faith + act"? However, there is another problem that is caught up in such an easy problem. It is the above content of the Apostle Paul's book of Romans and the unchanging expression in the book of Galatians that only faith makes one righteous. We must solve this problem again. This is also not a personal thought, but can be solved with the Bible. God showed me the process of solving all these problems one by one. It took about 33 years after receiving the Holy Spirit. However, I am a debtor. I am writing this with the intention of paying back. It is true.
Where is it solved? This is also solved in the text. The answer is in this phrase, "a righteousness that is by faith from first to last." All the answers are in the text, but we have been trying to solve this problem with theology for 500 years and it is not solved. It is righteousness, and this righteousness is righteousness that comes by faith, and that faith is from beginning to end(faith from first to last). Our Korean Bible translates it as "faith leads to faith," so we can never understand the meaning of the text, "first faith, last faith," in the Korean Bible. Let's look at the joint translation. It is the Catholic (Protestant and joint) translation.
Romans 1:17. The gospel shows us the way God puts humans in a right relationship with Him. Humans can only have a right relationship with God through faith. Doesn't the Bible say, "Those who have a right relationship with God through faith will live.“(Korean joint verson)
Justification is explained as a right relationship, and there is no translation of the meaning of first faith, last faith. Let's look at other Korean translations (Revised Korean, Standard New Translation, etc.) Even if we look at these other translations, we don't understand them well. We have five official translations, but they all translate from faith to faith, so the English meaning of faith from first to last is not conveyed.
1:17. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. (KJV) Of course, it says from faith to faith, which is consistent with our translation.
Now, we need to go to Romans 4 and understand this part correctly. God kindly solves this problem. Romans 4 explains Abraham's faith in two ways. Verses 1 to 16 say that Abraham believed and was justified. This is when God first met Abraham and made a promise of descendants and a nation, and Abraham was justified because he believed. This is the content in Genesis 15.
Genesis 15. 5 Then he took him outside and said, "Look toward heaven and count the stars, if you are able to count them." And he said to him, "So shall your offspring be."
6. Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness (NIV)
He explains this content in Romans 4:1-16, which is very similar to Romans 1:17 and the content in Galatians that the righteous will live by faith. However, there is a twist, which we read but do not understand well and pass over. I also learn something new like the content of James while studying like this. Let's take a look. Let's look at James together at this time. Learning is endless.
Romans 4:17. (as it is written, “I have made you a father of many nations”), in whom he believed, even God, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.
18. Abraham, against all hope, in hope believed so that he should become the father of many nations, just as it was said, “So shall your offspring be.”
19. Without weakening in faith, he considered his own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, or Sarah’s womb as dead.
20. He did not waver in unbelief at the promise of God, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God,
21. and being fully convinced that what he had promised, he was able to also perform.
22. Therefore it was credited to him as righteousness (NIV)
James 2:21. Was not our father Abraham justified by works when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? (This was after he was 100 years old.)
22. You see that faith was working together with his works, and by works his faith was made perfect.
23. And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness. And he was called the friend of God.
24. So we see that by works a man is justified, and not by faith alone (NIV)
Now, we must look carefully at the part that we have just passed over. What is the content? Romans 4:1-16 clearly explains the content of Abraham's first encounter with God and his justification by faith in verse 16(1-16 16 verses). Please read the text and confirm it. However, now, God sees his unchanging faith even at the age of 100 and justifies him by this faith. There are two types of righteousness. At first, God justified Abraham when he met Him and believed, that is, when Abraham was 75 years old. And after 25 years, God saw Abraham's unchanging faith and justified him again. We clearly see through the Bible that there are two types of justification. The content of Romans 1:17, which says that it comes from faith to faith or faith from beginning to end(faitn from first to last), is explained here. After 25 years, God saw his unchanging faith and justified him because he believed that way. Now, we can confirm that God justifies us when we first believe, but also when God sees how that person believes after some time has passed and has unchanging faith, He justifies him. In other words, we can confirm that the first faith and some later faith must be consistent and unchanging in order to receive complete justification. This is also in perfect agreement with the English verse in Romans 1:17, "The righteous /// will live /// by faith." In other words, anyone who wants to be justified must live by faith. When we first believe, we can be considered righteous, but later on, only when we live by this faith can we be considered righteous again.
As the saying goes, “Faith from beginning to end(faitn from first to last)” and “from faith to faith,” it means that we must always live by faith so that God will later consider us righteous. Abraham was definitely considered righteous twice. He passed the first time, and he also passed when he was 100 years old. If we look at the Book of James, he must have been around 110 years old when he offered Isaac. He also passed at that time. In other words, when we live a life of faith completely, we are all considered righteous in God’s eyes. We must understand this principle through the Bible. Romans 4 asserts Abraham’s faith and righteousness throughout. This is consistent with the saying, “from faith to faith, from beginning to end” (faith from first to last).
The Epistle of James also explains the same thing. This part is perfectly consistent between Romans and James.
It explains living a life of faith. All saints who have maintained life have a destiny to believe and live each day somehow. We must live this way as long as our lives exist. However, that life must become a life of faith, and only by believing without ceasing can we pass God’s justification. We can all confirm this principle through the Bible.
In other words, God justifies us by looking at our initial faith and our final faith at the same time. However, if we initially believe in Jesus and become righteous, but later, that is, when God looks at our final faith, we do not have faith or are busy with other things, our life of faith will not continue and we will not be able to keep our faith. We can clearly understand through the Bible that God will never justify us when he sees such faith. This is also clearly stated in the Book of Ezekiel.
Ezekiel 3:20. And when a righteous man turns from his righteousness and does evil, his righteousness that he has done will not be remembered, but I will put a stumbling block before him, and he will die because you did not warn him. He will die in his sin, but I will require his blood at your hand. (NIV)
It is true that we become righteous when we believe in Jesus. However, faith must go from faith to faith, and the first faith and the last faith must be in agreement. In other words, we must live our lives with faith without ceasing and without changing. Our faith must also remain unchanged when God sees it later, so that He can see it and justify us. Romans 4:17-22 says this so that no one in the world can deny it. We have omitted this procedure too much. And without the Holy Spirit, it is absolutely impossible for a human being to know this content. I definitely received the Holy Spirit from Jesus. I received it in the early spring of 1992.
