- 강낭콩 Bean
. 학명; Phaseolus vulgaris
. 개요; 콩과의 한해식물. 남미원산. 높이 40센티내외.
. 효능; 이뇨, 혈당, 수종, 좌골신경통, 류머티즘, 신장, 방광, 요산축적, 여드름, 습진/발진/가려움증에 효과
. 사용법; 2티스푼의 꼬투리를 4컵의 물에 넣고 3시간을 다려서 하루 2컵을 음용하거나 습진 등은 콩가루를 피부를 씻고 바름
1 학명과 약용부위
- 학명; Phaseolus vulgaris
- 약용부위
. Pods, beans
. 꼬투리, 콩
2 통명
- 영어; Kidney bean, common bean, green bean, navy bean, pinto bean, snap bean, string bean, wax bean
- 한글; 강낭콩
3 개요
- 남미원산 1년생식물
. 전세계에서 재배되고 중국이 80%생산
- 잎은 어긋나며 각 잎은 3개로 구성
. 꽃은 백색, 황색, 혹은 적색
. 콩은 20개가 넘는 품종에 따라 다양
- 마른콩은 성숙후 채취
나머지 종류 콩은 성숙전
The kidney bean is an annual, twining plant which probably originated in Southe America and which is still the predominant bean cultivated in the Americas. Its leaves are alternate, each leaf consisting of three broad-ovate to rhomvic-ovate, entire, pointed leaflets. The white, yellow, or purplish flowers grow in sparese axillary clusters. The fruit is a green or yellow pod; the color of the seeds, or beans, depends on the variety. Diverse as they are, all the beans named above are varieties of the kidney bean. The dry beans are picked when mature, the others at various stages of immaturity.
4 효능
- 이뇨제
. 혈당강하, 당뇨식이; 꼬투리(8키로/주) 조리섭취
. 열매성숙전 신선한 꼬투리가 효과
- 꼬투리차; 민들레 등 허브차와 같이 혹은 교대 사용
. 수종, 좌골신경통, 만성 류머티즘, 신장/방광, 요산축적, 임신알부민손실방지
- 달이기; 여드름 효과
- 습진, 발진, 가려움증; 콩가루 외용
. 2-3시간마다 독일카모마일로 세척후 외용
Diuretic. Bean pods are effective in lowering blood sugar levels and can be used (with the concurence of a physician) for mild cases of diabetes. A bean pod diet for this purpose would ean eating 9 to 16 pounds of pods per week (they can be cooked like vegetables). The pods are most effective before the beans are ripe, and fresh pods are most effective than dried. Dried pods are particularly to be used in conjunction or rotation with other efficacious herbs, such as bilberry, milfoil, dandelion, and juniper. These can be taken, alone or mixed, as a tea. Bean pod tea is also useful for dropsy, sciatica, chronic rheumatisom, kidney and bladder problems, uric acid accumulations, and loss of albumin in the urine during pregnancy. Prolonged use of the decoction made from the beans is recommended for difficult cases of acne. Bean meal can also be applied directly to the skin for moist eczema, eruptions, and itching. Wash the skin every 2 to 3 hours with German camomile tea and apply new meal.
5 사용법
- 달이기
. 2티스푼-세줌의 말린 꼬투리와 1리터의 물을 3시간 달임
. 하루 0.5리터 음용
Decodtion; Use anywhere from 2 tbsp. to 3 handfuls dried, amall-cut pods with 1 qt. water. Boil for 3 hours. Take 1/2 to 3/4 qt. a day.