2002 한샘 국제인테리어디자인공모전에서 Grand Prix을 수상한 작품입니다.
심사기준은 아래와 같았으니 참고하시면서 감상하세요^^심사기준
1. 주요평가기준
가. 시장성: 한.중.일의 정서와 문화 및 라이프 스타일.적합성 여부
나. 기능성: 제품의 기능에 대한 사용자 관점의 문제점 도출 및 혁신적
문제해결 여부
다. 미래성: 새로운 주거 문화의 라이프 스타일을 제시할 수 있는 통찰력과 타당성 여부
2. 평가참고사항
가. 창의성: 디자인과 가치 제안의 독자성 여부
나. 현대성: 신기술·신소재의 제품 적용과 응용 여부
다. 유모어: 제품의 외관이나 작동 과정에 유모어적 요소의 효과적 도입 여부
THE NEST HOUSE is a project that suggests a vision for a 2 bedroom apartment,
which refers to chinese model, inspired by the idea: could a space made mainly with
light and movement; become a place which both adults and children can discover,
understand and share together?
We have developed our idea through the construction of an open-space living room in
which a "food area" and a "knowledge area" face each other; the house's inhabitants
can re-configure the space through the opening of shells that enclose the functional
The areas (the nests), when they are closed and the free space is maximized,
become kinds of mysterious objects which also function as large-scale luminous
objects that enlight the environment through their colored/reflected light.
When opened, the nests reveal their core, a space that displays its own function: the
food area is the area where the family cooks, eats and joins together through food;
the knowledge area is both a bookcase and a digital equipped space with an
embedded multimedia PC where both adults and children can explore traditional and
digital culture.
It was important to preview how this space would be seen by a growing child, and
therefore the functional areas are designed to be source of imagination for a young
child as well as useful places for when he/she will be older; the walls let scatter the
light through all the house, this is a place thought of as a social space where for
example the opening of the kitchen unit is a kind of ceremony that says "…this is
food time…"
The project is entitled "the Nest house" not only for an assonance with "Next House",
which really wasn't intentional, but mainly because the life of a working couple with
one child is often limited during the week to a short time in the morning and some
hours in the evening, so the house itself is
at last the nest where a modern family may regather, it seemed interesting to us to
image a nest made by other smaller functional nests that embody the two vital-points
that in our opinion bind people out of their places of work: eating and communicating
to each other (perhaps at the same time, of course).