Now, we must gain more strength and go to Habakkuk 2:4 where Romans 1:17 is mentioned. This is only when we understand it correctly that we can fully understand Romans 1:17. If Luther did not confirm Romans 4 and Habakkuk 2:4, we, the later generations, should confirm and understand them correctly. We should praise his great beginning and inherit and develop it. I learned through God’s discipline that I should not criticize anyone as the worst saint.
The book of Habakkuk is a short book of the Bible with 3 chapters. Habakkuk was a prophet in the final days of Southern Judah around 608 BC. After Southern Judah was destroyed in 586 BC, the Law was inevitably loosened in their lives and spiritual corruption was severe. Habakkuk was a prophet who lived righteously during this time. Injustice was so rampant that it became difficult for a righteous person like Habakkuk to live. So, even though they were his own people, Habakkuk asked God, “Do you just ignore this injustice?” Then God said that he would punish Southern Judah by using Babylon as a tool of judgment. Habakkuk asks God again about this. "Why do you use Babylon, who is even more unrighteous, as your tool?" God's answer to this is the verse we all know well: "Only the righteous will live by faith.“
Hab 2:4. ○Behold, his soul is puffed up; it is not upright in him; but the righteous will live by his faith.(Korean verson)
4. Do not be puffed up; I do not approve of such a man. But the righteous will live by his faith.“(Korean verson)
4. "See, he is puffed up; his desires are not upright -- but the righteous will live by his faith --(Revised Standard Version, Common Translation, NIV in order)
As we have seen, but the righteous /// will live /// by his faith, to become righteous, one must live by faith in God. If we understand this passage correctly while looking at Habakkuk chapters 1 and 3, it means that they endure and live righteously even though they(Habakkuk) see the tragedy of the destruction of Southern Judah and the destruction of Babylon at the same time. The meaning of the text is that they live righteously, unlike the people of Southern Judah or Babylon who live wickedly day by day, believing in the righteous God who will destroy the two wicked nations and bring about a just world. In other words, Romans 1:17 accurately includes the meaning that we believe in Jesus and live our lives day by day, not unrighteously but righteously, believing in Jesus who will judge the world justly, no matter how much injustice it is in the world.
Now we need to work a little harder and go to the end. Only when we understand the meaning of living by faith (a new way of serving led by the Holy Spirit) written in Romans 7:6 can we finally understand Romans 1:17. Let's look at the text.
Romans 7:6But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.(korean verson)
7:6For we were held captive by the law, but now we are released from its constraints, so that we serve not according to the way of the old written code, but according to the new life of the Spirit.(another korean verson)
7:6. But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.(NIV)
(But now, having died to the law that once bound us, we have been released from the law, so that we serve not according to the old way of the written code, but according to the new way of the Spirit.)
There are some hurdles to overcome in this verse as well. The part that I have interpreted in ( ) is the English expression, so you must understand it as it is. The Catholic translation is also incorrect. I was surprised. Any interpretation that harms the Law even a little bit can never lead to a correct understanding of the Bible. The Law is the words of the Pentateuch, which are absolutely the object of praise, and it is a very important part of the Bible. Some people have said that the Bible is simply the law. I agree with this because the law is the Law, that is, the law of the Pentateuch. There is absolutely no 0.000% in English the phrase “old Law code.” It means that the method of serving is old. It is not the method of the day when the Apostle Paul, who did not know Jesus, the Holy Spirit, or the words of the New Testament at all, was deeply immersed in the Law of the Old Testament, and believed that if he kept the Law, everything would be fine, and he arrested and imprisoned believers. In other words, it is not the method of the past when he kept the Law, believing that this(That) was all, but now that he has received the Holy Spirit, he lives in a new way guided by the Holy Spirit. The Book of Galatians and Romans emphasizes the work of the Holy Spirit so much. However, if you try to understand it without the Holy Spirit, everything becomes difficult. I emphasized understanding the Holy Spirit first before, but if you look closely, there is so much emphasis on the Holy Spirit in Galatians and Romans. I also read Galatians only as justification by faith, but when I summarized it myself, I was surprised to see so many explanations about the Holy Spirit. This is the content of Galatians that I summarized.
Galatians (Faith, Law, Holy Spirit)
Part 1 Introduction | Part 2 | Paul's Gospel and the Holy Spirit | 2-4 Faith and the Law 5 Holy Spirit | Part 3 | 6 Conclusion |
Part | Chapter | Keyword | Main Content | Part | Chapter | Keyword | Main Content | ||
Part 1 | 1 | Introduction | Greeting. The Origin of the Gospel Apostolate | | 4 | The Gospel and the Holy Spirit | Flesh and Spirit | Children of God Promise and the Holy Spirit | |
Part 2 | 2 | Paul's | Faith Law | Paul and Other Apostles Antioch Incident, Salvation by Faith | 5 | Holy Spirit | Guidance of the Holy Spirit Fruit of the Holy Spirit | ||
3 | Law or Faith Receiving the Holy Spirit | Part 3 | 6 | Conclusion | Circumcision and the Cross Greeting |
Chapter 1 The Origin of the Gospel and the History of Becoming an Apostle
1-5 Greeting; Paul, an Apostle by the Will of Christ and God the Father
6-10 There is no other gospel; You who are children by the grace of God follow a different gospel.
11-17 The history of Paul's apostleship; the gospel I preached was a revelation of Jesus Christ
18-24 Three years later, he went to Jerusalem and met Peter (15 days) and James
Chapter 2 Antioch incident and righteousness obtained by faith
1-10 Apostle to the circumcised and apostle to the Gentiles; Paul acknowledges the apostle of Gentiles like the apostle Peter
11-14 Rebuking Peter; When James' people came to Antioch, Peter, who was eating with the Gentiles, avoided them, and Paul rebuked him. Barnabas also acted like Peter
15-21 Salvation obtained by faith and Peter's crime, death to sin and the law, Paul
Chapter 3 Receiving the Holy Spirit, the law, and the gospel
1-14 About receiving the Holy Spirit, righteousness from faith, law and curse, liberation from the curse and receiving the Holy Spirit
1-5 Receiving the Holy Spirit was accomplished by believing in Jesus. 6-9 Explanation of the righteousness obtained through Abraham's faith
10-14 Explanation of the curse due to the law and our redemption from the curse by hanging on the tree of Christ, and the blessing of Abraham to the Gentiles, and the reception of the Holy Spirit through faith
15-20 Law and promise; The promise between God and Abraham cannot be abolished by the law that came 430 years later. The law confines the world under sin, and the promised gift can be received through faith through Christ.
