On silence
We may find a violence in some of the traditional imagery //which tends to obscure the changelessness of God,
the peace, which [nearly all //who approach Him] have reported—the “still, small voice.”
And it is here, I think, that the pre-Christian imagery is least suggestive.
Yet even here, there is a danger /lest the half conscious picture of some huge thing at rest
—a clear, still ocean, a dome of “white radiance”—should smuggle in ideas of inertia or vacuity.
* LEST ; for fear that, so that (one) should not, so as to prevent any possibility that.
[The stillness //in which the mystics approach Him] is intent and alert—at the opposite pole from sleep or reverie.
They are becoming like Him.
Silences in the physical world occur in empty places: but the ultimate Peace is silent through very density of life.
Saying is swallowed up in being.
There is no movement /because His action (which is Himself) is timeless.
From Miracles
Compiled in Words to Live By