The title of this book is "The Journey of Three Plastic Bottles."
The first plastic bottle is threw the bottle into was thrown into a trash can.
The second plastic bottle tumbling the river, the bottle ended up in the ocean tumbled into the river and ended up in the ocean, where sea animals eat plastic and sea animals get seek become sick.
The third plastic bottle dink a water and throw the recycling bin was used for drinking water and then thrown into the recycling bin.
I think this book is fun.
Score: B+
- 문법: "is threw the bottle" 대신 "was thrown into"라고 해야 하고, "sea animals get seek" 대신 "sea animals become sick"이라고 해야 해요.
- 내용 추가: "왜 플라스틱이 바다로 흘러가는 것이 해롭고, 재활용이 중요한지 설명을 더 추가해 보세요!"