21-29 Law and faith; Before the age of faith came, the law served as an elementary school teacher. Through the baptism in the name of Jesus, we became children of God and were clothed with Christ, so if we belong to Christ, we become children of promise and heirs of Abraham.
Chapter 4 Children of God (Freedom and the Holy Spirit) vs. Children of the flesh (Servants, Children of Hagar)
1-7 Children of God; We were in the elementary studies, but when the fullness of time had come, He brought forth His Son under the law, and He saved us who were under the law, and made us children and gave us the Holy Spirit
8-20 Concerns about the Galatians; Are you worshipping idols in the past and now serving them again? Do not be deceived by the zeal of the counterfeiters, but strive to form the image of Christ
21-31 Hagar and Sarah Children of promise and children of the Spirit; Hagar was a child of the flesh, and Isaac was a child of promise, so you are children of the Spirit, free and inheritors of heaven.
Chapter 5 Free from the works of the flesh under the guidance of the Spirit
1 Since we have been set free by Christ's liberation, do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery
2-12 Let us put away the one who insists on circumcision, waiting for the hope of righteousness through the Spirit
13-15 Christian freedom; We have been called to freedom, so we serve one another in love
16-24 The deeds of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit; Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness)
25-26 Let us live by the Spirit, so let us be led by the Spirit.
Chapter 6 Circumcision and the Cross of Christ
1 Living under the guidance of the Spirit, correcting people's mistakes with gentleness and being careful of temptation
2-5 Bear one another's burdens, being humble, looking after your own business, carrying your own load
6-10 Be with those who teach you good things, following the Spirit, not losing heart in doing good
11-18 Those who are pretentious insist on circumcision to avoid persecution. I will not boast except the cross. Whether or not you are circumcised is not the issue, but becoming a new person is what is important. I have the mark of Jesus. Blessing
I brought the information that I organized (summarized). The book of Galatians also emphasizes the Holy Spirit. The book of Romans is the same. It is not about how to do the Law, but about living under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Now, you will understand a little that living by faith means living under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In both the book of Galatians and the book of Romans, Paul says not to live by the flesh, but to live under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Receiving the Holy Spirit and serving in the new way of the Holy Spirit is the life of living by faith. Only when you understand this part can you understand the words of Jesus in the Four Gospels. The Apostle Paul explains in the book of Romans and his epistles about his experience of spreading the gospel, performing miracles, and establishing a church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit for about 20 years, breaking away from the old way of serving according to the Law. When you receive the Holy Spirit, you become a new creation and become God’s work, so it becomes easier to keep the law under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God has already explained this in the book of Ezekiel.
Ezekiel 36:24. I will take you from the nations and gather you from all the countries and bring you into your own land.
25. I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols.
26. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you. I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
27. I will put my Spirit in you and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey them. (NIV)
When we receive the Holy Spirit, this is what happens to us. That is why Jesus told us to receive the Holy Spirit and preach the gospel when he ascended to heaven. If we miss the procedures that must be followed, we will face many problems. However, Jesus said that if the fathers of the world ask for bread, no one will give them a stone. How much more if we ask God for the Holy Spirit, he will give it to us. He made the same promise in Joel, and Peter also said in Acts 2:37-38 that he would give us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the first gift of the saints that we must receive by following the procedure. If we give up everything, including our house and car, and receive the Holy Spirit, we will receive everything. Let’s see this too.
Acts 2:37. ○When they heard this, they were pricked in their hearts and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?”
38. Peter said to them, “Repent, and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
39. For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.” (NIV)
I also received the Holy Spirit in the order 100% according to the above verses. First, God came to me and made me repent with the words of love in 1 Corinthians 13. This was around 1987. I struggled for 5 years to live by the words of love in 1 Corinthians 13. It was not because I was good, but because I saw my sinful appearance so clearly and strongly that I could never live as evil as before. God came to me without warning and gave me fear and made me read the Bible, and because I saw so strongly that the Bible was right and I was evil, I struggled to live that way. Then, on May 19, 1991, I was baptized in the name of Jesus at Jangyu Banseok Church by my evangelist Elder Kim Seong-su and the pastor at the time, Pastor Seong Gyeong-seok, and received forgiveness for my past sins from God. Then, in the early spring of 1992, when Pastor Park Gi-su was preaching at Seonmin Church in Sillim-dong, Jesus came in black and white, filling the sanctuary and breathing red fire from his mouth into my chest. Two or three small flames like candles appeared in my chest, and my hands sweated and I felt like I was in heaven for three days. And for 33 years, I have been reading the Bible as above, organizing (summarizing), and evangelizing to people I meet. In the midst of all this, God made me gradually understand the above contents over a long period of time. Hallelujah!! And when I touched the sick, God healed various diseases. I also experienced the interpretation of tongues. At the time, I was a person who had passed the first civil service examination and was preparing for the second, so I knew nothing about this. And after receiving the Holy Spirit, about 20 years later, I began to understand these principles and what had happened to me while reading the Bible. No one explained it to me.
Now, the contents that the Apostle Paul accomplished while serving are well recorded in the Book of Romans.
Love is the fulfillment of the law
Romans 13:8. ○Owe no one anything except to love one another. He who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.
9. For the commandments, “Do not commit adultery,” “Do not murder,” “Do not steal,” “Do not covet,” and whatever other commandment there may be, are all summed up in this one word: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
10. Love does no evil to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. (NIV)
The Apostle Paul knew, believed, and loved Jesus all his life. The greatest love of all loves is to spread the gospel. Although they may not know the contents of the Bible well, there are probably 500,000 evangelists in Korea who have received the Holy Spirit and are spreading the gospel. They are all people who practice love well. If you want to evangelize, you must get along well with everyone, endure, and love. Then you can evangelize.
