I apologise for the thing I'll use English.
With this computer, I can't wirte down Korean.
The thing is that my boss, he isn't Korean but bloody shit in terms of the problem I'll say, told me
he won't pay my superannuatioin.
But I need a proven payslip to apply for PR visa and it says how much super my boss paid.
So I've got to pay my super by myself instead of boss. Bloody fucking bullshit.
So I just wonder what happen to me and boss if I don't pay super.
Thank you.
첫댓글 ATO에 저나하세요,, 상황 설명하시면 ATO에서 알아서 인베스티게이션해서 문제가 있다면 문제 풀어줘요,, 비자 관련해선 모르겠구여,, 참 ATO저나하고 문제 해결되기까지 시간은 좀 걸려요,,ㅡㅡ;
I don't want to make a trouble between me and boss. I need to keep working there for 900 hours. But thank you very much.
Plus...wage is not bad...around 15dollars...
I pay tax.
연금문제는 잘 모르지만,,책임은 고용주가 내야되는걸로 압니다.다만 편의상 회사측에 내주기도 하는데... 연금이 밀릴경우 텍스오피스로 연락이 갑니다. 그럼 텍스 오피스에서 본인에게 연락이 갈꺼구 그럼 안낸 연금에 패널티 까지 물게 됩니다. 약3개월 정도는 신고상 유도리로 봐 주지만 그이상은 잘 모르겠네요.
이나라 고용 법으로는 고용주가 피고용인에게 연금을 내주는것이 법인데 본인이 받는 wage에 최소 9%~ 부터 받게 되있습니다. 본인이 직접 super fund에 돈을 저축 하는것과 고용주가 업체이름으로 fund에 돈을 넣어주는 것은 기록에 다 남기때문에 본인이 돈을 낸것은 별 도움이 되지 않을것같네요.. 정식직원으로 일하시는건지 아님 Cash in hand 로 일하시는건지 그게 젤 궁금하군요..
I'm a permanant part timer. And I pay tax. I'm responsible for my tax, not my boss. So he doesn't care about my tax. The only thing that matters is super.
기분이 많이 나쁘시겠네요.. 하지만 여러명이 함께 하는 카페인데..욕은 좀... 한국말로 번역하면 엄청난 욕이네요...자제해주시길..
Sorry. Fucking, bullshit, mother fucker or thiings like that have become my word I use often.
It's very common for pay to be TCC (Total Cost to Company), i.e. inclusive of super and taxes. There's no law against TCC packaged wages, and unless your contract explicitly states your BASE wage to be $xx, then you can assume that the wages that were stipulated are TCC packaged wages. That means you should be getting the following: gross = $13.76, super = $1.24, deduct tax = $3.99, net = $9.77
Jesus... Super is absolutely responsibility of employers. In other words any employees don't pay their super like what you sadi. Have you ever paid your super by yourself before? Please... speak common sense...
Do you even know what you're talking about? Check the law and your employment contract. i.e. if it says "base" salary of $50,000 then that is your gross pay, and employer is responsible for paying your super and bonus in addition to the 50k. If however, it says "Total Cost to Company" or "package" $59,500, then this includes all super, tax, and bonus. Often both the above are the same salary (50k base + 5k bonus + 4.95k super). It helps if you know what you're talking about. If you don't have a contract, then tough luck. He's still paying you above minimum wages.
Oh, and you asked if I've paid super myself? My super and tax are both docked from my salary, so i get only about 60% of the money that is on my contract (9% super, 30% tax). Why don't you fill your empty brain with something before talking about common sense?
Do you know how I contract with my boss? Why do you think I'm in TCC? And did I swear you? Why do you speak rude expression like empty brain? "Please speak common sense" made you angry??? Gee...What a Korean! Something easy to birstle. Huhh. Anyway I don't need your help. Please don't tell me anymore. Please don't get into my system. And pleasse don't speak like that. Savvy?
그런것도 있네요,, 에이비엔넘버 가지고 일하는 사람들만 쑤퍼 본인이 내는줄 알았어요,,
Because you are clueless and have no idea what you're talking about? Did I say your contract was TCC? I said that it is very common and told you to check your contract. You're the dumbass who insisted that you knew what you were talking about. If you don't want rude responses, don't be rude to people responding to your query regardless of whether you like or dislike the answer.
Luv// It depends on the size of the firm and the payroll practices that they have elected to practice. Since many SMEs don't want to hire full time HR personnel, they'll either outsource payroll or have you do it yourself. The latter is always an option for employees of all firms, if you want to avoid paying the super management fee. Just contact your HR department or payroll provider if you want to manage your own super.
What do you want, dumbass? Do you feel good to vent your suck? Keep going like that. I don't care whatever like shit you talk.
jkim 님 다 맞는 말이에요~ 안되는 영어로 욕쓰지 마시고 남이 정보 알려주면 감사합니다.. 라고 한마디라고 해줄 수 있는 센스부터 기르시길... 아니면 이런글 올리지 마시고 taxation law 공부를 하시던지요...^^
Dear Whitemint, plz see my message I sent. That's why I did like that. Pedantic....showing off...things like that....
케주얼 풀타임 잡이 아닌데 고용주가 수퍼를 낼 필요가 있나요~? 내가 잘못 아는건가~? 텍스까지 지금 본인이 내고 있는데 회사에서 슈퍼 낼 필요는 없다고 생각이 드는데요...저도 잘못 알수도 있으니까 잘 알아 보세요..좋은 일자리 잃을수도 있어요~
이런 고민은 전문가에게 직접 자문을 구하는 게 나을 뻔 했어요.
뜬금없지만...또 싸우고들 있다...휴..
초등학생이 대학생형한테 '네가 담배맛을 아냐?' 하는 격입니다.