Former commander refutes ex-defense minister, shaman testifies before lawmakers
노상원 전 정보사령관이 김용현 전 국방부 장관을 반박하고, 국회에서 증언한 무속인 이선진씨
무속인 비단아씨 "노상원, '김용현과 잘되면 다시 나랏일' 얘기"
계엄 전 노상원이 20여차례 방문한 무속인…국회 국조특위 출석
'노상원이 배신자 색출 위해 군인 점괘 물어봤나' 질문에 "그렇다"
Published: 04 Feb. 2025, 17:23 The Korea JoiongAng Daily / 중앙일보
Former Special Warfare Commander Kwak Jong-keun speaks during a parliamentary special committee hearing at the National Assembly in Yeouido, western Seoul, on Feb. 4, as part of the investigation into President Yoon Suk Yeol's alleged insurrection charges. [YONHAP]
Former Special Warfare Commander Kwak Jong-keun on Tuesday refuted the former defense minister's claim that President Yoon Suk Yeol had ordered the removal of "agents," not lawmakers, from the National Assembly during the brief imposition of martial law.
Testifying before a parliamentary special committee investigating Yoon’s insurrection charges, Kwak, who has been indicted and detained over his alleged involvement in the martial law declaration, stressed that the impeached president had “clearly ordered” the removal of lawmakers. He said the president had called him on a secure phone on Dec. 3 and instructed him to clear people from the National Assembly in Yeouido, western Seoul.
According to Kwak, he received the secure phone from the Presidential Security Service last year.
Reaffirming his previous testimony from Dec. 10, Kwak said Yoon had ordered him “to break down doors and forcibly remove” those inside the National Assembly, adding that there were no agents in the main building at the time of the order.
He additionally confirmed that lawmakers and their aides were the only targets of the removal order.
“I did not hear any instructions to maintain order, protect citizens or that martial law was declared as a mere warning — either before or during its imposition,” Kwak said.
During the fourth impeachment trial hearing on Jan. 23, Yoon’s legal team asked former Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun whether he had been ordered to remove agents rather than lawmakers. Kim responded, “Yes,” adding that Kwak must have misunderstood the president’s orders.
Kim also testified last month that martial law had been imposed as a “warning to anti-state forces” and was not intended to impact citizens negatively. He further said that the decree was not meant to interfere with the legislature or the lifting of martial law.
Speaking in an interview with Democratic Party (DP) Rep. Kim Byung-joo, released on YouTube on Dec. 10, Kwak said that Yoon had ordered him to break into the National Assembly compound and forcibly remove lawmakers as the quorum for the plenary session to lift martial law had not been met.
During the hearing on Tuesday, lawmakers from the conservative People Power Party (PPP) accused the DP of influencing Kwak’s testimony, citing his relationship with Rep. Kim, a former military commander.
Kwak, however, stressed that he had testified “of his own will and at no one’s request.”
Shaman Lee Seon-jin speaks during a parliamentary special committee hearing at the National Assembly in Yeouido, western Seoul, on Feb. 4, as part of the investigation into President Yoon Suk Yeol's alleged insurrection charges. [NEWS1]
On the same day, Lee Seon-jin, known as a shaman whom former Defense Intelligence Command chief Noh Sang-won frequently visited, testified before a parliamentary investigation that Noh had repeatedly asked her about the fortunes of military personnel and to identify “betrayers" after giving her a list of soldiers.
Lee added that Noh also inquired about Kim’s future, where she told him that Kim seemed likely to become defense minister and assured Noh that he could serve the nation again if he worked with him.
Lee previously told local media that Noh had visited her frequently between February 2022 and January 2024 to ask about the fortunes of military personnel.
Noh has been indicted and is currently in detention, accused of conspiring with Kim to plan the martial law plot.
무속인 비단아씨 "노상원, '김용현과 잘되면 다시 나랏일' 얘기"
송고시간2025-02-04 18:10 오규진기자 연합뉴스
계엄 전 노상원이 20여차례 방문한 무속인…국회 국조특위 출석
'노상원이 배신자 색출 위해 군인 점괘 물어봤나' 질문에 "그렇다"
내란혐의 국조특위 출석한 '비단 아씨'
(서울=연합뉴스) 김주성 기자 = 노상원 전 정보사령관이 자주 찾은 것으로 알려진 무속인 '비단 아씨' 이선진 씨가 4일 국회에서 열린 '윤석열 정부의 비상계엄 선포를 통한 내란 혐의 진상규명 국정조사 특별위원회' 청문회에 출석하고 있다. 2025.2.4
(서울=연합뉴스) 오규진 기자 = 무속인 이선진 씨는 4일 '12·3 비상계엄 사태'가 터지기 전 노상원 전 정보사령관이 자신을 찾아와 김용현 전 국방부 장관과 계엄 관련 군 관계자들의 사주와 점을 봤다고 국회에서 증언했다.
이 씨는 이날 '윤석열 정부의 비상계엄 선포를 통한 내란 혐의 진상규명 국정조사 특별위원회'에 증인으로 출석해 "노 전 사령관이 김 전 장관과 함께 문제를 만들어서 잘 되면 다시 나랏일을 할 수도 있다고 말했다"며 이같이 밝혔다.
'비단아씨'라는 이름으로도 알려진 이 씨는 비상계엄 사태 기획에 관여한 혐의를 받는 노 전 사령관이 20여 차례 방문했다는 전북 군산시 소재 점집을 운영하고 있다.
이 씨는 '노 전 사령관이 배신자 색출을 위한 군인 명단을 가져와, 점괘를 의뢰했냐'는 더불어민주당 한병도 의원의 질문에 "맞다"고 답했다.
그러면서 "뭔가 함께 (도모)했을 때 끝까지 따라올 수 있는지 많이 물어봤고, 군인마다 운을 많이 물어봤다"고 말했다.
이 씨는 "(노 전 사령관이) 처음에는 김용현 장관의 이름과 생년월일을 가지고 왔다. 그래서 제가 '이분은 보통 군인은 아닌 것 같다'고 말했다"며 "그때는 (김 전 장관이) 장관이 되기 전인데, (노 전 사령관이) 이 사람이 나중에 장관이 될 것이라고 했다"고 강조했다.
다만 비상계엄과 관련된 이야기가 직접 오갔냐는 물음엔 "전혀 없었다"고 답했고, 노상원 씨가 굿을 요청했냐는 민주당 민병덕 의원의 질문에도 "요청하지 않았다"고 했다.
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