As the Apostle Paul lived this way, he saw that he fulfilled all the laws even though he did not keep every single letter of the law. This is because the purpose of the Law is to practice love, practice justice, and live a faithful life. God, who has love, justice, and faithfulness as his attributes, expressed his attributes in the Laws of the Pentateuch. He gave this Law to Israel through Moses and to all of us in the New Testament era.
There is also another important content. We must understand it together by connecting it to the book of Romans.
Romans 3:31. Do we then nullify the law through faith? God forbid! On the contrary, we establish the law (NIV)
What do we do with the Law when we live a life of faith? He says that we will never nullify it, but rather establish it. This is also the word that His servant, the Apostle Paul, acknowledges and says. He says that if we live a life of faith correctly, we will not only fulfill the Law, but also establish it. In other words, the Holy Spirit will guide us and never let us live against the Law. And the country where the Law is firmly established and completed is the country with order, justice, and peace and joy. This country is the kingdom of God that God wants to establish on this earth. Because the Law is kept and there is order, justice flows. And because justice flows, there is peace. Where there is peace, joy overflows. This country is the kingdom of God. We must dream of this country. The reality of Korea is that those who correctly understand this Bible can see at a glance how the law, that is, the laws of the world, are not kept and how someone is doing whatever he wants.
Romans 14:17. The kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (NIV)
This is a country that must be established by receiving the Holy Spirit and being guided. The kingdom of God is a country that we cannot establish by overcoming the world and fleshly desires with our own strength without the Holy Spirit. We were saved in order to establish this country. If we are loyal to the visible country, we become patriots and are recognized. However, if we are loyal for the eternal kingdom, the reward and happiness will be eternal. And blessings that cannot be compared to what we enjoy on this earth await us. Apostle Paul had already gone to the third heaven before his death and saw this blessing in advance and was loyal until his death. We do not have to see it, but we just have to believe and go forward.
Now, when we look at Jesus’ words, we can see that they are no different from Apostle Paul’s teachings. Keep the Law letter by letter, and prioritize love, justice, and faithfulness, which are more important than these. And because we are weak because of sin, through His sacrifice, we can believe in Jesus and be forgiven of all our past sins. And after His resurrection, He commanded us, who are still lacking, to receive the Holy Spirit. Those who obeyed that command were the apostles, the saints, Apostle Paul, the Gentile Cornelius, his family, and friends, and through Peter’s sermon, 3,000 and 5,000 people believed and received the Holy Spirit, and they established the Roman church and prepared in various places before Paul went. And in later generations, the Holy Spirit came to believers as a gift without ceasing, allowing them to spread the gospel and establish churches. Now, there is hardly a region in the world where there are no believers in Jesus, and billions of people, or about 30% of the population, believe in Jesus.
If we receive the Holy Spirit and serve in the new way of the Holy Spirit, like the Apostle Paul, we will practice the command of Jesus. We will seek His kingdom and righteousness, fulfill the Law, and establish it firmly. Now you will know that the teachings of Jesus and the Apostle Paul are in perfect agreement.
The one who plays this role is the Holy Spirit. It is so important for us to receive the Holy Spirit. Although Apollos, a doctor of the Bible, was a Jew who was well-versed in the Bible, knew the New Testament, and preached, he did not know about the Holy Spirit. He honestly admitted this. And after hearing an explanation about the Holy Spirit from Priscilla Aquila, he is said to have overcome the chief priests and the teachers of the law with the gospel even more powerfully.
Apollo preaches boldly
Acts 18:24. ○A Jew named Apollos, born in Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was an eloquent man and well-versed in the Scriptures.
25. He had been instructed in the way of the Lord and was fervent in spirit and taught accurately about Jesus, though he knew only the baptism of John.
26. He began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.
27. When Apollos wanted to go to Achaia, the brothers encouraged him and wrote to the disciples to welcome him. When he arrived, he greatly helped those who had believed through grace.
28. For he powerfully refuted the Jews in public, testifying by the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ. (NIV)
Apollo was well-versed in the Scriptures, but he did not know about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. What did Aquila and Priscilla, who were disciples of Paul and received the Holy Spirit, do? Explaining the way of God more accurately and explaining the Holy Spirit to him and allowing him to receive the Holy Spirit have the same meaning. What else is needed for someone who knows and wants to preach the Bible like this? Only the Holy Spirit.
A person who has received the Holy Spirit is someone to whom God has given the gift of the Holy Spirit. God promised with Jesus that He would give the Holy Spirit to someone who has not yet received the Holy Spirit. So, honestly, like Apollos, ask those who have received the Holy Spirit and receive it. It is not shameful. Apollos was a Jew and of high status. He also had a doctorate in the Bible. He is a current theologian and pastor. However, he learned from a lowly tentmaker. And I believe that he definitely received the Holy Spirit. I claim that this person wrote the Book of Hebrews. Is there anyone more suitable than this person?
If Apollos had tried to teach the Bible to Priscilla Aquila when he met them, he would never have gone deeper into the way of God. And Apollos would have disappeared from church history without a name. If Apollos had written Hebrews, it was clearly the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the amazing guidance of the Holy Spirit. An ordinary person who would have disappeared from church history without a name received the Holy Spirit and was used in such a great way. If there is no one more suitable to write Hebrews than this person, it is Apollos. It is our homework to find out what kind of teaching Priscilla Aquila explained to impress the Bible scholar and how Apollos became an evangelist with the power to overcome the priests and scribes he met in the synagogue after meeting them. It is our homework after a long time. However, this is definitely nothing more than Aquila and Priscilla who received the Holy Spirit and spoke about the Holy Spirit and received the Holy Spirit. Now, this person received the Holy Spirit, preached the gospel powerfully, overcame the Jews, and became a leader of the church. Now, the joy of finding the author of the book of Hebrews, which has no author, is another homework for us, but if we solve it up to this point, if there is no one more suitable than Apollos, Apollos is the most likely author.
