31, July, 2023, Monday.
The 40-Day Movement That Changes the World(Acts 1:3)
After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.
Hymn #325 Living for Jesus (Unified Hymn 359)
Jesus did the 40-day movement that changed the world. Moreover, for 10 days, people met in Mark's upper room. In Acts 2:42, people met every week, and in Acts 2:46~47, they met every day. In addition, they also gathered for three Sabbath days and for three months. Finally, during the Tyrannus movement, they focused for two years. Those were the times to change "me" through the throne. At that time, they carried out "limited concentration, selected concentration, and Oneness concentration" that saved everything. When you concentrate, there are four key aspects to keep in mind. First, if you're caught up in your old thoughts, you won't be able to see "The Throne's Blessing." Second, you must never be deceived by words that prevent you from receiving answers. Third, keep in mind that many people will act in ways that'll make the church fail. Fourth, don't try to receive answers according to your level; instead, ask God what He wants. In fact, that's the most important. God knows the answers and will give them according to His time schedule. Then, through the 40-day concentration, what must you do?
1. What must be discarded?
The Israelites lived while reliving the miracles that had taken place until then. They boasted of many works, such as the Kibbutz movement, the chosen people movement, the legalism movement, and the Three Feasts movement. However, because of those, they lost hold of the Gospel. As a result, they were completely seized by Satan's 12 strategies. Today, if those 12 are discarded, works will unconditionally arise.
2. What must be planted? - 3·9·3
The power of the Triune God must be planted in your life, soul, and daily life. In doing so, the throne; the transcendence of time and space; and the answer of 237 will inevitably come. From that point on, unprecedented and never-repeated answers will come, and complete answers regarding the past; today; and future will emerge.
3. What new power must you have?
At this time, "only" will appear because it's "only Christ, only God's Kingdom, and only Holy Spirit." From then on, as you wait for "uniqueness," you must challenge toward "re-creation." By finding these answers, you'll have no reason to worry about the future.
Businesspeople and Remnants must first receive 300 percent answers then head out. Simply put, they must possess 100 percent of their specialization, 100 percent of answers to give to others, and 100 percent of answers for the field where these will take place.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, for these church officers, please grant them the powers of the Holy Trinity and the throne and the power to save "The 3 Ages." Furthermore, grant them the blessings of "limited concentration; selected concentration; and Oneness concentration." Within these, help them discard those which aren't Gospel. Through 1; 3; and 8, may the setting of "only; uniqueness; and re-creation" take place. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
Business Missions / 23, July, 2022.