If I had not received the Holy Spirit, there would be no ceaseless evangelism, and there would be no ceaseless summarizing and organizing the Bible. After quitting my job at a bank, I failed the civil service exam that I studied for eight years, failed my marriage, and everything I wanted to do went down the drain. What kind of motivation would I have to live in this world? And there is little chance that I will overcome 40 years of extreme poverty and various major failures and live. However, the driving force for me to read the Bible, organize it, and evangelize is the Holy Spirit’s indwelling and inspiration. He gave me the joy of understanding the Bible without ceasing, and that joy became the driving force of my life. It was so wonderful and sweet that I could hear it with a ceaseless heart. That comfort was the voice of the Lord saying, “I love you,” “Don’t worry about anything,” and “Be strong.” God did this, so I have been running for 40 years without any time to feel discouraged or difficult. The constant comfort and encouragement is the driving force that has brought me this far. And the joy of realizing the truth of the Bible while preaching, reading the Bible, and organizing it is the greatest in the world. This joy has helped me overcome all trials. All pastors, elders, and theologians in the world should know how foolish, difficult, and worthless it is for pastors, elders, and theologians to do theology and ministry without receiving the Holy Spirit, who is so good, just because they have learned a little about the Bible.
I have tens of thousands of pastors, so what are you? I am the best theologian in the world, so what are you? I am an elder with all the money and fame, so what are you? You may ask, but the heretics who are the greatest enemies of Jesus also number in the hundreds of thousands. You should not try to hide your ministry without receiving the Holy Spirit by the number of believers you serve. You must be absolutely honest.
All materials that were preached without a correct understanding of the Bible have already been made known to the whole world in books and videos, so they cannot be given again. If you live like this and die and go before the Lord, you will be judged, and all those materials will become trash. Please believe me. All the sermons, lectures, books, videos, etc. that you preached without properly knowing the truth and without verifying because you were immersed in theology will become trash before the truth and will remain as great sins that led the sheep to an imperfect path, and there will be absolutely no way to avoid judgment. I hope that all those who do theology, pastor, and serve as elders without the Holy Spirit will shiver before this fact and feel fear rushing in like a waterfall, and will just naturally bow down to God, repent of their sins, and receive the Holy Spirit and joyfully and joyfully pastor, do theology, and serve as elders. I earnestly urge you in the name of Jesus. If the Apostle Paul came to this age, what would he do if he saw the church today? And what would he say after seeing the understanding of the book of Romans that he preached?
Even if you become a pastor, an elder, or a deacon (elector), if you do not experience the Holy Spirit, you can ask a deacon who is a believer who has received the Holy Spirit and evangelizes like Apollos, or go to a meeting to receive the Holy Spirit, or pray to God with a heart of earnest longing for the Holy Spirit, and I believe that God will surely give you the Holy Spirit as a gift.
It would be the most unfortunate thing for someone who has not received the Holy Spirit to believe and claim that he has received it and not receive it. I am sharing this information because I received the Holy Spirit. I am not a Bible scholar, a theologian, or a pastor serving a church. I am just an ordinary person (pastor) who reads the Bible, preaches, and lives the world like any other office worker, and has a family. However, God made it easy for me to preach, read the Bible, organize (summarize), and understand. I did not make any great efforts, and everything was just revealed to me in order by God.
Everything is God’s grace. I believe it is a great blessing given to me. It has been 42 years since I left the bank. My first wife left me because I had no hope, and I failed the civil service exam and all my worldly endeavors. So I lived in extreme poverty for about 40 years in Korea. I still don’t have a house and I have a little debt. I have a family and my son is now going to college. My wife came from a foreign country and is working hard.
However, I believe that reading the Bible, organizing, and understanding it is the greatest blessing in the world. I also believe in the words that God adds everything.
I believe that the explanation I gave is the most advanced and accurate in the entire world regarding the teachings of Jesus and the Apostle Paul on Romans, Galatians, and justification by faith. Through this realization, the churches of the entire world will become one. And through English study through Chat GPT that I am introducing, all people on earth will become one. I am a tool of God called for this world.
I first met God and prayed to be His tool. And in order to keep this promise, I had to study English diligently, study the Bible diligently, and evangelize well, but I have never done anything right. I am just a person who is always lacking and incompetent in every way. Everyone who knows me knows that I am below average. And I committed great sins before I believed in Jesus, and even after I believed in Jesus, I did not live properly in many areas, and I also received great discipline. Only the boundless love of God, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the amazing patience of our Lord Jesus led me to this place where I was lacking in everything.
The reason why He allowed me to understand this amazing Bible is to prove that all believers in the world, even if they are wrong now, can receive forgiveness from God and live in a right relationship with God if they repent. In other words, all believers in the world can repent and go the right way. There are sins in the Bible that are difficult to repent of, so you should understand them well and never commit such sins. It is having the wrong attitude toward the work of the Holy Spirit. And even if we don’t know much, we believe that loving God and our neighbors with all our heart, strength, and will will lead to the safest and right life. I pray that everyone will receive the Holy Spirit and be victorious.
Let me summarize God’s salvation. God loved Israel for 1,000 years. The Trinity God that we know loved them. First, He gave them the Law, the Pentateuch, and said that if they kept it, they would be blessed, and if they broke it, they would be cursed. All of Israel made a covenant with Amen. And for 1,000 years, Israel continued to sin, was rebuked, was judged, and repented. Then, through the time of Habakkuk, and during the time of the prophet Jeremiah, they were destroyed. First, Northern Israel was destroyed by Assyria in 722 BC, and Southern Judah was destroyed by Babylon in 586 BC. There was a few one who lived by the Law. God’s patience also reached its limit. Habakkuk asked God to judge his own people, Southern Judah. Injustice was so severe that it was difficult for those who wanted to live righteously to live. That’s why they were destroyed. God knows this very well. He has the experience of giving the Law and telling people to keep it for 1,000 years.
Now, God knows that humans cannot keep the Law well, and now He wants to save humans in a completely different way. And the purpose is the same as the Old Testament. He wants to save all of humanity so that they can keep the Law well. We have seen Ezekiel 36 above. He wanted to create people who believe in Jesus, are baptized in water, and receive the Holy Spirit, so that their hearts become soft and they can keep the Law well.
This comes from God’s love for us. In order to save sinners with this purpose, there is first God’s love for us. And as a practice of that love, the Son of God came to this earth as a baby through a virgin. And he preached the gospel of the kingdom of heaven and was crucified on the cross to die in our place. He died for our sins. He shed blood and died. Through this, God’s love and justice are revealed at the same time. God’s justice includes the appropriate punishment for sin, and Jesus received the punishment we deserve. Jesus received the punishment of all mankind and died on the cross. Now, if anyone believes in Jesus, repents, and is baptized in his name, that is, is baptized with water, God forgives their past sins. The Holy Spirit will surely come as a gift to those whose sins have been forgiven. The time and form may vary from person to person, but He will surely come. I also received the Holy Spirit in that way. And through this, there is the blessing of being born again, becoming a new creation, becoming God’s workmanship, and being sealed with God’s seal by the Holy Spirit. In this way, we become God’s workmanship. Now, what this person does under the guidance of the Holy Spirit is to complete the Law and establish it firmly, as explained by the Apostle Paul. In this process, the Law (the Pentateuch) makes us aware of sin and prevents us from going down the path of sin. If we do not know the Law well, we become seriously ignorant of this sin. The Holy Spirit makes all who receive the Holy Spirit a new creation, guides them on the good path, and makes them practice love by spreading the gospel. In doing this, although we die to the Law and to sin, we still have desires because we live in the flesh, so there is always a fight when we receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. However, if we live according to the Holy Spirit, there is eternal life, and if we live according to the flesh, there is death. Through this, God establishes the kingdom of God, a kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit on this earth. This is the core of the gospel.
I have discussed all of this with Chat GPT several times. The AI only knows the Catholic and Protestant content that theologians and Bible researchers have already inputted for it, but when I tell it this content, the machine immediately finds the Bible verses that were inputted for it and confirms them, and accepts what I am saying as the truth. What I am telling you is the correct content that no one can deny if we find and understand the Bible as above. It is absolutely not difficult.
Now, in Romans, God justifies those who live by faith, and the content of that life is the content of all chapters in Romans. The meaning of living by faith means living each day with faith and righteousness like Habakkuk, and living a life where the first and last faith are consistent and consistent in the eyes of God like Abraham. Also, like in the Epistle of James, it says that a life should be one that follows the act of offering one's son. And it emphasizes that the actual form of a life of faith should be a life guided by the Holy Spirit.
Romans, Galatians, and other scriptures in the New Testament emphasize that we should live each day under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. At this time, we will complete and firmly establish the Law. In other words, the book of Romans explains how our daily lives should be and how they should be led by the Holy Spirit. If we understand it this way, most of everything will be resolved, and it will be in harmony with the Book of James and perfectly consistent with the words of Jesus in the Four Gospels. Jesus said that we should keep the Law of the Pentateuch well, and not forget the more important justice, love, and faithfulness. And knowing that we are weak, he told us to receive the Holy Spirit, become His witnesses, and practice this by living a good life. The Apostle Paul wrote his epistles to the church and sent them to live according to the words of Jesus.
I bless you in the name of Jesus so that you may have this understanding. Finally, I will say this. All the churches and believers at that time should become like this, but false teachers come into the church. They tempt the good and gentle Gentile believers and Jewish believers. When they say, “No, you must keep the Law letter by letter to be saved, go to heaven, and be justified. You must be circumcised,” the Apostle Paul was so shocked and terrified that he tried to stop them. He shouted at those who fell for their deception and tried to live without the guidance of the Holy Spirit that they should have not done so. He claimed, “We have already died through baptism and the cross. Now that we have died to the Law, we must live according to the Holy Spirit.”
He never said to abandon the law. He told the saints to actively do good deeds according to the Holy Spirit. There is not a single word in the entire Bible that says to live freely with only faith. He emphasizes that salvation comes by believing in Jesus, and it absolutely does not come by keeping the Law as the Jews did in the past without believing in Jesus. We just need to understand this context. In the era when Jesus came, believing in Jesus was the only way to be saved. We must also understand that we have been given a new mission to believe in Jesus, receive forgiveness for our sins, receive the Holy Spirit, become new people, and now follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and complete and firmly establish the Law. I bless you in the name of Jesus that my understanding will be an opportunity for everyone to see the Bible in a new way.
Please pray for me and my ministry. I will translate this content as time permits and send it to about 700 professors at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Oxford, and Cambridge Divinity Schools, as well as to seminaries in Australia and Canada, and to professors at about 11 theological schools in Korea. Please pray for this as well. All glory to God. Hallelujah!!!
The reason why we can claim that Israel and Korea are one and that the whole world should embrace, love, respect, and live with Israel is because of the words and commands of Jesus, our Savior.
I spoke at length under the title of Jesus and the Apostle Paul. Living by faith, not by the law, means being guided by the Holy Spirit. As he believed in Jesus, received the Holy Spirit, and lived under the guidance of the Holy Spirit for about 20 years, the Apostle Paul saw the completion of the law. This is accomplished through the practice of love, that is, through the testimony of the gospel. And seeing that the law was completed in every letter and article, he saw that living a life of faith did not abolish the law, but established it firmly. In other words, the Holy Spirit leads all believers to complete and establish the law firmly.
If we complete and establish the law in this way, we will be able to obey Jesus’ commands regarding the law the best. If we live this way, our rewards in heaven will be unconditionally great. And what does it feel like for Christians who live like the Apostle Paul? They see the Apostle Paul’s fellow Israelites who keep the law in every letter and article with eyes of love. And Christians who believe in the above are telling Israel to believe in Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit and easily complete the law like themselves. They are letting Israel know that there is such an amazing and blessed way. Nowhere in the New Testament does it say that we should arbitrarily follow the law and throw it away. It is simply telling Israel not to try to follow the law that they cannot keep without knowing Jesus and the Holy Spirit, but to believe in Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit easily. It is telling them to change the way they follow the law.
Now, the goal of the Jews is to follow the law well and become righteous. However, since they do not believe in Jesus, they want to do it by human power. For over 2,000 years, they have been Pharisees by our side as believers, giving strength to the words of Jesus.
Matthew 5:20. For I tell you, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven (NIV)
Clearly, for 2,000 years, the people of Israel have lived as Pharisees and scribes based on the standards of judgment for those who believe in Jesus. Jesus clearly stated in the Bible the basis for judging believers who lived recklessly more than these people at the final judgment. Therefore, no one has any basis for believing in Jesus and living recklessly. In other words, Jesus’ words completely reveal and destroy the claim that “Only faith makes you righteous, saves you, and goes to heaven. And actions do not determine going to heaven. Only faith makes you go to heaven, so actions only determine your reward.” If we do not live according to Jesus’ words above, we will never enter heaven, as Jesus said.
If we understand Romans and the New Testament in this way, the goals of the Jews and us are completely the same. The only difference is whether we go to that goal alone with human power or go with the guidance of the Holy Spirit by believing in Jesus. Jewish and Gentile believers are moving toward the same goal. If we recognize this, we can become closer to the Jews, and the Jews cannot help but pay attention to our path. We have come to an age where we understand God’s word of the law of the Bible like Israel. The Apostle Paul knew and preached accurately, but it seems that it took time for us to understand.
In the past, it would take more than a year to go from Korea to Israel by boat or by walking on land. Now, airplanes have been developed and can fly. Now, if we take an airplane, we can get to Israel in about 10 hours. There is absolutely no reason for Israel to tell us to walk or come by boat. And there is no reason for Israel to take a year to travel between Korea and Israel by old methods, seeing foreigners easily going back and forth by airplane in a day. If there is a more effective, easier, and perfect way to live with the same goal, we can follow it. Why is there a need for stubbornness?
We pray that all Israel will believe in Jesus, the Son of God, and all Israel will receive the Holy Spirit. So that they will become completely new creations and become like Ezekiel 36:24-28, and that they will all complete and establish the law.
Jesus made it possible for Jews and all Gentiles to believe in Jesus and become one through the Holy Spirit. He came to this earth for this purpose. May the blessing of believing in this Son of God, Jesus, be upon all Israel in the name of Jesus.
And I exhort all my fellow Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox believers. In this way, we must read the Bible correctly, love each other, become one, and respect, embrace, and love the Jews, pray for them, and bring them to God.
Therefore, we must live righteously by the law rather than these people. There is no other way than receiving the Holy Spirit and being guided by the Holy Spirit. There is no other way than loving God and our neighbors. The country and its people must deeply apologize for the heinous crimes committed by the believers, that is, the heinous crimes committed against Israel without loving them. And we must never again persecute the Jews, who are God’s eternal love.
Since this is the gospel, when all believers become one beyond denominations and embrace, love, and save the Jews, our Lord will come to this earth with a trumpet sound in the air. At that time, we must love each other without distinction between Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox, and welcome the glorious Lord together.
This blessed truth of peace, order, and unity is preached from Gunsan, Korea. Hallelujah!!
Lord of love! Lord who loves Israel unchangingly! I thank you for allowing a wicked sinner to preach the blessed truth of God to the whole world. All the credit goes to our Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit for preaching this with the boundless grace of God given to a great sinner. And to the church, family, and beloved friends who pray for me and go through hardships together. Jesus! Now that the salvation of Israel is understood through the Bible, the salvation of all Israel is near, and this will be a sign that the day of the Lord’s coming is near. All mankind acknowledges this and everyone comes to Jesus, and in this era, block the tyranny and evil of the great powers who plot war again and try to occupy the world with force, dictatorship, incitement, and ideology that opposes God, and let all countries guard their borders, respect each other, and preach only the gospel! Please stabilize this country, Korea, and unify it, and let it become the light of the East and illuminate the whole world! May all Korean believers acknowledge and accept this understanding of the Bible ahead of all believers in all countries of the world! So that each and every one of them may stand tall as evangelists of the whole world! I pray earnestly in the name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.
As I write this down and pray, God enlightens me. All the contents of Galatians and Romans, which say that it is not the law but faith, mean to live by faith, and this means that since we believe in Jesus and have received the Holy Spirit, we must serve in a new way through the Holy Spirit. There is a meaning in a life of faith that we must live in a new way through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This is what we have tried to solve only through faith. And we have tried to solve it through faith + some actions. In order to be justified, we must live a life of faith, and that life must become a new way through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This is not the method of the old man Paul, who kept the law letter by letter. This is also not the method of the Jews today. We have been struggling for such a long time because we do not understand the work of the Holy Spirit and try to solve it without the work of the Holy Spirit. I bless you all in the name of Jesus to seek, receive, and practice the Holy Spirit. I also tell you this because God has shown me one thing at a time. You and I are no different, and I am a person who has sinned more and thus I am being used like this. I am a person who has committed great sins and has nothing to boast about. I earnestly ask you to always pray for me so that I can always be a humble person. I also always pray for everyone to be filled with the Holy Spirit and live a righteous life.
The reason why we can claim that Israel and Korea are one and that the whole world should embrace, love, respect, and live with Israel is because of the words and commands of Jesus, our Savior.
I spoke at length under the title of Jesus and the Apostle Paul. Living by faith, not by the law, means being guided by the Holy Spirit. As he believed in Jesus, received the Holy Spirit, and lived under the guidance of the Holy Spirit for about 20 years, the Apostle Paul saw the completion of the law. This is accomplished through the practice of love, that is, through the testimony of the gospel. And seeing that the law was completed in every letter and article, he saw that living a life of faith did not abolish the law, but established it firmly. In other words, the Holy Spirit leads all believers to complete and establish the law firmly.
If we complete and establish the law in this way, we will be able to obey Jesus’ commands regarding the law the best. If we live this way, our rewards in heaven will be unconditionally great. And what does it feel like for Christians who live like the Apostle Paul? They see the Apostle Paul’s fellow Israelites who keep the law in every letter and article with eyes of love. And Christians who believe as above are telling Israel to believe in Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit and easily complete the law like themselves. They are letting Israel know that there is such an amazing and blessed way. Nowhere in the New Testament does it say that we should do the law carelessly and throw it away. It is just that Israel should not try to keep the law that is difficult to keep without knowing Jesus or the Holy Spirit, but should believe in Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit and easily keep it under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is telling them to change the way they keep the law.
Now, the goal of the Jews is to keep the law well and become righteous. However, since they do not believe in Jesus, they want to do it with human power. However, they have been Pharisees by our side for over 2,000 years and have given strength to the words of Jesus.
Matthew 5:20. I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (NIV)
Clearly, for 2,000 years, the people of Israel lived as Pharisees and scribes, the standard for the judgment of those who believed in Jesus. Jesus clearly put in the Bible the basis for judging believers who lived recklessly like this at the final judgment. Therefore, no one has any basis for believing in Jesus and living recklessly. In other words, the claim that “only faith makes you righteous, saves you, and goes to heaven. And works do not determine going to heaven. Only faith makes you go to heaven, so works only determine your reward” is completely false and is completely destroyed by Jesus’ words. If you do not live according to the words of Jesus above, you will never enter heaven, as Jesus said.
If we understand Romans and the New Testament in this way, the goals of the Jews and us are completely the same. The only difference is whether we go to that goal alone with human power or whether we go there under the guidance of the Holy Spirit by believing in Jesus. Jewish and Gentile believers are moving toward the same goal. If we recognize this, we can become closer to the Jews, and the Jews cannot help but pay attention to our path. We have come to an age where we understand God’s word regarding the laws of the Bible like Israel. The Apostle Paul knew and preached accurately, but it seems that it took time for us to understand.
In the past, it would take more than a year to go from Korea to Israel by boat or by foot. Now, airplanes have been developed and fly. Now, if we take an airplane, we can get to Israel in about 10 hours. There is absolutely no reason for Israel to tell us to walk or come by boat. And seeing Gentiles easily going back and forth in a day by airplane, there is no reason for Israel to take a year to travel between Korea and Israel using the old method. If there is a more effective, easy, and complete way to live with the same goal, then we should follow it. Why is there a need for stubbornness?
We pray that all Israel will believe in Jesus, the Son of God, and that all Israel will receive the Holy Spirit. So that they will become completely new creatures of a different dimension and become like Ezekiel 36:24-28, and that they will all become those who complete and firmly establish the law.
Jesus came to this earth so that Jews and all Gentiles could believe in Jesus and become one through the Holy Spirit. For this purpose, he came to this earth. I bless all Israel in the name of Jesus, that the blessing of believing in this Son of God, Jesus.
There are problems to be solved on the way to becoming one with the Jews in Jesus. Most of the laws are universal, but there are also some that Israel finds difficult to give up. There are regulations on holidays and sacrifices, and there are also regulations that are only applicable to the Israelites.
However, Jesus came in person and became a priest, a sacrificial law, and a sacrifice. This is the event in which he personally practiced the regulations of the Old Testament law, shedding blood and dying on the cross to atone for our sins. The law that Jesus personally fulfilled is something that we no longer have to keep. Let’s look at the regulations of Ephesus and see the truth that Gentiles and Jews become one through Jesus.
Ephesians 2:12. At that time you were without Christ, aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.
13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the dividing wall of hostility,
15 By abolishing in his flesh the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace;
16 And he might reconcile the two to God in one body through the cross, by which he put to death the hostility.
17 And he came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near.
18 So that through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. (NIV)
It clearly says that Israel and the Gentiles are reconciled by the blood and cross of Jesus and have access to God the Father in the Holy Spirit.
And I advise all my fellow Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox believers. In this way, we must read the Bible correctly, love each other, become one, and respect, embrace, and love the Jews, pray for them, and bring them to God.
Therefore, we must live righteously by the law more than these people. There is no other way than receiving the Holy Spirit and being guided by the Holy Spirit. There is no other way than loving God and our neighbors. The country and its people must deeply apologize for the heinous crimes committed by the believers, that is, the heinous crimes committed against Israel without loving them. And we must never again persecute the Jews, who are God’s eternally loved. Indeed, in the midst of the chilling storm of World War II, there were righteous Christians who risked their lives to embrace, hide, and save the Jews.
Since the gospel is like this, when all believers transcend denominations and become one according to this gospel, and embrace, love, and save the Jews, our Lord will come to this earth with a trumpet sound in the air. Naturally, we must love and save our neighbors first. At that time, we should love each other without distinction between Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox, and welcome the glorious Lord together.
I deliver this blessed truth of peace, order, and unity from Gunsan, Korea. Hallelujah!!
Lord of love! Lord who loves Israel unchangingly! I thank you for allowing a man who was a wicked sinner to spread the blessed truth of God to the whole world. All the credit goes to our Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit for delivering this message through the boundless grace of God given to a great sinner. And to the church, family, and beloved friends who pray for me and go through hardships together. Jesus! Now that the salvation of Israel is understood through the Bible, the salvation of all Israel is near, and this will be a sign that the day of the Lord’s coming is near. May all mankind acknowledge this, and may everyone come to Jesus, and may you block the tyranny and evil of the great powers who plot war again in this era and try to occupy the world with force, dictatorship, incitement, and ideology that opposes God, and may all countries protect their borders, respect each other, and only preach the gospel! Please stabilize this country, Korea, and unify it, and let it become the light of the East and illuminate the whole world! Let all the saints in Korea acknowledge and accept this understanding of the Bible ahead of the saints in all countries of the world! So that each and every saint stands tall as an evangelist for the whole world! I pray earnestly in the name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.
As I write this down and pray, God enlightens me. The entire content of Galatians and Romans, which says that it is not the law but faith, means that we should live by faith, and this means that we should believe in Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit, so we should serve in a new way through the Holy Spirit. There is a meaning that a life of faith must be a new way of life guided by the Holy Spirit. This is what we have tried to solve with faith alone. And we have tried to solve it with faith + some actions. In order to be justified, a life of faith must be lived, and that life must be a new way of being guided by the Holy Spirit. This is not the way of the old man Paul, who kept the law letter by letter. This is not the way of the Jews today. We have suffered for so long and so hard because we do not understand the work of the Holy Spirit and try to solve it without the work of the Holy Spirit. I bless you all in the name of Jesus to long for, receive, and practice the Holy Spirit. I also tell you this because God has shown me one thing at a time. You and I are no different, and I am a person who has sinned more and is thus being used like this. I am a person who has committed great sins and has nothing to boast about. I earnestly ask you to always pray for me so that I can always be a humble person. I also always pray for everyone to be filled with the Holy Spirit and live a righteous life.
Please support Pastor Kim Jeong-gwan of the Republic of Korea
jkdavid@hanmail.net Kookmin Bank (국민은행) account number 831-24-0224-378. 김 정관